Archives For Critical Race Theory

Black on white crime in Ames, Iowa.

I guess I need to get out more: I was one of those people who used to think Iowa was some kind of Kevin Costner fantasy of a bucolic life and checkered table cloths and apple pie.

Add racial violence to the list: Beat Whitey Night — that was in Iowa. A mob of 20 kill a Des Moines father. That was last year.

And now from Iowa State in Ames, Iowa, we get news of two Knockout Attacks against students.

Victim of ‘knockout game’ warns others, tells own story – Iowa State Daily: News

Here’s an excerpt:

“No one else was around me. I figured it was just kind of an awkward coincidence. ‘I thought I’m just freaking myself out’,” Behnke said. “When I noticed that the car was driving slowly on the road to my left, I heard footsteps behind me. I figured it was probably just someone out that had been drinking.”

Behnke said that he continued walking and even sped up, but the suspect — whom Behnke described as a 6-foot-tall African American male with dreadlocks — continued to closely follow him.

“I turned and looked at him to just kind of make eye contact. He stayed behind me pretty close but he never jogged in front of me. At one point in time I even stopped to let him pass and get in front of me, but he just stood there,” Behnke said.

Behnke said he was on the sidewalk outside of Es Tas Bar and Grill when the man punched him on the left side of his head near his temple, knocking Behnke to the ground.

“Right after he punched me I was able to pick myself back up and watch him get back in the car. At the time I had adrenaline pumping so it didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would,” Behnke said. “He definitely hit me a lot harder than I thought he did.”

Behnke said the next day at work he had a severe headache and told his boss what had happened to him the night before. Behnke’s boss drove him to the police station to file a report and then to the emergency room where Behnke was diagnosed with a concussion.

“I was in the ER and my nurse came in, and she had a puzzled face and she asked ‘what exactly happened to you again? You’re not the only person here today that had the same thing happen,'” Behnke said.

“Beat Whitey Night” At Iowa State Fair | The Smoking Gun

Des Moines Father Dead at Hands of Black Mob Violence

Black mob murders man in surprising place

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Get it here:

New: Letter from a cop.

December 31, 2013 — 15 Comments

cover new TheKnockoutGame_HighRes_05Mr. Flaherty,


First of all I want to thank you very much for writing your book.

I have been a Sheriff’s Officer for 10 years, my father was a Deputy, my grandfather was a chief of police, and my brother is a cop too.

Over the past week I discovered your book online through a forum and realized that it is exactly what I have been looking for to sustaniate all of the current trends I am seeing in our area.  When my grandfather became a police officer, this area was an iconic booming proud city that was full of blue-collar hard working people.

The police department was known for its take-no-shit approach to criminals and the jail was no different. Up until recently, in liue of the entitlement generation and the never ending lawsuits, we were able to correct the local criminal population with force and proper sentencing guidelines.
Over the past decade an entire section of our city has been taken over by welfare seeking Chicago families that have infested our schools, jails, and pockets.  At my jail, we book in 100 criminals per day most of which are Chicago born youth.

After speaking with this current generation of criminals over the past ten years, one thing is clear, they feel as if they are entiltled to everything my ancestors worked hard to make and protect.

Also, I want you to know about another thing that is plaguing this area which is called the megabus.  This is a cheap round trip double decker bus specifically catering to welfare rats and drug dealers who are double dipping into our free benefits with no consequences or fear of being cut off what so ever.

I have said all that to tell you that the violence that I am seeing toward our white population is absolutely directly correlated to the influx of Chicago based gangs moving to our community.  Over the past few years, gangs of blacks from Chicago have killed our cops, killed our kids and cost us millions of dollars.

Again, thank you much for having the guts to put to paper the way all cops are feeling these days.

Whoa. Great letter. Wait till I show it to my brother!!!


White Girl Bleed a Lot -- Knockout Game edition

White Girl Bleed a Lot — Knockout Game edition



About the Author

Colin Flaherty is an award winning reporter and author of the #1 best selling book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

His new book is Knockout Game a Lie? Aww, Hell No.

Both books are about black mob violence, black on white crime and the Knockout Game.

His  work has appeared in more than 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine.  His story about how a black man was unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend resulted in his release from state prison and was featured on Court TV, NPR, The Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune.

Thomas Sowell: ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Sean Hannity: White Girl Bleed a Lot  “has gone viral.”

Allen West: “At least author Colin Flaherty is tackling this issue (of racial violence and black on white crime) in his new book, White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.“

Los Angeles Times: “a favorite of conservative voices.”

Daily Caller:  “As the brutal “knockout” game sweeps across the U.S., one author isn’t surprised by the attacks or the media reaction. Colin Flaherty, author of the book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How The Media Ignore It,” began chronicling the new wave of violence nearly a year ago — revealing disturbing racial motivations behind the attacks and a pattern of media denial.”

Alex Jones: “Brilliant. Could not put it down.”

Neal Boortz: “Colin Flaherty has become Public Enemy No.1 to the leftist media because of his research on black culture of violence.”

From the Bill Cunningham show. It is official: “Colin Flaherty is a great American.A wonderful book.” “Prescient. Ahead of the News. Garnering attention and sparking important discussions.”

David Horowitz: “A determined reporter, Colin Flaherty, broke ranks to document these rampages in a book titled, White Girl Bleed A Lot”

Order White Girl Bleed a Lot from Amazon here.
Order Knockout Game a Lie? here: 

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For a FREE preview copy of his next book, Knockout Game a Lie? go to

Sign up for my email news alerts and get a FREE e-book and video on the Knockout Game.

And you do not want to miss that video, either!

A tip from one of my Chicago cops.

After Junior uses public housing to film a rap video with guns and drugs and who the hell knows what else, the mom gets kicked out.

Sorry about that.


Obama supporter victim of Knockout Game in California

This was not supposed to happen. Not to him.

a Preview of an article at WND.

Before his encounter with the Knockout Game and racial violence, Paul Lane was “a lefty. As left as you can get,” he said. He supported Obama. Intends to vote for Hillary. Or least he did.


That was November 7, 2013. The day everything changed for Paul. The day Kenneth Johnson walked into the Contra Costa library and played the Knockout Game.


“It was 2:49 in the afternoon,” said Lane, a librarian. “And this black guy, I won’t say he was a kid, he was 21 years old,  comes into the room in the library. I was helping a 67-year old guy with history and old movies, because I know that stuff.  He was smiling as if he knew the guy I was helping. Then he — Johnson — walks up to the the patron and hits him on the side of the head as hard as he can.”


Three weeks later, in court, when Lane tells his story, Johnson’s lawyer objects: ‘The witness doesn’t know how hard my client can hit,” said the lawyer.


Lane was about to find out: He yelled at Johnson to stop hitting the patron. He did. Then he jumped over Lane’s desk and starting hitting and kicking him. It got real bloody real fast.


“So the guy jumps over the library desk and started beating me. And hits me about 20 or 25 times. I can’t remember exactly cause I’m kinda blocked out a bit. Yeah he really whaled into me.  He decked the patron with one one punch. He hit me in ear. In the side of the head. The top of the head. I was bleeding from the nose, eyes, mouth, ears.”


Lane crawled into the other room and asked for help. Then it was over. Later, the newspapers would say the injuries were non-life threatening. Which of course depends on how you define life: The library walls were spattered with blood. Lane cannot pick up a book, let alone think about going back to work. He has headaches and “major concussion issues.”


And other issues, maybe even bigger:


“I’m a 58 year old white man who work (ed) as a “liberal Librarian” in Northern California,” he said. “Not your typical WND reader, but as a research Librarian I read a lot of news sources. And this attack was exactly the way you describe in your book and articles. Exactly the same.”


Lane was referring to White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.


Johnson left the library the same way he arrived: His mother drove him. But in their rush to get away, first they could not start their car. Then Kenneth insisted on taking the wheel. His erratic driving made him easy to find. Within 30 minutes he was in police custody.


Then the real games began. Ralph Malatesta knows them well. Two years ago, he was the victim of a similar attack 3000 miles away in Delaware.  The police caught his attackers, bloodied and bruised, after Malatesta refused to turn over his money.


“It turns out they had been on a robbery spree in that neighborhood for weeks,” said Malatesta. “And five people were willing to press charges. But every time it came up for a trial, we would all show up in court, but the robbers asked for a continuance. So the five other people got sick of the delay and stopped showing up. But I stuck with it and they were eventually convicted.”


Kenneth Johnson and his lawyer are using the same playbook. So far, they have delayed the court proceedings at least twice. But that doesn’t matter to Lane. “They cancelled it to see if I would really show up the next time. I did. Its very exhausting and I do not have any stamina as a result of the beating. But I’m not giving up.”


Meanwhile, in the local papers, police say they want help with the case. Especially the motive. They just can’t figure out why Johnson did what he was alleged to have done. Why anyone would.


Maybe they should call former prison psychologist Marlin Newburn. He spent 30 years in the criminal justice system learning about motives and racial violence. And hatred. Up close and personal. He has seen a lot of this: The violence is about hate. And the hate is about race.


“To people who practice this type of racial violence, all non-blacks are the enemy since they were weaned on the idea that whites/Asians/Hispanics/Martians were “keeping my people down.”


“They may be functionally illiterate, and I have yet to meet one that wasn’t, but their older family members or people in their neighborhood along with the popular culture drove that early message into their skulls.


“They believe that they have some black toxic-tribal license to attack, and the more brutal, the more “down with the struggle” they are. The degree of viciousness also demonstrates just how manly (or womanly) they are. In other words, the more sadistic, the higher the social and personal power status.


“It’s also great street cred for them, the sacred status for assaulting the all-pervasive and imaginary white power structure, and in regard to Asians and Hispanics, those people are just “takin’ jobs” from them.


“The people who practice this kind of racial violence — like the Knockout Game —  have imaginary, social injustice tags as legitimate reasons to assault all non-blacks.


“To say the black assaults on non-blacks isn’t racist is a blatant lie. Black predators are racist to the bone. Most all live the part in prison.


As Lane’s case winds through the system, Lane is keeping an eye on all the media coverage the Knockout Game is receiving all over the country.  He has a hard time believing what he is reading — and hearing. “I listen to left wing radio,” he says. “And I could not believe it when I heard my favorite radio personality — Stephanie Miller — said the Knockout Game does not exist. That’s crazy.”


Lane’s entire life is upside down. He and his wife are moving to a safer place. He probably won’t be able to return to work. At least for a while.  “I can’t get beat again,” he says. “I’ll die. I’m a liberal Obama supporter but that didn’t stop the violence on me. I have serious concussion issues and my trust for young African American men in particular is now less than zero.”


Post Script: The New York Times continues to insist the Knockout Game is a myth.



A few links:

Why the “Knockout Game” trend is a myth.

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Get it here:





The Statistical Delusion of black mob violence

A preview of an article with links.


The deniers of black mob violence have a new mantra: “Colin, show us the numbers.” Otherwise, all this talk about the Knockout Game and an epidemic of black on white violence is a myth. An urban legend.

Really? Alright, you asked for it.

I wrote White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It for these exact people. The deniers. I did not really put a lot of numbers in White Girl because I figured: What was the point?

First off, the numbers on racial crime and violence are just as horrific as you can imagine. Pick a number between between 5 and 100. That is how many times greater black crime and violence is compared to white and Asian.

The only people who do not know that are ones who don’t want to know it.

Deniers screech “profiling!” when people use lots of statistics on racial violence. Turn around and use stories instead and the Los Angeles Times will accuse you of “cherry picking.”

Result: It’s better not to write about it at all. I just saved you the price of admission to the next Society of Professional Journalists seminar on how to report racial violence.

Let’s do it anyway, talk about the numbers, that is.

More and more people in academia and the press are saying the enormous difference between black and white rates of crime and violence are not due to black behavior, but white racism. Welcome to Critical Race Theory: White racism is everywhere. White racism is permanent.

As an example, they point to pot: Black people and white people smoke the same amount of pot, they insist, but black people get arrested four times more often. That is easy to hear on MSNBC. Easier to refute. The basis of that bogus info is the so- called National Household Survey that simply asks people: Do you smoke pot?

White people and black people say yes in the same proportion. But testing is different than talking. And when medical people test, black and white drug use is shown to be far, far different.

OK, statistics lovers: This one’s for you:

“A study of 290 African American men in Baltimore, Maryland undergoing treatment for hypertension showed that self-reporting of illicit drug use is unreliable. Only 48 of the participants reported drug use but urine drug tests revealed that 131 had used drugs.”

Don’t thank me. Thank the poindexters at Johns Hopkins University.

One more number: The Department of Justice says 50 percent of violent crime goes unreported. The biggest reason why: People don’t think police can do anything about it. And that number is growing.

In South Philadelphia High School, a federal judge found that black students were beating and harassing students daily — for years. When the local paper finally asked the school administrators why they did not call the police, one said: “We did not want to criminalize the black students.”

100 percent of the students involved in this systematic racism and violence were not arrested.

Ditto for Trayvon: Remember him? Jack Cashill does: In his new book, If I Had a Son, he reminds us how Trayvon was caught with burglary tools as well as loot, but was never charged. The Justice Department and Department of Education have decided if black kids and white kids get in trouble at different rates, it is only because 100 percent of the white educators are racist.

The Department of Education has teams of bureaucrats traveling around the country enforcing this new racial edict. 100 percent of the people I ask about this do not know about it. Even school board members where it is happening.

Had enough yet?

A few weeks ago in New Haven 500 people — 100 percent black — attended a party called an All Black Affair. They fought and destroyed property in the restaurant — and out. Then they fought with police, and took their violence and mayhem to two more places.

100 percent of the people involved were not arrested. There was no police report.

New Haven — the home of Yale University — is the site of frequent and intense black mob violence. Often directed at Yalies: Last year, a doctor lost part of his during one of these attacks. He was 50 percent of the number of doctors attacked that night by a black mob.

A few days before the All Black Affair, more than 500 people — 100 percent black — were fighting in and out of a movie theater in a suburb of Rochester. That includes fighting with cops and destroying property. 100 percent of the people involved were not arrested. 100 percent of the people involved were put on a bus and taken — not to jail — back to Rochester.

No police report on that either. That incident represents about 5 percent of the number of large scale episodes of black mob violence in Rochester over the last three years.

In Portland, Oregon in November, 100 people — 100 percent black — were in ” a “riot” and a triple shooting that left one man dead and two wounded outside of a black nightclub – so dangerous even its own bouncers recently had to call police because they feared for their lives during an after-hours party.

100 percent of the rioters were not arrested.

At Howard University a few days before Halloween, hundreds of people — OK, 90 to 95 percent black — stormed the gates of a Hip Hop concert. Many fought with police. Nine people were taken to hospital. The featured performer attracting so much attention: 2Chainz. His biggest hit: Start a Riot. 12 million views on YouTube last I checked.


How you like them numbers?

99 percent of the rioters at Howard were not arrested and there is no police report on the riot at the black university.

Ditto the black Virginia State University a few weeks before that: 200 people — 100 percent black — fought and rioted on campus. One person was stabbed. One person arrested.

100 percent of the people creating the other mayhem were not arrested.

This is a very long list of violence and denial. Many documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot. So far, 100 percent of the people who say racial violence and the Knockout Game are a myth have not read the book.

New Jersey author and talk show host Willie Shields figured it out. “13 percent of the population create 50 percent to 75 percent of the violent crime. And some people say there is no racial element to violent crime? That is strange because so much of it is on video. Where it is glorified. Celebrated. The deniers have a slogan: Damn the YouTubes, Full Speed ahead.”
Follow @ColinFlaherty


These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.


Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Get it here:


Some victims of racial violence are loathe to admit they are victims of racial violence.

Meet Phoebe and her new friends: the teenagers.

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Get it here:



WhiteGirl_300x250_01Preview and links from an upcoming story.

Black mob violence at nightclubs: the “Let Out” fights and riots.

They call them “Let Out Fights:” The black mob violence that is a regular feature of life at night clubs, coast to coast, especially at closing time. All the time.

Sometimes the fighting is just a few people. Other times as many as 500. Gunfire is common. So is video. Arrests are not.

Some recent examples:

In Portland, a “riot” and triple shooting left one man dead and two wounded outside of a black night club — so dangerous even its own bouncers recently had to call police because they feared for their lives during an after-hours party.

Local media report that early Saturday morning, hundreds of people were fighting and shooting in the streets of North East Portland — a euphemism for the black part of town.

KGW TV news reported the attacks on police as well. Everything except the black part:

“Very hostile crowd — people saying things like, you know, ‘shoot the cops,’ and they were trying to secure the scene so they called for a city-wide Code 3 response, which means every available car in the city should respond to that area,” said Sgt. Pete Simpson with the Portland Police Bureau”

The Portland Oregonian was careful not to report these fights and shootings were part of a pattern of racial violence. After issuing a customary warning to its readers not to talk about black mob violence, one comment did sneak through:

Nobody wants to say it, and nobody ever admits it, but at some time in the future, when it gets So Bad that something has to be done to put a stop to all this political correctness….something may be solved.

There is a large segment of the African-American community, here in Portland and in many other major Metro Urban cities, that just do not know, nor care to, get along with other people without the use of violence, intimidation tactics, race-baiting, and blaming “the Man” or “racist white society” for any and all problems in their lives.

Other readers insisted the racial violence was “isolated.” Wrong on two counts: One, the state liquor agency shut down the club soon after the shootings and attacks on police after documenting that several episodes of recent violence and mayhem at the club created “serious and persistent problems.”

And two, the problem is not isolated to Portland. In Statesboro, Georgia, the headline tells the story: “2 nightclubs, 2 shootings, 1 death.”

This week in Newburgh, New York, witnesses testified about black mob violence last summer outside of a black nightclub. The Times-Herald Record reports some of the testimony:

Larry Gantt is charged with intentionally slashing the throat of police Officer Eric Henderson during the melee. Gantt’s lawyer contends Gantt had been jumped and stomped by a large group of attackers and thought that the person grabbing him was an assailant renewing the assault.

Senior Assistant District Attorney Michael Milza started with police witnesses, including Officer Kevin Lahar, who was first on the scene after the report of a large fight. Lahar described the hectic scene: 80 to 100 people on the sidewalks and streets, some arguing or pushing, at least one group engaged in “violent and tumultuous” actions.

Also over the weekend in Brockton, Massachusetts, The Enterprise News tells us 15 police officers saw:

large groups of people fighting outside two downtown establishments.

One man was being brutally kicked in the head, said Sgt. James Baroud, one of two police officers who used a Taser, or electronic stun gun, to try and subdue the suspects early Sunday morning.

“It was crazy. It was just an extremely chaotic scene,” Baroud said Sunday. “Punches were being thrown all over the place.”

Everyone fighting, and the three people arrested were black.

In Syracuse over the weekend, a triple stabbing during a large Let Out Fight left one man in critical condition. According the CNY Central, “there’ve been several fights and stabbing at the bar in the past several months … Some neighbors … say the violence is unusual, while others say it comes with the city’s reputation.”

In Waterloo, Iowa, city officials have declared a black nightclub downtown to be a “chronic nuisance” after repeated fightings, stabbings and a recent riot.

In early November, 60 black people were fighting after the club closed. According to KCRG TV news in Waterloo:

This comes after a handful of situations such as disorderly conduct, a fight and a stabbing that required police response.

At around 1:50 Sunday morning, Waterloo police had their hands full.

“All of the sudden, in essence, one officer described it as a riot,” said Waterloo Police Chief Dan Trelka. Chief Trelka said a fight involving more than 60 people took place near the club.

This is a long list, that also includes recent black mob violence during Let Out Fights in Rochester (two stabbed), New Haven (repeated gun shots), Saginaw (gunshots), Miamisburg, Ohio, Tallahassee, Myrtle Beach, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., York, Pa. Asbury Park, Piscataway, Elk Grove, and on and on.



November 9, 2013

Portland, Oregon.

One man dead, two injured in large fight outside Northeast Portland nightclub |

“Did the editors of O Live pick a 2 point font for this story to minimize the significance of this inner city riot?”

“the Liberal whitewash of minority crimes allows criminals and killers to roam free and the lack of prosecution puts these criminals back on the streets to re-offend. Treating people as individuals would make our city and country much safer.”

“This was an isolated spontaneous free for all involving drunken bar patrons.”

“I moved here from Chicago to get away from this kind of stuff. I thought Portland was a liberal, laid back kind of town.” Tim Knight.


Raw video from Fontaine Bleau.
                           Police: 1 dead, 2 injured in shooting during fight, riot in NE Portland | Local & Regional | – Portland News, Sports, Traffic Weather and Breaking News – Portland, Oregon           Liquor license suspended.        

November 10, 2013 2 nightclubs, 2 shootings, 1 death

Fatal shooting in Statesboro nightclub early Sunday morning – WTOC-TV: Savannah, Beaufort, SC, News, Weather & Sports

  November 10, 2013 Sunday Night. Columbus, Ohio CPD Searching For Nightclub Shooting Suspect – WCMH: News, Weather, and Sports for Columbus, Ohio  

November 10, 2013 Brockton, Massachusetts. Brockton police officers use Tasers during downtown brawl – Brockton, MA – The Enterprise   November 10, 2013 Syracuse, New York   ‎

  November 2013 Waterloo, Iowa   November 4, 2013 Buck County, Pa. Multiple Police Departments Respond to Large Fight Outside Bar – :

Police from several Lower Bucks County departments rushed to the 2600 block of Durham Road in Bristol Township for a reported large fight early Sunday. In the end, Bristol Township police cited six people for the fight that happened at around 1:30 a.m. outside the bar, Lt. Guy Sava said.   October 19, 2013 Rochester, NY. Two men shot near Rochester nightclub

Two Rochester men were shot and wounded early Saturday outside a Rochester nightclub on Central Avenue. The shootings occurred about 2:05 a.m., reported Lt. Ron Malley of the Rochester Police Department. Malley said officers responded to the area around Club Network at 410 Central Ave. for a report of a large fight with shots fired.     September 16, 2013 New Haven, Connecticut Yale Daily News September 16, 2013   City nightclubs witness weekend shootings | Yale Daily News

Gunshots rang out downtown both Friday and Saturday night, continuing the trend of violence outside of crowded nightclubs in the Elm City. The first incident occurred just outside of Pulse Nightclub on Chapel Street Saturday morning. At 2:13 a.m., after police responded to a large fight that broke out as the club closed for the evening, shots were fired. Two men were hit and taken to Yale-New Haven Hospital with non-life threatening injuries. As of now, police are still investigating the shooting and have made no arrests. “This string of violent incidents, one that left two men wounded by gunfire, is an inexcusable occurrence,” New Haven Police spokesman David Hartman said. “Violence to this degree is not typical, but when it occurs in New Haven, it almost always stems from a venue that had promoted a hip-hop event.”   September 14, 2013 Two People Shot Outside New Haven Nightclub | NBC Connecticut

A spokesperson for New Haven Police called the violence an inexcusable occurrence saying, “Violence to this degree is not typical, but when it occurs in New Haven, it almost always stems from a venue that had promoted a hip-hop event.” Earlier event in New Haven       September 1, 2013 Two people shot outside nightclub near Saginaw Police Department |

police were dispatched to Lonnie’s Lounge at 713 E. Genesee near South Park to investigate a report of a “large fight with shots fired.” The club is located a block away from the Saginaw Police Department.

 I am in the social work field and sometimes agree with some of the thinking patterns I see on here, but then also realize there are so many factors that too many don’t take into consideration. The biggest one being the family of the victim and the pain they are going thru. Until this day, I have never experienced a family member that was gunned down and didn’t realize just how negative the comments were, again until today. The man that was shot was the father of my children. A graduate of Ferris State University. He is far from an angel and I couldn’t agree more that he should not have been there and it is not a safe environment…however..we all should be able to go out in this county with out the fear of being shot..sometimes we make one is perfect…NOONE…but I really think we need to let God start judging individuals and stop assuming they are of a certain ‘brand” and assuming they got what they deserved, or assume they were carrying weapons and drugs. This is def not my scene..but to each their own…my sons almost lost their father today…regardless of what you may think..assume,…know….more


   August 31, 2013 Miamisburg, Ohio Fight leads to a Signal 99 Responses from six police agencies.   August 11, 2013 Tallahassee, Florida      July 2013. Manassa, Virginia:Large Group Involved in Nightclub Fight, Police Say – Police & Fire – Manassas, VA Patch A large group of people were involved in a fight that began inside The Luxe nightclub early Friday morning and later spilled out into the parking lot, according to Manassas Park Police. July 2013. Rap Star Ludacris in Large Fight   Atlanta, May 31, 2013. Man shot by officers who were trying to break up fight in Midtown | Mom Says Son Did Not Deserve it: Mother: Police went overboard when shooting son |  

June 23, 2013

Large brawl reported outside Asbury nightclub ‹ Asbury Park Sun A brawl involving over 50 people outside the Urban Nestnightclub [right] early Sunday morning led Asbury police to call for assistance from several surrounding police departments.There were numerous later reports of fights in other sections of the city which police believe were linked to the incident outside the Urban Nest, according to DeSane. In response to the call for outside assistance, officers arrived from Bradley Beach, Neptune, Neptune City, Deal and Allenurst, according to DeSane. The New Jersey State Police also arrived on scene with a helicopter spotlighting the group, he said.     May 31, Atlanta Shots fired outside midtown Atlanta nightclub     March 11, 2013 Washington, D.C.   Myrtle Beach, April 9, 2013 MYRTLE BEACH: Myrtle Beach police disperse large crowd at teen night club | Crime | Myrtle Beach police dispersed a large crowd and cited a juvenile with disorderly conduct late Friday after officers found a large crowd packed into a teen nightclub in the 1100 block of North Ocean Boulevard, according to police reports.

Read more here:

  February 23, 2013 Cleveland, Ohio Large fight leaves 2 injured at club in Warehouse District – CBS 5 – KPHO     January 2012 Washington, D.C.   November 3, 2012 Newburgh, New York Poughkeepsie man arraigned on charges of slashing Newburgh cop in bar brawl |   York, Pa. January 2, 2012 Arrests pending in large fight at North York nightclub – abc27 WHTM  

Salisbury, Maryland  November 2011

Police Probe Large Fight Outside Downtown Salisbury Nightclub – WBOC-TV 16, Delmarvas News Leader, FOX 21 – Authorities are investigating a large fight that occurred outside a nightclub in Salisbury’s Downtown Plaza over the weekend. Salisbury police said that at around 12:40 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 20, officers were dispatched to the 18-and-under “Club Azul” in the Plaza Gateway Building to investigate the report of a large fight. When officers arrived on the scene, they observed approximately 200-300 people in the middle of the street involved in a number of individual fights.   Comments:

Shelley Nov 21 2011


+1 updown



Under 18 clubs around here don’t work. Look at the history for Salisbury and under 18 clubs…..shootings, stabblings, fights, and more than normal drama. Cops have enough to deal with in this town without this drama. Just plain and simple under 18 can’t handle going out to try to act like adults even though some of them are adults.



Staci Nov 21 2011


+5 updown



They need to shut it down. It amazes me that the club owner isn’t taking this seriously. Folks who reside downtown are absolutely SICK of all of the loitering, the gunshots, the fighting, and the littering. It seems like each weekend it gets worse and worse. SOMETHINGS GOTTA GIVE!!
December 2011

November 21, 2011
Salisbury, Md.

August 28, 2011 Columbia, South Carolina

January 26, 2011
Harrisburg, Pa.
Let Out Fight Video.



These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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Wait just a minute, Temple University. Don’t go getting all huffy just because a black guy beat and robbed an 81-year old white professor.

Clearly, the folks running this part of the campus —  the ones creating such a stir about this recent robbery — have no idea what is happening in the other part.


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Temple University professors solved the problem of black crime eons ago.

They were were proud to talk about it then. And many times since on local TV and radio. I’m not sure why we did not see the same intellectuals  on TV just now — explaining to all those under educated reporters why the old white dude got beat up.

It was just two years ago when Philadelphia was in the midst of a particularly nasty streak of black mob violence and black on white crime when Temple decided to do something about it. ‘Which streak was that’ you wonder?

Whichever you choose, people got hurt way worse than the old white professor. Broken legs, broken jaws, brain injuries, even death. Of course death. In epic amounts.

That is why Temple hired three people with “street cred.” That is, long criminal records. Including a gentleman by the name of Brandon Jones.

I did not have to check Mr. Jones’ intellectual pedigree. The journal Diverse Issues in Higher Education furnished it for us:  “Brandon Jones knows the streets of South Philadelphia, and he understands what his young clients are going through in their daily lives. He can Brandon understands the high energy level of youths and the need “to blow off some steam.” He says the unrest, however, is fueled by a lack of jobs and community activities.”

And whose fault is that? Certainly not the guy who snuck past security and tried to kill the old white dude sitting in his Temple university office.

Because Brandon spends all his time on the street keepin’ it real with the fellas, he probably has not had the time to bone up on the academic specialty that Temple is known for around the world: Critical Race Theory.

Critical Race Theory says two things: One, white racism is everywhere. Two, white racism is permanent. White racism explains every difference between the races.

Including crime. Especially crime.

Which, in a way, makes a lot of sense: Even liberals were getting tired of talking about the same old stuff for 50 years. Stuff that just made everything so bad even they were starting to notice. You know what I’m talking about: family, illegitimacy, crime, education, jobs, income, drugs, welfare, entitlements and blah, blah, blah.

That’s all off the table now. Today its all about white racism and Critical Race Theory.

Many of these books on Critical Race Theory are published at Temple University Press and used in Temple University classrooms. I’ve read several of them.

That’s why I’m not overly concerned about some 81-year old white dude who claims he got slapped around a bit. Maybe he was trying to sell his assailant crack.

Critical Race Theory says the only reason the white dude was getting slapped and the black dude was doing the slapping is because of white privilege that allowed the old white dude to occupy the cushy professor’s office in the first place.

The same theory explains that Temple failed to provide the alleged robber with the recreational, professional, family, educational, financial and legal assistance to get him a cushy teaching job at Temple.

That’s how the blood got on the doorknob and the black guy got on all the grainy police photos.

I don’t want to say the professor had it coming. But let’s face it, without white privilege, he never would have been there. So whose fault is that? Now do you finally know what the President meant when he said “he didn’t build that?”


I don’t have anything against against old white dudes. But let’s keep it real: Sometimes they deserve it. Just ask Philadelphia lawyer and family court judge Wayne Bennett.

Bennett was quite unhappy with Thomas Sowell for writing a glowing review of this crazy-ass book called White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

Sowell liked it so much he wrote two columns about it. Allen West liked it enough to post it on Facebook for 660,000 of his closest friends.

The crazy author of White Girl Bleed a Lot says there is a lot of that going around: Black people beating up old white people. And reporters are pretending it never happens.

Judge Bennett explains it all in just about the best summation of Critical Race Theory you can find in Philadelphia in or out of  Temple University.  All on his blog, The Field Negro. Which is quite famous in the black blogosphere: Quoth judge Bennett: “No matter how violent some young black punks act and wild out towards groups of white people–or a single white individual, it will never make up for all the violence that was practiced against people of color throughout this nation’s history.”

Got it?



These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Get it here:




From a Jack Cashill review:

In White Girl Bleed A Lot, Colin Flaherty bravely goes where the major media dare not follow. In short, he tells the truth about America’s otherwise unspoken epidemic of black on non-black crime.

What makes this otherwise grim saga so readable is Flaherty’s magical sense of humor. Among contemporary authors only Flaherty’s fellow alchemist Mark Steyn has a comparable ability to transform dread into gold.


Here’s what I recently wrote to Steyn:

Mr. Steyn,

Thomas Sowell has now written two columns about my White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.

You have written zero.

Thus putting a lie to the notion that immigrants are putting hard working Americans out of jobs.

Follow @ColinFlaherty

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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We have lots of readers in police departments around the country. Constantly sending tips and sometimes just emails like this:

Dear Mr. Flaherty,

I’m a policeman in XXXXX, California. I’ve seen black mob violence for 23 far as I can remember you’re the first one to actually bring it up in the media.


Amazing, huh? This letter is from a cop in a city that is liberal by even California standards.

Pretty sure he heard me on the Armstrong and Getty show.

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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