Archives For Colin Flaherty

From a Jack Cashill review:

In White Girl Bleed A Lot, Colin Flaherty bravely goes where the major media dare not follow. In short, he tells the truth about America’s otherwise unspoken epidemic of black on non-black crime.

What makes this otherwise grim saga so readable is Flaherty’s magical sense of humor. Among contemporary authors only Flaherty’s fellow alchemist Mark Steyn has a comparable ability to transform dread into gold.


Here’s what I recently wrote to Steyn:

Mr. Steyn,

Thomas Sowell has now written two columns about my White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.

You have written zero.

Thus putting a lie to the notion that immigrants are putting hard working Americans out of jobs.

Follow @ColinFlaherty

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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Intermittent Color Blind Syndrome: Why So Many Editors Have it.


Most episodes of black mob violence are not this convenient: Unwitting predators hurling racial expletives. In front of witnesses. In broad daylight. On a busy street corner.

But that is what happened in Brooklyn earlier this month when a black mob assaulted a young white couple. Some cases of racial violence are so blatant and horrific even the most determined editor cannot ignore them.

But other than that, most editors say they do not report black mob violence because they have no evidence of “racial motivation.”

That is what the editor of the Virginian-Pilot said after a mob of 50 black people beat two of his reporters — and he did not even run a news story on it.

These are the same editors who find racial motivation in a steady stream of stories about black caucuses, black churches, black colleges, black businesses, black TV, black radio, black music, black neighborhoods, black history, and other race-based institutions.

But when it comes to an epidemic of black mob violence, these same editors develop a sudden case of protanopia: Color blindness.

Many of these episodes of black mob violence over the last two years are documented in the new book, White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

Some happen just a few days ago.

In Jackson, Mississippi, a group of black teenagers killed a white senior citizen. A veteran of World War II. The second such attack and murder of an 80-something year old veteran in two months.

Did you read about it? Or anyone connecting the two killings as open season on old white men?

In New Haven, 500 black people attending a party called “An All Black Affair” were fighting and destroying property in and out of a downtown restaurant. Then they took it outside to two other venues, leaving violence and chaos in their wake. No one was arrested. Police were too busy with crowd control, we are told.

all black affair flyer-260x391

Did you you read about it?

How about the 200 black students at the Virginia State University who rampaged through the campus, assaulting people and destroying property. One person was stabbed. One arrested. At Howard University, 9 black people were hospitalized after a riot broke out at a homecoming hip hip concert.


Did you read about that?

How about the group of black people who tore through a New Jersey commuter train, sending four people to the hospital after beating and robbing them?

Or the group of black people at the University of Minnesota who robbed and assaulted four separate groups of white students last weekend? Racial violence is an every day fact of life in the Minneapolis area.

Did you read about that?

How about the thousands of black bikers who converge on Fresno twice a year? When they met earlier this month, 13 people were shot, one fatally. The Washington Post said it was a multi-racial gathering. People who were there called it the West Coast version of Black Bike Week.

Read about it?

This list is very long, very recent — and very incomplete.

More people, perhaps, read in the New York Daily News about black mob violence on the young white couple. Only to have the paper dismiss any notion that race had anything to do with the violence. Just some teenagers, said the paper, quoting one of the locals. Race had nothing to do with it.

A year ago, in National Review, Thomas Sowell said he did not know how bad the problem of racial violence was until he read White Girl Bleed a Lot. “Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is even greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions.”

Today, I realize I did not know how bad it was one year ago.

Judges and professors know it. Last year in Chicago, a judge ruled the city had to pay $22.5 million because it released a white woman from jail into a black neighborhood, where she was pushed or jumped out of a seventh story window.

In his ruling, the judge cited Routine Activity Theory — R.A.T., which says that white people can routinely expect violence if they find themselves in black neighborhoods.

A professor from Harvard spent all day on a Chicago witness stand talking about it. Ever read about R.A.T.?

That’s why I wrote White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

The book documents one epic act of black mob violence — and media denial — after another. More than 500 cases in more than 100 cities. Many on video.

Not just Baltimore and Detroit and Philadelphia and Chicago. Places like Peoria, and Springfield and Des Moines, Iowa.

In 2011, at the Iowa State Fair, mobs of black people attacked white people in and outside of the fairgrounds for three nights in a row. Finally, a reporter asked the spokeswoman for the Des Moines police department what was going on with all this black violence.

She said she did not know why, but it was happening.

Lori Lavorato got fired the next day for telling the truth about racial violence.

Racial violence returned to Des Moines earlier this year when a mob of 20 black people beat to death a father of six. They attacked others who came to his aid; taking their cell phones and throwing them into a nearby river.

Did you read about that?

If that is happening in Des Moines, what do you suppose the rest of the country is like?

Editors are partly right when they say most of the examples of black mob violence do not contain explicit evidence of racial motivation.

But they are mostly wrong.

Every single incident of black mob violence, by itself, does not merit attention from the national media. But together, they form a pattern that every reporter in every newsroom in America knows about.

But refuses to say.

Maybe that is what Eric Holder meant when he said we are a nation of cowards when it comes to race. But I doubt it.

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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Colin Flaherty with the Great Steve Malzberg on NewsMaz TV.

Great job, big man!

Turns out Steve grew up in Brooklyn, near the scene of the recent black mob violence there.

(Video will not embed … Here the link:)




These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.



We have lots of readers in police departments around the country. Constantly sending tips and sometimes just emails like this:

Dear Mr. Flaherty,

I’m a policeman in XXXXX, California. I’ve seen black mob violence for 23 far as I can remember you’re the first one to actually bring it up in the media.


Amazing, huh? This letter is from a cop in a city that is liberal by even California standards.

Pretty sure he heard me on the Armstrong and Getty show.

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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We get lots of letters from victims of racial violence. Here’s one:

Dear Mr. Flaherty,

I keep track as much as possible, to these news stories that report racial violence towards whites and Asians by African Americans and have noticed that they hardly ever make news outside the city limits of the towns and cities they occur in.

My local newspaper studiously omits descriptions of “at large” suspects because they have told me it is not necessary, that the descriptions which often do include color of clothing,(easily changed) height and weight could “fit so many people” they had lost their usefulness.

Not to me, just another potential victim, looking over her shoulder.

I have a special interest of course that causes me to write.

I was kidnapped and raped when I was barely 19, my car forced off the road, my window smashed and my car left running, lights on and with my purse inside.  My mother was notified an hour or so later and for hours didn’t know if I was alive or dead.  The rapist was a 18 year old black man , who plainly told me that he belonged to a group who raped white girls.

The small city I worked in (I was on my way home from work when I was followed) had a very tiny black population.  In California we had never had the kind of racial discrimination that the South did, and the only black person I knew was one girl in my high school.

It turned out there had been many victims of this guy, all white.

This was never mentioned in the newspaper and the only outrage that occurred was by a local member of the NAACP who objected to the newspaper for describing the rapist as “burly” meaning I assume well muscled,  broad shouldered and strong…this before he was found and arrested.

They felt it was a racial slur.  On the other hand, described in fairly identifiable terms, living in a small town, and working at a place that was noted, everyone knew about me.  The pitying looks, the really sickening comments and invasive questions from my friends and neighbors, even relatives were my daily fare

For years afterward, and this was in the 70’s, the media, the colleges and every liberal pundit expressed the belief that black men raping white women was a racial stereotype that held no truth.

Imagine how that stung every time I heard it.   This being the liberal 70’s, his sentence was two years for each of the three victims who found the courage to testify.   When he was let out, he raped white women again (no one noted this particular bent) and went back to jail.

When I first heard of the term “hate crime” it made me so angry…what kind of violent crime isn’t based on some kind of hate?

And if crimes against women of every kind don’t get that extra enhancement, why should anyone?   I appreciate your book and your courage in writing it.  It won’t be an easy time for you,  and I feel bad that your reputation and character will now be vilified for exposing a small part of the truth.


These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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They fought the law ….

For the aficionado of racial violence, a white riot is the Holy Grail: So often talked about, but so rare, some doubt it even exists.

This is in contrast to the epidemic of more than 500 cases of recent black mob violence in more than 100 cities — documented in the new book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.

On a recent Jesse Lee Peterson radio show, a caller disputed the idea that black mob violence exists out of proportion. White people are just as guilty, she said. It’s just they never get arrested.

That is why so many people were so excited at news of the recent “riot” at the University of Delaware: Finally a white riot. Finally, on video.

The occasion was a beer blast at the home of a few members of the school rugby team. On hand to film the bacchanalia were members of the Schmacked TV production crew. They specialize in capturing drunken hijinks on college campuses then showing it on MTV and later selling the videos.

In September, it was Delaware’s turn. And if acting the fool after drinking a few beers was against the law, there is no doubt this was a civil disturbance of epic proportions.

The New York Daily News gave it the full fire-alarm treatment: “University of Delaware students rampage at riot party.” ABC national news could not decide if it was a riot or a near-riot, but it did report some garbage cans got destroyed and some students were walking on people’s lawns. They called that trespassing. Other network affiliates in Philadelphia breathlessly followed suit.

But the video tapes reveal a milder story. This “riot” had major league numbers, with 3,000 students running, jumping, laughing, and stopping traffic on the main street of this Newark college town.

But the violence was non-existent and and criminality was strictly minor league. Especially when compared with some recent black mob violence.

The “riot” began when the off-campus party ended: Soon after, students filled the internet with videos of party-goers dancing on cars. Yes, that left a few dents.

But unlike a recent episode of black mob violence in a Chicago suburb in February, no drivers were attacked. Nobody threw a looted chair from a nearby vandalized store and broke the window of an SUV trapped in traffic.

Much of the mayhem and violence from the 500 black people in that episode was captured on video.

No one was arrested. Neither did it make ABC evening news.

There were no fights or stabbings at the University of Delaware “riot.” Especially if you exclude tussling for free beer.

Not like a recent episode of mob violence over the weekend at the black Virginia State University. There, hundreds of black students roamed the campus — fighting, destroying property. One person was stabbed.

Some of it on video.

One student told the CBS affiliate “it was nothing but chaos.” Another told 8 News he saw a “riot, just commotion.” Another said the mob was moving from one area of the campus to another, leaving destruction in its wake. Finally, police locked down the entire campus for 12 hours.


A warrant has been issued for the alleged stabber. As for the others, no one was arrested. Nothing, so far, from ABC news hound Diane Sawyer.

Neither was the University of Delaware mayhem anything like the huge brawl featuring 200 black students at a party at Central State University in Ohio last May. On video.

Several police officers were attacked. Two students went to the hospital. One person was arrested.

Neither did the Delaware mayhem compare to the huge fight at the black Livingston College in North Carolina last Spring. There, local news stations report 300 black people fought and destroyed property at a campus party. Two people were arrested.

Neither did the Delaware party-goers resemble the crowd at a University of Southern California party last spring. There, 400 black students did not like it when a police officer showed up at 2 a.m. to tell them their party had to end. Or least the music did.

They ignored the cop.

Then started throwing bottles and other objects at him. Soon after 80 police were in the streets in riot gear. The party ended after a few people were forcibly detained. Six black people were arrested.

At the University of Delaware, school officials banned the rubgy team for five years — the death penalty for the program. Two members of the team hosted the party, but it was not an official team function.

At USC, no one got banned. Instead, school officials held a community forum to hear students accuse the school of wrong doing: Racial profiling and and other racial abuse at this exclusive college also known as the University of Spoiled Children.

Makiah Green is a USC student who put it all in perspective — the school and the police were to blame:

I had flashbacks to an era I wasn’t even alive to suffer through. I was too scared to go outside, legitimately fearing that an officer would see me and arrest me for being Black and inquisitive.

I can only imagine how my peers felt when they saw over twenty LAPD patrol cars pull up and release 79 officers to end a peaceful, congratulatory party.

It is inexpressibly disheartening to hear fellow students recount horror stories of police brutality two weeks away from being among the first in my family to graduate from a four-year university. To know that my college degree holds no weight in the face of institutional racism and discrimination is sobering.

Today, despite the back-breaking, mind-destroying, soul-sapping institutional racism at USC, Makiah managed to overcome: She is a first year graduate student in a professional writing program.  At USC.

The University of Delaware “riot” did not feature any violence directed at the police — unlike the September episode of black mob violence in the Rochester suburb of Irondequoit. There, 500 black people fought in — and outside of — a movie theater.

Several rioters attacked police, requiring use of a baton to subdue them. After the riot ended, police packed the violent mob in city buses for a trip — not to jail — but home to Rochester.

One person was detained and released, said WHAM TV news. But no one was arrested.

It is rare for anyone to be arrested in most of the examples of black mob violence documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot. At one Philadelphia high school, the principal said she did not report large scale black mob violence directed at Asian students over a several year period because she did not want to “criminalize” the students.

And besides, she said, the Asian students antagonized the black students by not knowing anything about black culture.

In Chicago earlier this year, nine black people were arrested for attacking two white people with a “sockful of locks” in a commuter train crowded with witnesses. A staffer for district attorney later dropped all charges.

In New Haven earlier this month, 500 black people attending an “All Black Affair” fought in and out of the party. And when they finished in front of one venue, they moved to another, where police had to stop the violence there. Then another, where police had to stop the violence there.

No one was arrested. Police said they were focusing on crowd control instead.

At a Baltimore skating rink, a mob of as many as 900 black people fought and destroyed property in and out of the facility, including several nearby businesses.

The dozens of examples of black mob violence connected to the rink over the last yaer range from throwing bricks through police car windows to vandalizing the Denny’s restaurant next door. The violence includes beating clerks and stealing merchandise from a nearby convenience store, fighting with police, jumping on cars – breaking windows and ruining paint – and much, much more.

Two people were arrested at the latest violence in August.

Nothing from ABC national news on that one. But ABC did tell the nation that several Blue Hens were accused of urinating in public.

But at least it was not part of an assault and robbery, as was a recent case in St. Paul, Minnesota earlier this month.

There a white woman reported a car full of black people stopped and asked her for directions. They grabbed her hair, pushed her down, stole her phone, and before fleeing, they held here down, removed her pants, and one of the men urinated on her.

One man has been arrested.

Even by Delaware standards this Blue Hen mob violence was pale. Last year, for the second year on a row, a black promoter sponsored a party for students at black colleges in the area. By 2 a.m. 800 black people were outside, many fighting. Guns were fired. Cars damaged. 300 state police responded.

When asked, a spokesman for the state police said not one of their officers at the scene noticed if the entire crowd was black. Pictures at Facebook and other social media answered that question.

No one was arrested.

Despite the fact there was no violence, no property damage other than a few dented cars and pushed over fence, officials at the University of Delaware are on a full scale hunt to bring these lawbreakers to justice.

Already several students have been expelled. Ten arrested. And over the weekend, the Wilmington New Journal published the photos of 44 more alleged student rioters, most pictured in full party mode with their mouths open in a party yell. The university wants to bring them to justice as well.

The newspaper never posted any Facebook photos or videos in its short, one-day coverage of the black mob violence involving the black college students.

The 44 students face suspension, expulsion and even arrest.

Included in the Delaware 10 already charged was a co-ed accused of disorderly conduct and jaywalking. In Delaware, they call that “walking along roadway where sidewalks are provided.”

Her hometown paper in New Jersey dutifully reported the conduct and even printed her mug shot.

Very few people were crying “don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.” Instead, many were irritated at the newspaper — and the University — for making such a big deal out of such a small thing. Including the girl’s father in the comments section of the local Patch:

My daughter was one of 12 who got their picture taken out of 2400 students that attended this event. She was not charged with anything more than jay walking. She will be found innocent since a picture from a video can not be enough evidence to convict.

She also turned herself in when she found out about it (You failed to mention that in your stellar investigation).

BTW there is an old lady Jaywalking on Central . Go track her down. Great job reporting Nicole . Working for the Westfield Patch. What a great job after $150K of College. You must be so proud

So this search for the Holy Grail of white racial violence must be called a disappointment .

In Albany New York, reporter Carl Seiler insists that it happens all the time, only iwhite violence is often ignored. He gives as an example a white riot called “Kegs ‘n’ Eggs” from two years ago.

The quest continues.

More links to the White Riot:

Westfield Teen Charged in College Riot for Video Series – Police & Fire – Westfield, NJ Patch

University of Delaware students rampage at riot party – NY Daily News

Five more arrested in ‘I’m Shmacked’ near-riot at UD | The News Journal |

Rugby team blamed for near riot at ‘I’m Shmacked’ event

Three charged after unruly ‘mob’ breaks out in downtown Newark – Newark Post: News

▶ I’m Shmacked at University of Delaware: The Main Street Massacre Riot – YouTube

University of Delaware students rampage at riot party – NY Daily News

Livingstone College party gets out of control over the weekend Lastest News – YouTube

UPDATE: LAPD response angers students, raises questions  | Daily Trojan

I’m Shmacked Appearance Triggers Near Riot at U. of Delaware – ABC News

Movie theater fight witness reflects on brawl – 13WHAM – Top Stories

I’m a Scholar, Not a Criminal: The Plight of Black Students at USC | makiah-isms

Man charged in robbery of woman who was dragged, urinated on | Star Tribune

Virginia State University on Lockdown – YouTube

▶ Brawl at Central State University (Historically Black College & University – HBCU) – YouTube

Ford City Mall Riot – YouTube

Two people shot near the Club Network following large fight |

Homecoming week turns violent at VSU |

5 charged after fights that closed Patrick Henry Mall | Norfolk – Hampton Roads

VSU identifies possible suspect in on-campus stabbing – – Richmond, VA News

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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WhiteGirl_300x250_01It happened in Philly, Monday night: A teenage girl was walking home from a football game when she was taunted, stalked, beaten, and thrown into traffic.

All at the hands of 9 teenagers. Unruly teenagers.

I know what you are thinking: Was this a case of black mob violence? People who know aren’t saying. People who are saying don’t know. A preview of a story at Black mob violence has struck again, almost killing another Philadelphia-area girl. Or has it?   The police and the press won’t say if the predators are black. Neither will Joseph Parris, the girl’s father. He refuses to describe the nine or more “teens” who stalked, taunted, beat, kicked, laughed at, spit at, and threw his daughter into moving traffic — ultimately landing her in the hospital with a collapsed lung.   Parris said he was “upset” that anyone would question whether his daughter is the latest victim of an epidemic of recent black mob violence, documented in over 100 cities and 500 occasions in the White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.   Including many in the Philadelphia area.   The mob violence happened Monday night after a high school football game. That much we know for sure.   The unidentified teenage girl was walking home from the field at Interboro High School in Prospect Park when she was “ambushed” by a race-free mob.   The CBS affiliate in Philadelphia broke the story. With her identity concealed, they reported her saying:   “It was scary, just horrible, just the worst feeling in the world,” she said. “He punched me in my back and then kicked me in the back, and then punched me in the back of my head. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk. I was just straight crying.”   The victim says as at least two of the teenagers pummeled her, the others cheered them on shouting, “come on, let’s get her.” At one point, the victim says, the gang tried to throw her under the wheels of a passing car, which swerved, narrowly missing her. Although 10 miles from Center City Philadelphia, the Interboro area — and neighboring Glenolden where the girl lives — is more than 90 percent white. It is connected to Philadelphia with commuter trains.   News of the attack is attracting an unusually high number of comments to the web site of the CBS station that broke the story. People in Philadelphia are outraged at the assault, and even more upset at the CBS affiliate for only describing the predators as “teens.”   They wonder why the station is concealing the identity of the assailants if that would help identify them. Others say black mob violence is common in the Philadelphia area, but the local news refuses to report it.   Of the hundreds who commented on the assault, all but two said they believed the attackers were black — even if they did not have direct knowledge of it. No one contradicted it. One commenter said anyone who believes the attackers were black is “jumping to conclusions and guilty of racial hatred.”   Said one of hundreds of commenters:  

“To CBS “News”..and I use that term loosely: Do you see the damage you MSM have done with your PC orthdoxy? 
Read the comments below. Even is the attackers were some other ethnicity, all the readers believe they are Black. That is because the public has become accustomed to MSM’s attempts to cover up relevant facts such as who is committing the atrocity.   So your grand PC strategy has backfired. Instead of deluding the public by whitewashing your stories and covering up important facts, you’ve succeeded in alerting folks to your duplicity and actually causing people to assume – usually correctly – that the perps are African-Americans. 

  The father took to Facebook to let people know about the violent mob that almost killed his daughter. “We think they were from Academy Park. But are not positive.”   Academy Park is a high school from a nearby town that played Interboro in football the week before. The school is 67 percent black.   “I’m not promoting a racial thing,” said Parris. “I just want the people who did this to be caught.”   Victims of racial violence often hesitate to talk about the experience. After having become a victim once, many do not want to become victimized again by being called racist if they describe their attackers as black.   The beating is the second case of racial violence within one week within a two mile area. The attack from last week, captured on video, showed three black people attacking two white students on a school bus.   The CBS affiliate reported one of the boys had a “a swollen nose, three chipped teeth and other facial injuries.”   Police are charging four black people in connection with the beating: Three students and bus driver who watched.   Comments at the CBS web site for both stories have been disabled and removed.   Meanwhile, near Richmond, officials at the Virginia State University locked the campus down for 12 hours starting Wednesday night, after black mob violence involving hundreds of students broke out. WAVY in Richmond reports “university police began getting reports of a fight on campus involving several hundred people around 6 p.m. Wednesday. Campus police were able to break up the fight and then learned of a man who had been stabbed in the leg.” Soon after, dozens of other fights broke out, and police from a nearby city were called to assist in restoring order. The lockout at this black college meant that students were required to return and stay in their dormitories. Off campus students were told to stay home.
Stay tuned.



These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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Black mob violence and denial have a new poster boy: Ray Widstrand of St. Paul, Minnesota.

Earlier this year, Widstrand moved into a black neighborhood. Soon after, he took an evening stroll and, after meeting some of his new neighbors, he found himself in the hospital — the victim of a vicious beating at the hands of a large black mob. Widstrand suffered broken bones, a fractured skull and permanent brain injuries.

Man in coma after black mob of 50 pummels him

Widstrand said he forgives them. Even though not one of his alleged assailants is asking for forgiveness.

Widstrand says his attackers were just some kids lashing out. And he was a kid once and he did the same thing, so let’s all just get along.


This same drama played out last year in a Chicago court room. A California college girl was arrested at the airport, then released into the deepest and most dangerous ghetto in Chicago.

A black part of Chicago.


Soon after her release, she was attacked and thrown out of a seven-story window.  Her family sued. During the trial, a Harvard professor testified that if a white person walks through a black neighborhood, people can reasonably expect some very unreasonable violence to be visited on that person.

The professor called it Routine Activities Theory: R.A.T.

The judge explained R.A.T. by saying the victim “was a white female in a predominantly black, poor neighborhood (and) she had a much higher risk of predatoryvictimization.”

‘White and black don’t mix’

Judge Frank Easterbrook went on: “She was lost, unable to appreciate her danger and dressed in a manner to attract attention. She is white and well-off while the local population is predominantly black and not affluent, causing her to stand out as a person unfamiliar with the environment and, thus, a potential target for crime.”

The city said R.A.T. was thinly disguised racial profiling and had no business at trial. But at the trial, R.A.T and race were everywhere – no matter how hard the city worked to keep it out. No matter how dedicated local media were to ignoring it.

Easterbrook saidthe situation was so transparently dangerous that Chicago police “might as well have released her into the lions’ den at the Brookfield Zoo.”

The City of Chicago settled for $22.5 million.

Prabhjot Singh had a similar experience in September in Harlem. Singh is a doctor who lives and works there. He too was out for a stroll. He too was beaten, left with a broken jaw and missing teeth when he ran into some of his neighbors.

He too told local reporters he forgave his assailants. Though there is not one sign that any of his attackers is asking for it.

Black mob thrashes white doctor, screams ‘Get Osama!’

Marlin Newburn says their forgiveness is really just a mask for denial. Newburn was a prison and law enforcement psychologist for more than 30 years. He says this fake forgiveness may be placing more people in danger because it allows the media to ignore racial violence. Says Newburn:

When talking about crime victims who have been naïve or otherwise ignorant of dangerous environments, forgiveness also appears to be a knee-jerk response to not just the physical assault, but the traumatic destruction of an ideal the victim may have harbored regarding their assailants,” Newburn said.

“In the case of black mob assaults, victims often believed the supposed put-upon black race need only to be understood and seen as social victims, and a blanket acceptance of all blacks do in life is part of being a good person.

“Prior to being assaulted, many of the victims who I’ve talked with over the years had harbored a sense of nobility and even adolescent invincibility since they had convinced themselves that that their “higher value system” exempted them from social dangers to include physical harm.


After the assault, that belief is destroyed, and something has to replace it quickly for emotional stability, hence, instant forgiveness.

Newburn says some people are too eager to be nice. There is a name for that:

“I just read this victim’s comments to reporters and saw straightaway he is a classic “masochist altruist, non-psychotic”. These people have a need to suffer or “be the victim” in order to assuage feelings of low self-worth, jealousy, envy, anger and/or overall feelings of inadequacy. They have a terrible time experiencing pleasure or joy of any kind.”

Some say that attitude reflects a “blame the victim” mentality. Others say telling the truth may save the next victim.

Widstrand requires assistance with every phase of his life now. He wears a helmet to protect his fractured skull. Singh is back at work as a doctor in Harlem, his jaw wired shut.

The attacks on Widstrand and Singh are part of an epidemic of black mob violence documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.

The day after Widstrand told reporters he was forgiving his assailants, a car of at least four black people pulled up to woman talking on her iPhone on a St. Paul street. KTSP picks up the story:

Three other men got out of the vehicle and one of them pulled her by the hair to the sidewalk, pushed her to the ground, pulled her pants down and then urinated on her, the criminal complaint states. The woman reported she thought she was going to get raped. She heard one man say, “Mitch you took that white b****’s phone.”

Continuing a long tradition, neither of major local papers identified the alleged urinating assailants as black. The only local TV or radio station to do so was KTSP.

No word yet if the woman forgives her wig-wearing attackers for this public humiliation. Widstrand and Singh, however, said they plan to continue living in the neighborhoods where they were attacked, R.A.T., or no R.A.T.



Charges: Woman Robbed of iPhone, Urinated on in St. Paul | KSTP TV – Minneapolis and St. Paul

Latest news

In St. Paul, men in wigs rob woman; one urinates on her, police say –

Miklos Dates Jr. « CBS Minnesota

Man charged in robbery of woman who was dragged, urinated on | Star Tribune

Ray Widstrand, St. Paul beating victim, forgives his attackers | Minnesota Public Radio News
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These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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Black mob violence in Schenectady. The denial.


Colin Flaherty

WhiteGirl_300x250_01It is easy to see why the powers that be want to keep an lid on several episodes of black mob violence in downtown Schenectady.


This is the same kind of violence that caused people to flee places like Schenectady, Flint, Wilmington and hundreds of other cities around the country. Replacing vibrant, small town centers of commerce with hollow, dangerous hulks.


Now that investors are back, trying to rebuild Schenectady, the last thing they want is anyone talking about a large group of black people assaulting patrons in the shiny new downtown movie theater.


But that is what happened: The beat down. And the denial.


It took a while for the story to come out, but in June, an unidentified 46-year old man and his two daughters were watching White House Down when a large group of black people in the theater started making a lot of noise.


The Times-Union picked up the story, minus the racial details, about the movie-goers who:


ran up and down the aisle yelling and banging a plastic garbage can near the entrance to the theater.


As the credits rolled at the end of the movie, one of the young men accosted the victim from behind, punching him in the head, District Attorney William Sanderson said. A second male did the same thing, he said.

After the second punch, the man stood and blocked the third punch before the whole group attacked him, the prosecutor said.

They knocked the man to the ground, repeatedly punched and kicked him and dragged him on his knees, Sanderson said.

When one of the victim’s 15-year-old twin daughters tried to help her father, she also was hit. One of the assailants ran off with her cellphone.

It’s unclear how long the assault lasted, but no one inside the theater tried to help the victim, Sanderson said.

The victim suffered a concussion, a broken nose and an eye injury that is causing vision problems, said the Times-Union. “The concussion has caused him headaches, memory loss, and difficulty in his day-to-day work,” said Sanderson.

Eight black people were arrested and charged with assault after the victim’s daughter identified several of the alleged assailants as people who also attended her high school.

In a separate story, the Times-Union spoke to several business leaders who were “irked” the newspaper reported the mob violence. Even if the local media did neglect to report the mob was black — and part of a pattern of black mob violence around the country documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.

The business leaders say the incident was isolated and the their downtown is safe. That got the full attention of at least one resident at the paper’s comments section:

The gang assault crime by these thugs is bad enough but the other crime is how this story was buried by local officials and the Sch’dy Daily Gazette (the incident took place in June!). It’s all about protecting the reputation of the “little miracle” which is Downtown Sch’dy (forget about the victims here).

Shame on the Daily Gazette, Metroplex, City of Sch’dy (leadership not the cops who responded quickly) and Democrat party bosses for shutting this story down for so long.

A local woman reported a similar experience at another Schenectady movie theater:

They kept their cell phones on, talked loudly throughout the show, and cursed out anyone who tried to quiet them down.

We were actually afraid – so afraid that we would not look back in the theatre and wouldn’t even stop to use the restrooms afterwards. We couldn’t get out of there quick enough. It’s a sad place when people can’t enjoy a movie without being afraid of being attacked by lowlife thugs!!

One poster could have been referring to a 2010 incident in Florida when he reminded movie goers what can happen if you complain to the manager instead:

If other movie patrons refuse to be quiet and orderly, go out to the lobby and tell management to either restore order or give you a refund, as you can not hear and enjoy the movie, which is what you paid your $10 to do.

They will do ANYTHING to avoid giving someone a refund. Of course, if they toss the punks, your beat down will probably occur outside the theatre where they have been waiting for you.

In the Florida case, a Marine on leave from Iraq was watching Little Fockers with his wife when he asked a group of black people to stop making a lot of noise. They refused. The manager kicked them out.

They waited for the Marine, and attacked him and his wife in the parking lot after the movie ended. He was knocked out, she was assaulted, and the attack ended when a passer-by threatened the mob with a handgun. When police arrived, they estimated 300 black people were in the parking lot.

Other movie theaters around the country have also experienced recent and large scale episodes of black mob violence.

In September, a “large-scale brawl” erupted in a Chicago movie theater because some people were “being too loud,” said the Patch. The pictures and videos show everyone in this South Chicago movie theater was black.

Also in September, in Bakersfield, carries a video of a large group of black people fighting in a movie theater parking lot.

Also in September in suburb of Rochester, 400 to 500 black people fought in and out of a movie theater during a showing of Insidious, Chapter 2. A local police officer explained it all to News 8: “They have pent up energy from being scared in the movie theater and they come out and they don’t know what to do with that energy.”

Racial violence in Schenectady is hardly limited to movie theaters: Several night clubs within a mile of the movie theater have also experienced black mob violence this year. State officials suspended at least one liquor license after a large fight and gunfire at Club Illusion, a hip hop club that caters to black patrons.

The Times-Union sums it up: ‘The incident occurred less than a week after Club Illusion served a 15-day suspension and paid a $10,000 fine for eight previous Alcoholic Beverage Control violations that included fights, assaults and excessive noise at the bar.”

Beaten at movies for seeking quiet – Times Union

Schenectady large fight – Google Search

Movie attack called isolated – Times Union

Street justice fails in court – Times Union

New Year’s fight in Schenectady leads to 3 arrests

Shooting results in re-suspension of Schenectady club’s liquor license

Two people stabbed in Schenectady bar melee – Times Union

Group fight at night-club in Schenectady leads to two stabbings – NEWS10 ABC: Albany, New York News, Weather, Sports

SLA suspends liquor license of Schenectady club – Table Hopping

Marine Home From Iraq War, Wife Allegedly Assaulted Outside Florida Theater by Teen Mob | Fox News

Movie Theater Brawl Sparked by Noisy Patrons: Police – Police & Fire – Chicago Heights, IL Patch – Brawl outside movie theater – Knockouts – Movie Theater Attack: Teens attack Marine and wife during Christmas screening of ‘Little Fockers’





These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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Largest West Coast Gathering of Black Motorcycle Clubs Leaves 1 Dead. 12 Wounded.

 AP, Washington Post and Fresno Bee call it a “multi-racial dance.”

WhiteGirl_300x250_01BY COLIN FLAHERTY

The Fresno Bee called it a “dance” sponsored by a “multi-racial” motorcycle club. So did the Washington Post.

But this was no dance: This was the “official after party” for the largest gathering of black motorcycle clubs on the West Coast. A weekend collection of violence and mayhem of 5000 or more black bikers that descend on Fresno twice a year for the “Half Way Run.” So named because it is the half way spot for bikers from the Los Angeles and Oakland areas to gather and party.

Or shoot each other.

Last weekend, by the time this “dance” was over, 13 people were shot, one fatally. More than 100 police were called to subdue the “running gun battle.”

In attendance were more than 500 members of dozens of black California motorcycle clubs, including the Soul Brothers, Unknown Riders, Kings of Cali, Bad Boyz, Black Pearls, Black Sabbath, Good Tymez, Most Wanted, Buffalo Soldiers, and others. All listed at a web site called

“The Fresno Bee and Associated Press may think this was a “multi-racial” gathering,” said Taleeb Starkes, author of the Uncivil War, a book that confronts the criminal subculture within the Black community. “But they are just about the only ones. This incident in Fresno was just the latest example of how the press ignore, condone and even deny black mob violence.”

Here is how one of the participants described a recent Half Way Run:

“Every year we head to the middle of Cali in fresno where all the bike clubs meet up and kill it…this is our version of Black Bike Week on the west. Thousands of bikes.”

Black Bike Week in South Carolina is featured in the book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. The book documents how Black Biker Week has been a scene of epic mayhem and violence. Just one of the more than 500 examples of black mob violence from over 100 cities shown in the book.

Back in Fresno, a group called In Traffic TV productions made a video of last year’s festivities. The black host immediately pronounced to his “niggas” that the weekend was “ghetto fabulous.” The 13-minute program showed thousands black bikers, police helicopters, sirens, and lots of law enforcement — all set to a variety of hip hop tracks that talked about violence, using drugs, dealing drugs, killing and riding motorcycles. And above all, growing up “in the hood.” With lots of obscenities and N-bombs.


The killing from last weekend happened at just one of the weekend’s activities: The “official after party” at the Soul Brothers Motorcycle Club headquarters outside of Fresno.


The Fresno Bee claims Soul Brothers is multi-racial group because of the crossed black and white arms that comprise the group’s logo.


But anyone looking at the thousands of pictures and hours of videos that club members have posted on various sites around the internet know this is a black club. That is what the club called itself when it produced a video with club’s founder, where he talked about its roots as a black motorcycle club.


The Fresno Bee, Washington Post and Associated Press may have failed to capture the true size and nature of the event. But they did at least hint at the chaos created during the semi-annual mayhem.


Or did they? The Fresno Bee cannot make up is mind: In one paragraph of a recent news story, this gathering of black bikers is described as “peaceful.” But the next sentence says the opposite:


While the motorcyclists generally are peaceful, police usually put extra officers on duty to prevent bikers from speeding, pulling wheelies and drinking in public.

Violence has occurred frequently at the gatherings. This spring, a shooting broke out at a motel near Highway 99 and Olive Avenue where bikers were gathered and several were wounded. Several years ago, one person was killed at a dance held by bikers in southwest Fresno.

The Bee does report that neighbors say the club house is the scene of frequent and intense violence and mayhem. Including gun shots and loud noises from parties over a several year period.

American reporters may not be able — or willing – to talk about the epidemic of black mob violence so recently on display in Fresno. But a reader of a newspaper in London did not seem to have any trouble when he commented on an excellent account of the Fresno shootings in the Daily Mail: “Gangs of ‘Soul Brothers’ with guns in a warehouse at 2am on a Saturday night,’ said the commenter. “What could possibly go wrong?”




Teenager Dejuan Gladney killed in shootout at ‘Soul Brothers’ biker dance party | Mail Online

Biker club shootout in Calwa leaves 1 dead, 12 injured | Crime |

great video of the weekend IN TRAFFIC TV fresno ca motorcycle run 2012 mobile phone version. – YouTube

another poster Unknown Riders MC Fresno

Unknown Riders MC Fresno

Unknown Riders MC Fresno

Soul Brothers are coming….

big poster 9-29-2013 Peace Ride.jpg – THE motorcycle SET

kings of cali party Gun battle at Fresno biker club kills 1, wounds 12 – | News, Sports, Jobs, Community – The Leader Herald

black bikers

all black Soul Brothers M.C. mother chapter


Biker club shoot out in Calwa leaves one dead and several injured |

Soul Brothers J1 Ride 1-1-2012 – YouTube

Calwa residents speak out after motorcycle club shooting |

IN TRAFFIC TV fresno ca motorcycle run 2012 – YouTube


Gun battle at Fresno biker club kills 1, wounds 12 – YouTube

Bay Area Desperados Mc Fresno Run – YouTube

▶ Soul Brothers New Years Day Run 2012 – YouTube

News, sports and weather for Fresno & Clovis, CA & the Central Valley | The Fresno Bee

Gunfight at Fresno Biker Club Kills 1, Wounds 12 – ABC News

Young Jeezy – Just Got Word ft. YG (It’s Tha World) – YouTube

Authorities investigate what triggered gunfight at Fresno biker club; 1 killed, 12 injured – The Washington Post


Teenager killed and 13 injured in shootout at annual ‘Soul Brothers’ biker dance party at motorcycle clubhouse in California | Mail Online

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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