Archives For White Girl Bleed a Lot

New: Letter from a cop.

December 31, 2013 — 15 Comments

cover new TheKnockoutGame_HighRes_05Mr. Flaherty,


First of all I want to thank you very much for writing your book.

I have been a Sheriff’s Officer for 10 years, my father was a Deputy, my grandfather was a chief of police, and my brother is a cop too.

Over the past week I discovered your book online through a forum and realized that it is exactly what I have been looking for to sustaniate all of the current trends I am seeing in our area.  When my grandfather became a police officer, this area was an iconic booming proud city that was full of blue-collar hard working people.

The police department was known for its take-no-shit approach to criminals and the jail was no different. Up until recently, in liue of the entitlement generation and the never ending lawsuits, we were able to correct the local criminal population with force and proper sentencing guidelines.
Over the past decade an entire section of our city has been taken over by welfare seeking Chicago families that have infested our schools, jails, and pockets.  At my jail, we book in 100 criminals per day most of which are Chicago born youth.

After speaking with this current generation of criminals over the past ten years, one thing is clear, they feel as if they are entiltled to everything my ancestors worked hard to make and protect.

Also, I want you to know about another thing that is plaguing this area which is called the megabus.  This is a cheap round trip double decker bus specifically catering to welfare rats and drug dealers who are double dipping into our free benefits with no consequences or fear of being cut off what so ever.

I have said all that to tell you that the violence that I am seeing toward our white population is absolutely directly correlated to the influx of Chicago based gangs moving to our community.  Over the past few years, gangs of blacks from Chicago have killed our cops, killed our kids and cost us millions of dollars.

Again, thank you much for having the guts to put to paper the way all cops are feeling these days.

Whoa. Great letter. Wait till I show it to my brother!!!


White Girl Bleed a Lot -- Knockout Game edition

White Girl Bleed a Lot — Knockout Game edition



About the Author

Colin Flaherty is an award winning reporter and author of the #1 best selling book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

His new book is Knockout Game a Lie? Aww, Hell No.

Both books are about black mob violence, black on white crime and the Knockout Game.

His  work has appeared in more than 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine.  His story about how a black man was unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend resulted in his release from state prison and was featured on Court TV, NPR, The Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune.

Thomas Sowell: ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Sean Hannity: White Girl Bleed a Lot  “has gone viral.”

Allen West: “At least author Colin Flaherty is tackling this issue (of racial violence and black on white crime) in his new book, White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.“

Los Angeles Times: “a favorite of conservative voices.”

Daily Caller:  “As the brutal “knockout” game sweeps across the U.S., one author isn’t surprised by the attacks or the media reaction. Colin Flaherty, author of the book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How The Media Ignore It,” began chronicling the new wave of violence nearly a year ago — revealing disturbing racial motivations behind the attacks and a pattern of media denial.”

Alex Jones: “Brilliant. Could not put it down.”

Neal Boortz: “Colin Flaherty has become Public Enemy No.1 to the leftist media because of his research on black culture of violence.”

From the Bill Cunningham show. It is official: “Colin Flaherty is a great American.A wonderful book.” “Prescient. Ahead of the News. Garnering attention and sparking important discussions.”

David Horowitz: “A determined reporter, Colin Flaherty, broke ranks to document these rampages in a book titled, White Girl Bleed A Lot”

Order White Girl Bleed a Lot from Amazon here.
Order Knockout Game a Lie? here: 

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For a FREE preview copy of his next book, Knockout Game a Lie? go to

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And you do not want to miss that video, either!

WhiteGirl_300x250_R2They are coming in faster than I can keep up: Two more seniors beaten.

Here are two separate cases from today: Both seniors. Both beaten by black people.

Not to worry: Some guy named Colin Delany assures me that all these case are just anecdotal and only gullible people believe them.


A preview of a story. Links Below.

Some guy named Colin Delany tells me these stories of black mob violence and black on white crime are “anecdotal.” Cherry picking. Only for the gullible or those “who want to believe.”

Kind of like the black woman who told NPR radio recently how happy she was about the 11 black movies this year — like Django Unchained, The Butler, and 12 Years a Slave — because they “validate” her experience as a black woman.

Except for the black and woman part.

Delany is only repeating what the Los Angeles Times, CNN, Slate, and dozens of other liberal house organs are saying: No racial violence happening here. Delany wants everyone to know the country is so big that anyone can find anyone doing anything at about any given time.

People like that usually say they could find — if they wanted — just as many examples of white on black mob violence. Just as many videos as the ones that document more than 500 cases of black mob violence in White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

The next video I get will be the first one.

Regardless, the cherries are piling up: This time, two cases of black mob violence and black on white crime directed at senior citizens. One 89-years old. The other 70. Both after Christmas. For your consideration:

James Gorman does not cotton to speeders in his neighborhood. He tells them to slow down. Two days after Christmas, the 70-year old was pushing his wife in a wheelchair. Their granddaughter sat in her lap.

Gorman saw a car of black people “haul(ing) butt” down his street in a suburb of Tampa. So he said something. They did not like that. The news web site Opposing Views fills in the details:

That’s when the car stopped and two men got out who proceeded to beat Gorman unconscious.

“He grabbed my hands … proceeded to beat the daylight out me,” he said. “He knocked me out.”

Gorman was left with a torn rotator cuff, a black eye, broken glass and pounding headaches.

“I guess decided they needed to show how big a men they were,” he said.

One of the attackers tried to gouge his left eye.

“That’s a thumb in the eye,” he said. “That’s meant to do damage. That’s pretty low – somebody who does that.

Gorman is out of the hospital now. Injuries like his are described as “minor” or “non-life threatening.” But he is still  bruised and battered. He still has the headaches. As for the wife and granddaughter, they have seen what cannot be unseen. Police reports do not list that kind of damage.

They’ll get over it. Or not.

Three days later, an 89-year old man was walking home from McDonald’s in Glen Burnie, a few miles outside of Baltimore.

It was 6 a.m. Yes, the coffee is pretty good there and the food is … affordable. Old people don’t sleep that much anyway. The local ABC affiliate picks up the story:

Three men, believed to be teenagers, attacked him and knocked him to the ground in the area of Cloverleaf and Four Leaf Clover Drive. The teens stole the man’s wallet and unknown amount of money.

He was taken to the hospital with what the police call “serious” injuries.

Baltimore law enforcement and political officials say what the ABC affiliate would not: The men were black. And black mob violence is a regular and frequent and intense part of life in that city. Sometimes they use racial epithets. Sometimes they do not.

One way makes it a hate crime. The other not. Either way, most of the time they do not get caught.

Delany calls that anecdotal.

Others call it eye witness testimony.


70-Year-Old Grandpa Tells Speeder To Slow Down, Is Beaten Unconscious In Front Of Granddaughter, Disabled Wife (Video)

Teens rob, beat 89-year-old man in Glen Burnie

Elderly man assaulted in Glen Burnie robbery | Anne Arundel County News – WBAL Home

Films With Black Actors, Directors Go To 11 In 2013 : Code Switch : NPR

Teens rob, beat 89-year-old man in Glen Burnie

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Get it here:


White Girl Bleed a Lot -- Knockout Game edition

White Girl Bleed a Lot — Knockout Game edition

 white_girl_bleed_a_lot_coffee_cupBlack Mob Violence in Charlottesville — Send in the Clowns. 

A preview of an article. With links at the bottom.

They always laugh, these Knockout Game artists. That is why they call it a game. The fun part  is  more important than the Knockout part.

But lots of media reports ignore that.

The latest example of the Knockout Game in Charlottesville, Virginia illustrates  all of the features of this ever-growing past time. Let’s start with the central organizing feature of the violence: First, the attackers were black.

Jeanne Doucette and her boyfriend Marc Adams were enjoying the Holiday season in downtown Charlottesville when Adams tripped. As he tried to get up, three black people came upon them, one said something, perhaps even offering him a hand up.

Much like a similar episode of the Knockout Game in Springfield, Missouri, where a bicyclist hit a pot hole near a black fraternity party, causing him to fly over the handlebars. One of the party-goers came out to see if biker was alright. When he put his hand out to help him up, he punched the bicyclist in the face.

And walked away laughing.

Marc Adams did not know what his attacker said prior to the beginning of the Knockout Game.  According to the C-Ville Weekly, they

kicked Adams while he was on the ground, before being joined by his friends who beat Adams severely, breaking his ankle, cracking ribs and knocking out one of his teeth.

While Doucette suffered bruising to her head and tearing of the cartilage in her ear, Adams bore the brunt of the men’s aggression, sustaining broken bones and a concussion that he said has robbed him of any memory of the incident and its immediate aftermath.

All for no other reason than they attackers could attack and the victims could not resist.  The predators did not utter any racial epithets. None that the victims told police anyway. Without the magic words, it would not be correct to call this a hate crime.

But given the overwhelming number of people who play this game are black, and most of the victims are not, it would be equally incorrect to say race has no role in the violence.

The assault moved up the street as Adams and Doucette tried to escape their attackers. They screamed at passersby for help. They screamed at their attackers to stop. No one listened. The beating continued.

Then came the next identifying feature of the Knockout Game: The laughing.

they had no apparent interest in robbing her. Instead, she said, they seemed to delight in the brutality.

“They were laughing, high-fiving, hugging, and then returning to kick him,” said Doucette. “There was some kind of camaraderie to it.”

The predators laugh. They are having fun. In Philadelphia, a businessman in a similar situation pleaded with his attackers to stop. He asked them: “Why are you doing this? Why?”

“Its not our fault you can’t fight,” they told him. Then the laughing started again

In Milwaukee, when a group of 50 black people attacked a few white kids on a Fourth of July picnic, a black woman stood over a white woman during the attack and motioned to her friend, laughing: “White Girl Bleed a Lot,” she said, laughing even louder.

Her friends thought that was funny too.

The laughing predators are documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

Eventually the violence ended when the attackers knocked Adams out.  But not before Doucette took their pictures.

Then came the next traditional phase of the Knockout Game: The dismissal.  The disinterest. Doucette turned her photos over to police and waited for the full court press to catch the dangerous men who tried to kill her boyfriend. And her.

That’s another part of the Knockout Game:  Police and reporters usually term the injuries as “non-life threatening” or minor. And the perpetrators are rarely apprehended.

The victims — and their families – are left wondering what happened. Why no one cares. And why they feel weird about talking about the fact that their attackers were black, and it has happened before. Many times.

That is what happened to Sherry Godfrey in Springfield, Missouri when her son was the victim of racial violence from people attending (another) black fraternity party in Springfield.  Police did not investigate, other than asking a few perfunctory questions of a few party-goers. And when, last year, Godfrey asked if her son was the victim of racial violence, officials at the school where the attackers attended and local met met her inquiries with impatience. Then silence.

Sherry Godfrey did not play that game. Unhappy with the indifference to her son’s beating, she put a web site — — where she gathered all the police reports and other information about the attack on her son. The perpetrators have yet to be brought to justice, but she’s not giving up.

We know that people at the party know who is responsible. We are putting up this web site in the hope that telling the world who they are, they will tell the world what they know. Trevor never saw his attackers and was unable to defend himself,  but we are going to fight back by seeking justice.

And now Doucette and Adams are today where Sherry Godfrey was in 2012:

Nearly two weeks after the attack, the physical wounds are healing, but both Doucette and Adams are troubled by what they see as a lack of response from the Charlottesville Police Department.

“It’s like they don’t care,” said Doucette, who said she called police on December 29 to follow up on the investigation and was told that the case had been suspended due to a lack of information and had not been assigned to a detective. “I don’t understand why they couldn’t even have the courtesy to call and say we’re not even going to look for them,” she said.

That’s not how the Knockout Game is played, that’s why.


Surprise! Media finally wake up to Knockout Game

 Race-based Knockout Game meets the Moms

Justice for Trevor Godfrey | They know who did it. So will we.

Knockout: Victims of brutal Downtown Mall assault want arrests, and answers from policeC-Ville Weekly

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Get it here:





Mathematical Super Genius Rips ‘White Girl Bleed a Lot’

I cannot, in good conscience, hide this kind of Super Genius from the world.

So here are a few emails from the now-discovered mathematical Super Genius of America, a gentleman by the name of  Colin Delany, hailing from :


wylie coyote card Super Genius: “Please keep me on this list so that I might be reminded of what willful ignorance looks like. Most enlightening. You realize, of course, that in a country of 325 million people, you can find anecdotal evidence for almost anything you want to believe. Particularly when you’re hungry to believe.”

Me: “how about when the “anecdotes” number over a thousand and are wildly out of proportion?”

I forgot to add the part about how many are on video. Would not have made any difference to a creature of such plainly superior Super Intellect:

Super Genius: “Look, no act of violence is good. Period. I would never defend anyone doing horrible things. But an “epidemic” actually means something – what I see are isolated instances of people doing something awful & for terrible reasons.

“Kinda like the handful of times guys in my high school who occasionally beat up someone for being “gay” (I.e. different). An epidemic would be more like, say, millions (millions!) of women beaten by husbands/boyfriends etc.

wylie coyote burnt“Every year. In this country, What you’re doing is firing gullible people up who can’t do math and realize the difference between a rare-but-awful thing and….something that might actually happen to them.”

Me: I’ll notify Thomas Sowell. He’s just as dumb as I am. I think I’ll go have a cup of coffee in my new beverage container:







white_girl_bleed_a_lot_coffee_cupBlack Mob Violence: No Break for the Holidays.

DRAFT: Preview of an article, with links at the bottom.

First came the shock. Then disbelief. Then the question: In the days following the arrest of white man on federal hate crime charges for assaulting a black man in Texas, more and more people around the country are wondering when public officials and the media will stop denying that black mob violence is a clear and present danger in their cities as well.

As examples,they point to large scale black mob violence, smaller but lethal cases of black on white crime, and even more episodes of the Knockout Game.

They also point a new trend in black media: Don’t deny it, explain it.

Let’s start in Los Angeles, two weeks before Christmas. At first seemed it like nothing: The Los Angeles Times called it a fraternity brawl with 25 people with no particular racial identity at a local hotel and no one hurt or arrested. The local CBS affiliate talked to the fraternity president who also downplayed the violence: It was just a few guys trying to “impress the females.”

By the next day, a different picture emerged: More than 1000 people were fighting in and out of the hotel. Before during and after the party. Video showed one person throwing a large metal table into a crowd of party-goers. People got hurt, at least one person went to the hospital for stitches.

The local ABC affiliate cobbled it together:

According to hotel management, the fight broke out between two different fraternities. Police said everything from fists, tables and chairs were thrown. Some witnesses said fights occurred on several floors of the hotel. They also said police used pepper spray on the crowds.

“It was pretty bad. The whole party was engulfed in pepper spray. You could feel it in your lungs,” said one witness.

Authorities say the pepper spray was used when the partygoers refused to cooperate.

Other hotel residents said the violence and commotion went on all night inside the hotel.

The party was sponsored by a black fraternity at Cal State Long Beach. No one was arrested.

Near Charlotte, North Carolina, four black people are under arrest in the shooting death of Marcus Kauffman, a volunteer firefighter and expectant father. Kauffman died a few days before Christmas.

At the University of Michigan, three black people were charged in December with  the murder of a medical student during a home invasion robbery.

On December 15, Dustin Friedland and his wife were leaving a New Jersey mall when a group of black people killed him and took his SUV. The New York Daily News filled in a few blanks:

Friedland, a beloved husband and lawyer from Hoboken, had just finished loading holiday gifts into his silver 2012 Range Rover when two men ambushed him so they could steal the SUV. He never had a chance — the men shot him four times before he had a chance to resist or question his greedy attackers.

Police arrested four black people are few days before Christmas and charged them with murder.

Many public officials and members of the media deny there is any kind of systematic problem with black mob violence or black and white crime. That does not exempt them from the violence.

In Washington, D.C. In December, several black people beat severely a CNN news producer walking the two blocks from his home to work at 4 a.m. He said he will never walk in Washington again.

In Minneapolis at the Mall of America, several black people beat and robbed one of the area’s more visible liberal politicians. Just about a month after Mark Andew finished second in the race for mayor of Minneapolis, he was sitting in a Starbucks when someone grabbed his phone and ran out of the store. The Star Tribune reported:

As Andrew ran after the thief, two young women waiting outside the coffee shop tackled him, and one began beating him on the head and face with a club.

Andrew said he jumped back to his feet and physically restrained one attacker while the other continued striking him. They yelled, “We’re going to kill you! We’re going to kill you!”mark andrew

When police arrived in five minutes, the two black women said they were the victims: Andew had attacked them. That story did not hold up very well and the two were arrested.

Andew was taken to the hospital where he received nine stitches. The third person is still at large. They don’t have to worry too much: Andrew is not mad at them: “I think there’s redemption for everybody,” said Andrew. “So we’ll try to find a way for them to get in a place where they can turn their lives around.”

So far Andrew and his social reformers have not had much success with that in Minneapolis. The Mall of America has been the site of several examples of black mob violence.

Here’s how one resident describes it the New Minneapolis:

Formerly bustling suburbs like Robbinsdale and St. Louis Park have turned into ghettos. Malls, restaurants and shops are few and far between in downtown areas.

Even the Mall of America is under assault. Go there on a Saturday afternoon and you’ll see gangs of blacks with colors flying and pant legs rolled up.

They ogle, whistle at and harass white women, even following them around. They occupy the food courts, which are a constant source of intimidation and mayhem.

Last January, some 200 blacks got into a violent chair throwing fracas at one of the food courts. It quickly spread to other areas, forcing stores to close their gates and paying customers to flee. There was cell phone video all over the Internet, showing conclusively that the combatants were black.

We’ll never know if there were any arrests made or charges filed because the print and broadcast media had little to say.

And downtown Minneapolis and the campus of the University of Minnesota have been the site of several recent examples of black mob violence and black on white crime.

In December, Minneapolis police told a Chinese exchange student they were “too busy” to investigate the whereabouts of her stolen computer, even though she had located it using a built-in GPS device.

Several black people had assaulted her, knocked her out,  and taken her computer several days before. Campus police followed up on the lead and found the computer. They arrested one person, who said he took the computer but someone else assaulted her.

Down in Jacksonville, Florida, a “massive” Christmas night fight and riot erupted in and out of a movie theater after 600 black people — many waiting to see a Nelson Mandela movie — tried to gain free admission by rushing the ticket taker.

Private security and police used tear gas on the rioters. According to the Florida Times-Union out of Jacksonville:

One of the young suspects refused orders to leave and began to incite the crowd yelling, “—  — you, crackers, I ain’t going nowhere,” according to her arrest report. Most of the crowd was black, while several officers were white.

During the 90 minutes it took to get the fighting under control, several of the rioters threatened attacked police, including Jaquade Marquis Miller.

When Miller appeared before a judge, his mother told the court he was a good boy and this was not like him. She later told reporters her son was crying and scared.

Instead of sending him to jail, Miller agreed to take an eight-week course in accountability from a group called Save Our Sons. The program teaches accountability, “healthy choices” and “gives them a chance to vent,” said SOS leaders.

Jacksonville has been the scene of several episodes of large scale black mob violence before this. In 2012, 300 black people stormed a Wal-Mart, looted it, videoed it, and ran away as police arrived. But not before the chaos was captured on video.

On Memorial Day 2013, hundreds of black people were involved in large scale violence at the beach. Much of it on video.

Self-described youth advocate, Donteacia Seymore of Jacksonville, told First Coast News this kind of violence happens a lot in Jacksonville: “But it was a reminder that this is something that’s common. It’s prevalent. It’s not going away,” Seymore said.

Chicago residents and police report at least two episodes of black mob violence over the holiday season. In the suburb of Orland Park, dozens of black people were fighting and destroying property at a local mall. Five people were arrested. The reporters at the local Patch outlet were careful to avoid the racial issue, but its readers were not:

How does one comment on this and NOT sound racist or some stereotype. You can’t. So I won’t try.  Though some liberal will say I’m being racist or stereo typical but I’m not the ones who named their children “Shat-I-Vanna” SERIOUSLY?! Then raised her in a way to think this was an appropriate way to behave. Sadly, all too often stereotypes exist for a reason. You may call it a stereotype or racist while I call it STATISTICS. See, no way to reply to this TRUTHFULLY and not sound like some dumb ass clan member, so I won’t try. Sorry, if the truth hurts. People are too afraid to speak the truth these days.

Over at America’s best cop blog: Second City Cop, readers learned about 500 black people “wilding” at Chicago’s North Riverside mall a few days after Christmas.

When the wilding started in the mall. I would have estimated about a 500 hundred Amish thugs fighting and running like savages. Store locked their doors and security waited until about 25 squad cars from the surrounding areas came and cleared the mall.

They were not really Amish.

In Syracuse over the weekend, eight black people were arrested at the Destiny USA mall after police and security responded to a “large fight.” One of the people arrested, a 14-year old boy, allegedly swung a knife at police.

Many in Syracuse said it reminded them of a similar incident last year, when police were called to the same mall for another large fight involving black people. When police attempted to detain a 15-year old suspect, he resisted. Two of his friends attacked the officers.

After he was subdued and arrested, police found a sawed-off shotgun in his long coat. Three shotgun shells were found next to the body of an unconscious person at the scene of the fight.


No account of the racial violence over the last several weeks would be complete without mentioning the Knockout Game, and how they are still happening. Or not, if you work for CNN, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, MSNBC and other media outlets.

From Brooklyn, Columbus, Rochester, Milwaukee, Harlem, and other places, reports of spontaneous, unprovoked, black on white racial violence continue to come in. And continue to be denied in many — but not all — popular press outlets.

Recent large scale black mob violence –often at night after the clubs close, or in the day at black high schools  — has also been reported in Atlanta,  Philadelphia, Baltimore, Tulsa, Washington, Baton Rouge, Middletown (Connecticut), Pittsburgh, among others.

What recently received the most attention were the (pick one) 300, 400, 500, or 600 “teens” rampaging through Kings Plaza mall in Brooklyn — the same neighborhood  where 10 black people surrounded a white couple in a car at a stoplight and beat them in November.

For two hours on the day after Christmas, “the teenagers stole merchandise, assaulted security guards, and broke candy jars. A group of teenage girls were caught on camera fighting and shouting while security guards tried to break them up.”

Merchants reported wide-spead panic and property damage, so much so that many were forced to close their doors to protect their customers and merchandise.

The New York Post made a perfunctory attempt to convince its readers this was not another example of black mob violence. It reported “A tall white guy with a grey bubble coat was wearing a ski mask and a skull cap and he had his hand under his coat like he was holding a gun.”

But videos, social media and members of law enforcement tell a different story: This was a black crowd at mall with a large black clientele. Chicks on the Right tracked down some of their Facebook postings.


“[Kings Plaza] was on tilt today but n-ggas wasn’t catching me,” Ray Ray Sextana posted on Facebook.

Another teen, Mark Wallace, posted, “S–t was crazy at Kings Plaza. So the security started shutting down the mall and kicking all teens out but it was so much of us they couldn’t get control.”

He added,“F–ked up my middle finger tryna fight them bitch ass security guards.”

At least viewer at the ABC news affiliate in New York was having trouble figuring it all out: “Just wondering, but why are there so many variations on what happened Thursday? Some say claim that there were hundreds of teenagers, that nothing was stolen or it was just these group of girls fighting.”

There are too many witnesses, too many videos, too many victims, too much damage, for people to deny the existence of large scale black mob violence and black on white crime.

The New York Times might keep trying to deny it, but many black media outlets are way past that — and now into explaining why it is happening. This article from the Atlanta Black Star is as good as anything you can find in Ebony, Jet, The Grio, One News, Huffington Post Black Voices, The Field Negro, or dozens of other black media outlets: 5 Reasons Young Black Men Resort To Violence.




Los Angeles

Brawl at Radisson near LAX involved over 1K people – police |


CSULB officials continue probe into fraternity brawl at hotel near LAX

Police break up brawl at LA airport hotel – My News 4 – KRNV, Reno, NV

Brawl breaks out at fraternity’s toy drive near LAX –

Brawl erupts during frat party at Radisson Hotel near LAX involving up to 1,500 people

Cal State Long Beach’s Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity toy drive turns into frightening brawl at LAX-area Radisson



Charlotte, North Carolina

Praying for Marco

Family and friends mourn volunteer firefighter’s death | Charlotte
FOX Carolina 21


New Jersey:

Four taken into custody in fatal Short Hills mall carjacking in New Jersey – NY Daily News

Short Hills mall shooting update: 4 men arrested, identified in connection with deadly carjacking |


Washington, D.C.

One Arrest in Brutal Beating of CNN Producer | NBC4 Washington


Mall of America/Minneapolis

One Arrest in Brutal Beating of CNN Producer | NBC4 Washington

Laptop leads police to suspect in U robbery | Star Tribune

Suspects had cased Mall of America Starbucks before beating Mark Andrew | MPLS. |

Profiling worries black community | – The Minnesota Daily

Minneapolis mayoral race runner-up Mark Andrew beaten up by 2 teenage girls | Mail Online



River City Marketplace fight brings light to viral fight videos |

600 People Involved In Movie Theater Brawl, 5 Arrested | News One



Kings Plaza Mall steps up security after mob of teens runs through stores |

Kings Plaza Mall steps up security after mob of teens runs through stores |


Mall Brawl Quelled with Help from Off-Duty Cops – Police & Fire – Tinley Park, IL Patch

Blogger: Second City Cop – Post a Comment


5 Reasons Young Black Men Resort To Violence – Page 2 of 6 – Atlanta Black Star

Man Attacked By Teens, Claims Victim of Violent Game – CIProud

Large scale black mob violence;

Pepper spray sickens Booker T. Washington school students during fight |

Police Breakup Large Fight At Perry High School « CBS Pittsburgh

PD: Teen at Center of Large Fight Among High Schoolers Threatened Officers – Police & Fire – Middletown, CT Patch

Police break up large fight in Northeast Philadelphia |

Police seeking woman who fired gun during brawl outside Cherry Street nightclub – Tulsa World: Homepagelatest

Career Academy put on lockdown after massive fight – WAFB 9 News Baton Rouge, Louisiana News, Weather, Sports

4 charged after downtown fight – | News, sports, jobs, Tiffin, Ohio – The Advertiser-Tribune

New: Black mob violence and shooting at police now routine in Atlanta – White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white crime.


Knockout Games:

Mom Punched While Walking with Young Daughter in Midwood, Police Say – Midwood – New York

Delaware Teen Says He Was Victim Of “Knockout Game” | WBNS-10TV Columbus, Ohio

Have Knockout Games invaded Rochester? – 13WHAM – Top Stories

Pedestrians warned after random, possible ‘knockout game’ attack –

5 busted in NC ‘knockout game’ attack spree – WBTW-TV: News, Weather, and Sports for Florence, SC

‘Knockout Game’ Hits Oakland – Fox Nation

Knockout Game a Myth? It Sent Me to the Hospital

‘Knockout’ nets arrests | The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald

Rochester Police investigating “knockout game” video |

Long Island man cuffed in relation to several ‘knockout’ assaults: report  – NY Daily News


Syracuse police: 15-year-old in Carousel Center fight had sawed-off shotgun |

Teen swings knife at officer after huge fight at Regal in Destiny : News :

5 Reasons Young Black Men Resort To Violence – Atlanta Black Star


New Haven.

West Haven police identify man fatally shot outside Lager House bar


Some videos of an upcoming story involving black mob violence at a black fraternity party in LA.


KTLA video of black mob violence:



Another TV story from CBS: Nothing much. Just crowd control. Just a few guys to impress the females.

From NBC News: Just an alpha male situation. 15 girls to every guy.



ABC News: Good interviews:




White Girl Bleed a Lot -- Knockout Game edition

White Girl Bleed a Lot — Knockout Game edition

white_girl_bleed_a_lot_coffee_cupBlack mob violence in Chattanooga? Naaaahhh.

Preview of an article with links.

The reporters thought they were the good guys: Chattanooga is one of the most dangerous cities in America, and their series for The Times Free Press was creating pressure for local officials to do something about it.

Just one month ago the paper was bragging about the initial results of its Speak No Evil series: Police arrested “32 of the worst of the worst” in this city of 176,000 and the newspaper obliged by putting their pictures on the front page.

Everyone arrested was black.

The first phase was over: First, recognize that “most violent crime comes from a very small pocket” of people. Then tell them to stop. Or move. Or get arrested.

Two weeks later, the paper was ready for the next step: Organize a meeting to convince residents in high-crime neighborhoods to give up the code of silence and start calling police when they see a crime.

That is what the reporters said they wanted at the beginning of the meeting. But the largely black crowd of 200 wanted something altogether different: To its credit, the Times Free Press reported that too: The forum:

quickly turned into a diatribe about prejudice and racism in Chattanooga. A number of comments revealed a strong belief that the black community has been treated unfairly by whites. Several speakers referred specifically to the November arrest of 32 black men that police called the “worst of the worst” criminals in Chattanooga.

“Don’t just single out our kids,” one black man said, speaking into the microphone. “Are they the only ones that commit crime?” he asked to cheers and hollers.

The focus of the forum was the so-called High Point initiative, named after a North Carolina town where the approach reduced crime.

Concerned Citizens for Justice did not like anything about it. Members of the group believe that white racism is behind the poverty and injustice that creates so much violent crime. And that white people often commit similar crimes, but the police ignore them.

No one seemed in the mood to listen to the newspaper’s facts: “Of the 122 shooting victims in Chattanooga from Jan. 1 through Nov. 21 of this year, 114 were black, six were white and two were Hispanic, according to figures provided by police. Of the 63 known suspects, only one was white.”

The paper patiently reported that “Kevin Muhammad, a Nation of Islam youth worker, said the white community also has a code of silence. He also compared the High Point Initiative to the days when police would round up slaves. When he did, much of the crowd cheered.”

The CCJ posted comments live from the forum at is FaceBook page: “CCJ member, Janelle Jackson, bringing up the history of “no snitch culture” and that race is a part of this conversation because we know that regardless of what has been told to us, the “worst of the worst” in this city are NOT 32 black men.”

The CCJ rejected the idea that the Code of Silence had anything to do with crime. Or that the disproportionate amount of black people involved in violent crime has anything to with it either: Other than the fact that black people are victims of relentless white racism.

We find it very troubling that the “War on Drugs,” racial sentencing and arrest disparities, police brutality, income and access inequality—racism and poverty— were scarcely addressed while the bulk of investigation and blame fall on the community’s “code of silence.”

The NAACP joined in with a lukewarm statement, agreeing that crime is a problem, but so is racism, poverty and racial disparities on arrests and crime and imprisonment.

The Chattanooga push back was not too much different from what happened earlier this year in Kansas City, Missouri. After three years of regular and frequent and often intense black mob violence — much of it centered at upscale County Club Plaza and created by as many as 1000 black people —  the city council enacted a curfew.

In April, a councilman complained that all of the 34 people cited for curfew violations were black. “The data is the data,” city councilman Jermaine Reed told KMBC news. “That’s what I’m looking at. We’ve got to be honest and have an honest conversation. Say, ‘Here’s what it says and have an honest conversation, as well.’”

Reed did not return calls and emails for comment.

Congressman (and former mayor) Emanuel Cleaver got about as honest as it gets: When reporters asked what he thought about the curfew he tried to warn the council away: “All we are going to do is make a lot of black kids angry and they are going to take out their anger somewhere else.”

In Wilmington, Delaware — another city even ahead of Chattanooga on the many ‘most dangerous lists — had similar push back: Councilwoman Hanifa H. G. Shabazz said the hyper violence in Wilmington is a remnant of slavery and is causing mental illness, causing black people to become self-destructive.

She wants the Centers for Disease Control to investigate this mental illness afflicting black people and her city council agreed unanimously.

In Rochester, another site of frequent and regular and intense black mob violence, City Councilman Adam McFadden said the violence at a local beach was no big deal.  White people are just not used to it:  “I think what you saw at the beach is what been seeing in many of our neighborhoods for two decades,” said McFadden to WHAM TV news. “It’s just that you had a lot of people there who are not used to that culture and got to witness it personally.”

Back in Chattanooga,  the one white person who stood up to talk admitted that white people have been treating black people poorly and contributing to all these problems in and out of Chattanooga.

“I can’t apologize for the past, but I can make the future better,” said June Corn.

The paper recognized that fighting crime might not be as easy as finding criminals and locking them up: “The hurt and anger that echoed through the auditorium suggested that Mayor Andy Berke’s new violence reduction initiative faces an uphill battle among the very people it’s intended to help.”





WTVC NewsChannel 9 :: News – Top Stories – Residents: Racial Divide Between Black Community and Police


Happy holiday! Let the violence begin


These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Get it here:













white_girl_bleed_a_lot_coffee_cupIn Case You Were Wondering: Five Reasons Why Black People Resort to Violence.

From the Atlanta Black Star:


Violent American society

Black people have been inculcated by a violent experience that includes white mob violence, lynching, slavery, suffering and death.  The history of violence against Black people is so horrific as to be almost beyond belief.

Violence begets violence and socio-structural and institutional violence (vertical violence) begets interpersonal and intrapersonal violence (horizontal violence). The violence we see among our Black youth is an emulation of the cultural ways of their oppressor.

When the oppressed are subject to oppression for as long as Africans around the world are. They internalize the oppressor and   do to themselves what the oppressor once did to them.

“Thus, the problem of black on black violence is a problem of cultural mis-orientation, self-alienation and self-hatred. What we are seeing manifest as black on black violence is an emulation of the cultural ways of our oppressor. We have internalized his ways. This is called intropression,” according to psychologist Amos Wilson.

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Get it here:

Dear Colin,

I am a 73 year old white female ….who is very bright, teach numbers  of Bible studies and serve as a counselor for many people.  What I am saying is that I have the brain and the energy and intelligence,, and the perception,  of a younger person.

I tell you this because  I DO  want you to take me seriously! (thanks).  I have nearly finished your book.  I bought it because my father, a criminal lawyer, told me years ago that he thought we were heading toward a racial war.  I was too young to ask him his reasons for saying that.:)  Also, I have a 17 yr old grandson in the public schools and we have discussed race problems a lot (we live in SC).

He has learned ways to stay out of the fracus (sp?).  HERE IS MY QUESTION;  What should my husband and I do to protect ourselves?  And, also, what are you going to do next to follow up on what you are awakening in people …surely there is something that you have in mind to do.

Thank you for your brave, brave reporting.  May my Lord protect you and give His angels charge over you at all times.


Hi Sandra,


Short answer: I don’t know.  But I do know that older people are more likely to be targets.

I also know that if you are worried enough to ask the question, you probably have reason to take more care in protecting and defending yourself.




White Girl Bleed a Lot -- Knockout Game edition

White Girl Bleed a Lot — Knockout Game edition

Black mob violence and shooting at police now routine in Atlanta


This one involved gun fire and an off-duty cop.

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Get it here:


White Girl Bleed a Lot -- Knockout Game edition

White Girl Bleed a Lot — Knockout Game edition