Black Mob Violence. One Weekend.
a preview of an article at, links below.
Newspapers may be loathe to report the black mob violence that struck New Haven, Hoboken, Minneapolis and other cities over the weekend. But those involved don’t hide it. They celebrate it.
At least in New Haven, home of Yale University.
ALL BLACK AFFAIR!! NEW Haven!! First Fridays!! KUDETA!! OPEN BAR 10-11 from Classy Black on Vimeo.
The occasion was a Sunday night “All Black Affair” at a downtown restaurant — just one of many parties that went by this name at that location. Most are targeted to New Haven black professionals. This one was for black teenagers.
It was not about a dress code.
By 9 p.m. the manager of the Kudeta (pronouced coup d’etat) knew she had more trouble than she could handle: The promoters advertised the party and charged admission. That was not supposed to happen.
Neither were the large fights that started inside and “spilled out into the streets” involving as many as 500 people in what a local TV station called a “massive brawl.”
News8 picks up the story:
Police say at some point, kids in ski masks arrived on bikes and an all out brawl broke out,” said reporter Kent Pierce. “Every available officer in the city was sent in to try and stop the fight. Even the chief of police was there.”
▶best one Officers break up fight at teen party – YouTube
Eventually the fighting stopped. The crowd scattered to two other nearby teen night clubs. Police were called to stop fights there as well.
Eyewitness News in New Haven called the party a “near riot” and a “near catastrophic event.”
The New Haven Register claimed “There were no reported assaults or injuries at the scene.” And that “a police investigation is looking into the possibility that laws were broken.”
Dozens of police officers needed to break up New Haven crowd, brawls
For others in the downtown, lawbreaking and chaos was not a “possibility,” it was reality.
The local NBC affiliate reported “neighboring restaurants and businesses told police they feared for the safety of their customers and were locking their doors to keep out members of the crowd.” Sweet Sixteen Gone Wrong Sparks Police Investigation in New Haven | NBC Connecticut
No arrests were made because police were concentrating on crowd control, officials said.
Several party goers blamed police for causing the violence. Others at the Register web site wondered about the racial nature of the festivities: “One can only imagine the outrage expressed in this newpaper had there been a party held downtown on Sunday night for 500 people with flyers handed out calling the event “The All White Affair Party”
Miggity Mike promoted the All Black Affair. What local news called a riot, he called just having a good time. On his Instagram pages, he posted several pictures of the violence: “My Party Made the News,” be bragged. “If that doesn’t explain how big it was idk (I don’t know) what else could.”
miggity__mike (✝ ɱichael blake ✝) @ Instagram – 5th village
He also encouraged party-goers to pick themselves out of videos of the news coverage because his party: “Keeps Showing Up on the News — Who Sees them self up here?”
djbinkb (dj bink b) @ Instagram – 5th village
The question received 100 likes in reply.
None of the New Haven media reported how the All Black Affair was not about clothing. How it was promoted by black people for black people.
Neither have they reported other episodes of recent racial violence in New Haven: In August, a downtown motorcycle mechanic was almost killed when a mob of black people pushed him off a motorcycle, then stole it.
“Our problem is that people have been reporting that this is a race-related issue, nothing in our investigation supports that whatsoever,” said David Hartman of the New Haven police department.
Black mobs erupt in Ivy League region
Editors are fond of saying that because no one carried a sign, or uttered racial slurs, or issued a press release, that means there is no evidence the violence is race-related.
But a lot of people in New Haven are starting to wonder why there have been so many recent episodes of black mob violence. And why the newspapers are loathe to cover it in any way – other than to deny it is happening.
Many examples of this kind of black mob violence are documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.
One week after the Macquarrie attack, a black mob beat a white jogger. They broke his arm, but did not steal anything from him. That came one month after a similar attack on a female security guard near the same place.
In June, four black men attacked a man with hammer, inflicting serious brain injuries on him.
In January, a white man had to be put into a witness protection program after he was the target of repeated black mob violence.
In October, two doctors in a Yale residency program were attacked by a black mob of “20 teens.” One of the doctors had his ear sliced off. A few minutes later, they found another doctor and beat him too.
In December, the local paper reported that two more Yale students were the victims of mob violence; though the paper never identified the assailants by race, witnesses and readers did — then wondered why the paper did not.
The Register also reports that illegal aliens several times have been the victims of this mob violence. But the fact that blacks are beating Hispanics often goes unreported because the illegal aliens fear contact with police.
At least one resident noticed: The reporter “has jumped through a lot of hoops to write this story,” said Steve Scott, at the Register web site. “How many black teens targeted the two white Yale students? He doesn’t tell us, but he reminds us that illegal immigrants have it so much worse…and…it was warmer than usual…and beware of the chopper-style bike…and robbery was not a motive. Whoa, covering your pc tracks while trying to write a story that was directly related to race is hard.”
A few hours earlier, 82 miles down the turnpike, New York and New Jersey media answered the same challenge the same way: A group of at least six black people “rampaged” through commuter train early Sunday morning. Four people were hospitalized after they were assaulted and robbed on the train near Hoboken.
Racial violence in that Northern New Jersey town barely breaks the news any more. And when it does, editors and reporters are careful never to point out the perpetrators are black.
At least one reader noticed: “black against white violent crime is the true silent epidemic.” 6 Teens Arrested, Charged With Gang Assault In Violent PATH Train Rampage: Gothamist
For frequent and regular and vicious racial violence, backed up with relentless denial, few cities can match Minneapolis. Over the weekend, a mob of black people at the University of Minnesota assaulted and robbed at least four people in four separate attacks.
Or as the local paper calls them: “A roving pack of robbers.”
UM Police Department, Public Safety, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Roving robbers strike U students over weekend | Star Tribune
Police told the Star-Tribune “that at least one victim was inebriated at the time, and “historically, that is a factor” in people making themselves vulnerable to attack. “But weather is probably the biggest factor,” said campus police Deputy Chief Chuck Miner.
Race of the victims? Race of the predators? That had nothing to do with anything. Everyone in Minneapolis knows that so reporters did not even ask — about these assaults, or “six other similar crimes in the last two months.”
Chief Miner may think that drunken students enjoying nice weather is to blame, but federal law requires college police to list all the details of the crime. Including race. Seems that in the past college police departments did not want people to know their campuses were centers of violent crime.
“In each case, two or more victims were assaulted and robbed by a group of five or six black males. No weapons were used in the robberies, but in all four cases victims sustained minor injuries after being punched or kicked by the suspects.”
In the first few months of last year, downtown Minneapolis was the site of more than a dozen cases of black mob violence. Some leaving the victim with permanent brain damage. Some not even reported. Or investigated.
The Star-Tribune’s crime reporter was having a hard time piecing it all together: The recent increase in what he calls “flash mob” violence and mayhem is “random” and “no other real pattern emerges” and the “motivation for the attack remains unclear.”
Black-on-white link in Minneapolis violence
Police and reporters may have a hard time figuring it out. But more and more people in Minneapolis are realizing their downtown is caught up in a wave of racial violence, featuring groups of black people — big and small, men and women, young and not so young — marauding through the downtown; beating, hurting, destroying and stealing. Sometimes right in front of police.
A lot of it on YouTube. With lots of witnesses 15 to 20 times in 2011.
In Minneapolis, a headline from the Star Tribune tells part of the story, but conceals the rest: “Flash mob actions worry Minnesota police.” McKinney fills in some of the details about one of the incidents from March 2012:
“We were just biking, the three of us, having some laughs and enjoying the night,” said the cyclist, who didn’t want his name used out of fear for his safety. It was 7:45 p.m. and the street was crowded with people enjoying the unusually warm evening, he said.
“Suddenly “some kid” ran up to the man’s friend and punched him in the face, breaking his jaw. Another eight to 10 youths surrounded the cyclists, yelling and trying to provoke a fight.
“Two police officers had been watching seven youths at a bus stop when they saw them “suddenly surge” toward the cyclists.
“As the officers gave chase, the group fled with one victim’s bike. They ran through the seating area at Oceanaire’s patio, picking objects off the tables to throw at one of the bicyclists running after them.
Eventually four people were arrested, all black.
The bikers got hurt pretty bad, but they got off easy compared to the St. Patrick’s Day mauling 20 black people inflicted on a Minneapolis graphic artist named Pieter. He suffered serious brain injuries and now has no short-term memory. A local bank has turned videos of the crime over to the police. He is afraid to use his last name
An hour before he was beat and kicked into the Intensive Care Unit, 20 black people assaulted an out-of-town couple at the exact same intersection. The Star Tribune may be squeamish about reporting the race of the criminals, but City Pages is not:
“Melissa screamed as three separate youths came at Kirk, throwing punches. Kirk says he was able to dodge the blows. He remembers one of the assailants smiling while he threw punches, “like it was fun.” As people on the street started to take notice of the attack, the mob dispersed, leaving Kirk one-on-one with a man he says was over 6 feet tall.
“I dodged several of his punches before he ran off,” Kirk said, adding that he himself didn’t punch anyone. “I believe that if it wasn’t for my wife’s screaming I would have been seriously injured.” Thankfully, he ended up with nothing more than a swollen neck. Melissa, a 33-year-old school teacher, was pushed, and one of the assailants burned her hand with a cigarette, she says.
“After the mob dispersed, Kirk and Melissa made their way back to the Marquette. There, they talked to a police officer about the incident.
“Wrote Melissa in an email: The “cop wasn’t that interested in taking a report, since we didn’t have descriptions — just African-American…[I] wonder how many people have been attacked, since our story isn’t even part of the stats.”
In Grand Rapids over the weekend, black mob violence outside of a downtown night club left one dead. The violence is just the latest in a series of fatal episodes there.
Fight outside The B.O.B. results in man’s death, say police |
In Fayetville over the weekend, three black people tried to rob a Chinese restaurant. A restaurant employee shot one of the robbers in the head, fatally. But one restaurant worker remains hospitalized in critical condition after a robber shot him.
1 restaurant gunman found dead; other at-large | The Citizen
In Bellefontaine over the weekend, 50 miles northwest of Columbus, police found 50 black people fighting outside of a bar. They arrested one person, who, said the Examiner, “later apologized to the officer.”
In the Detroit suburb of Hamtrack over the weekend, two black people beat a 59-year old white person known as the “cat man” for taking care of stray animals. “”He’s a wonderful kid, he’s very respectable to the elderly people in the community, and I think he was just brought into something, not being in my care,” said Mark Real, one of the perpetrator’s father to the NBC affiliate.
Teens charged in Hamtramck man’s severe beating | News – Home
The man is in critical condition and family wonders if he will survive.
These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.
Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
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djbinkb (dj bink b) @ Instagram – 5th village
miggity__mike (✝ ɱichael blake ✝) @ Instagram – 5th village
Good comment New Haven police investigate wrongdoing after hundreds of teens spill into street
▶ Officers break up fight at teen party – YouTube
▶best one Officers break up fight at teen party – YouTube
Fight outside The B.O.B. results in man’s death, say police |
4 shot after fight at Grand Rapids bar – YouTube
1 restaurant gunman found dead; other at-large | The Citizen
UM Police Department, Public Safety, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Roving, violent robbers strike U students repeatedly at night over weekend | Star Tribune
Teens charged in Hamtramck man’s severe beating | News – Home
Thieves rob teens, make threats about Circle City Classic – 13 WTHR Indianapolis
Neither of these attacks was listed in the reports police issue to media and neighborhood groups.
No one died, or was even hurt badly enough for hospitalization.
Party goer dea perry blamed police
Overall I enjoyed the party, but did not enjoy how the police handled everything. Inside of talking about the teens you should talk about how the police was unkind and very forcing.
I couldn’t find any news reports on this one. Simply hidden.
This is becoming so common that the language will have to shift to accommodate it. Black Mob will become blackmob. If you say mob you will only be using a half word.
New Haven is a rat infested crap hole full of welfare queens. No surprise there.