New: Letter from a teacher and counselor.

December 26, 2013 — 12 Comments

Dear Colin,

I am a 73 year old white female ….who is very bright, teach numbers  of Bible studies and serve as a counselor for many people.  What I am saying is that I have the brain and the energy and intelligence,, and the perception,  of a younger person.

I tell you this because  I DO  want you to take me seriously! (thanks).  I have nearly finished your book.  I bought it because my father, a criminal lawyer, told me years ago that he thought we were heading toward a racial war.  I was too young to ask him his reasons for saying that.:)  Also, I have a 17 yr old grandson in the public schools and we have discussed race problems a lot (we live in SC).

He has learned ways to stay out of the fracus (sp?).  HERE IS MY QUESTION;  What should my husband and I do to protect ourselves?  And, also, what are you going to do next to follow up on what you are awakening in people …surely there is something that you have in mind to do.

Thank you for your brave, brave reporting.  May my Lord protect you and give His angels charge over you at all times.


Hi Sandra,


Short answer: I don’t know.  But I do know that older people are more likely to be targets.

I also know that if you are worried enough to ask the question, you probably have reason to take more care in protecting and defending yourself.




White Girl Bleed a Lot -- Knockout Game edition

White Girl Bleed a Lot — Knockout Game edition

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Colin Flaherty

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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
blank LifeisSoGood says:

Mr. Flaherty,
I’ve had my disagreements with a few of the things you have said. Nothing major but minor bits. Nothing at least that makes a difference. Just view points.
Having said that, this letter/answer has me scratching my head.
Sandra took the time to send you a detailed, well thought and supportive message. In it, she asks what I thought was a sincere and honest question; do you have further plans after awakening people to this violence? I’m confident her request for suggestions on safety was not the main inquiry. I accept I could be wrong.
I understand your time may be limited. You did make it clear you were giving the ‘short answer’. But, was the “I don’t know” answer to her safety or her question on future endeavors? It reads as toward her safety.
Since your website and book are dedicated to the loss of civility and violence created majorily by a single race in our society, I believed you would have given a little more thought into your response to her. Especially with her self designation as an Elder.
You shared her letter and your answer with us. I presume comments are then welcomed.
Sandra asked a question that many, myself included, are wondering. What is the next step? Since you are the undeniable leader in this reporting, it’s a natural progression to think you may have ideas on change.
I guess it was rather disheartening to hear ‘I don’t know’ from you too since we’ve heard it from the top of our government all the way down.
Understand, I do realize you probably receive a lot of hateful, cruel and even threats of violence type letters. You’ve seen more senseless violence than one person should. This might have made you more cynical than you naturally are.
I just hope you understand there is a large group that follows your reporting for more than just the violence. Some of us follow you to see how others are handling this crisis. We also wonder now that you have awakened even the MSM on this senseless violence, what are your plans? Where do we go from here?
Maybe you should take a second and write an article on where you believe we should go from here. Maybe followers can give some ideas if you have none.
Blacks only seem to have excuses. Maybe we should push some answers. It would help if we were all on the same page.
You must have felt this question relevant since you shared it with us. You lead on the reporting, lead on the answer. I just had hoped for a little more incite into your thought process on this point.
This is not an attack on you so I hope I’m not attacked. It’s sad one has to think that way. I just wish we could have an honest and open dialog with answers for this crisis that has hit our nation.

blank libertarian1234 says:

“I just wish we could have an honest and open dialogue with answers for this crisis that has hit our nation.”

In that vein I’d like to interject a comment, my friend.

The revelations coming out now regarding black mob violence, rioting and trouble-making are the first step in opening up a dialogue on this one-sided black on white race war that Thomas Sowell described in a recent column, if it is possible to do that.

To overcome the obstructionism from the media, academia, and the politicians, more people need to be made aware of what is happening before any kind of dialogue can take place.

Speaking for myself only, I view Colin Flaherty’s revelations as strictly unbiased news reporting, informing the public about what is occurring right now, but going no farther than that, which is an important first step in being made aware of the problem.

It’s my opinion that Flaherty has a mission to report the facts objectively and not offer reasons as to why the events he is reporting are occurring. It’s very possible he doesn’t want to get into speculation. I don’t know.

But at least he is reporting on it, so what we do with the information is strictly up to us.

If it is a leader you’re looking for, when the people are ready the leader will appear…….. to use a bit of the Buddhist saying about teacher and student.

blank LifeisSoGood says:

For the most part, I agree with your statement. The first step is making the public aware of what is happening. It has succeeded. We know this with the MSM multiple reporting on these attacks. We even see a White man being unfairly arrested under ‘hate crime’ laws to further expand discussion on race. It’s now becoming mainstream thanks, for the most part, to Mr. Flaherty.
I don’t agree that Mr. Flaherty is totally unbiased. You can see his opinion in many of his articles. Not saying that’s a bad thing. Just making an observation.
Personally, I’m not looking for a leader. I have been discussing the lopsided Black attack on White crime for many years before Mr. Flaherty wrote his book. It’s been over 4 years since I was seriously attacked online over a comment I made about parental neglect and how because of it, crime is prevalent in the Black community. Others may be though. Just speculation on my part.
I was ecstatic to see his book!
My only question is, why did he post this letter then? What was the purpose of it if not to maybe answer a question he couldn’t?
Don’t misunderstand. I like when he shares what followers write him, bad and good.
As I said, I was rather disheartened when he didn’t share some of his thought processes after years of being involved arms deep in this crisis. Especially after sharing this letter.
To have an honest dialog there must be answers. Otherwise it appears as complaining. This leads to the excuses we see.
Maybe it’s time to take it to the next level. Sandra, for one, seems to think so.
That’s all I’m respectfully asking.

blank libertarian1234 says:

“To have an honest dialog there must be answers. Otherwise it appears as complaining. ”

Dialogues are initiated in order to get answers.

Of course reporting on people doing bad things is a form of complaining, which is a natural, normal consequence of observing wrong doings.

With all due respect, you seem to be pretty confused and don’t really offer a logical presentation as to what you really want except for Flaherty to declare himself and offer reasons for this serious, ongoing problem, and the reasons you give don’t make sense.

And if that is what you perceive that Sandra wants, I don’t see how that adds anything to your argument.

More people need to be made aware of this situation. Not enough do right now.

blank LifeisSoGood says:

“And if that is what you perceive that Sandra wants..”
Perception has nothing to do with my comments nor understanding what Sandra has asked.

Sandra wrote: “HERE IS MY QUESTION; What should my husband and I do to protect ourselves? And, also, what are you going to do next to follow up on what you are awakening in people …surely there is something that you have in mind to do.”
It would be hard to misinterpret this question.
Wasn’t that the reason Flaherty posted the letter? If not, why then? Self worth?
‘I don’t know’ seemed rather flippant for such a sincere question.
Apparently I’m not confused. I am curious now. With all due respect, is it easier to make an attempt to persecute my question than it is answer Sandra’s? Even though they are, for the most part, the same.
I doubt many are unaware of the rampant Black on White crime. The problem was to get the MSM to report.
Obviously, I don’t hold some as high as others do. What do you think I said that made you feel the need to defend Mr. Flaherty?
I seemed to have predicted how the winds would blow my attempt at a civil discourse on the matter.
Thank you for your comments. I’ll take them under advisement.
Have a safe and Happy New Year.

blank libertarian1234 says:

“Perception has nothing to do with my comments nor understanding what Sandra has asked. ”

Of course it does. You perceived that Sandra wanted Flaherty to elaborate more and you perceived she didn’t get an adequate answer.

It’s comments like that that make you appear to be a bit confused, because apparently you don’t understand what perception means.

“Sandra wrote: “HERE IS MY QUESTION; What should my husband and I do to protect ourselves? And, also, what are you going to do next to follow up on what you are awakening in people …surely there is something that you have in mind to do.

“It would be hard to misinterpret this question.”

Who misinterpreted it? She asked a question. She got an answer. Do you expect every reporter of every story to follow through with a plan of action on everything he reports? Isn’t that a bit silly?

“Wasn’t that the reason Flaherty posted the letter? If not, why then? Self worth?”

What makes the difference? Why is that so important? Unless of course you’d like to have him elaborate on something you could distort and demonize him for, and you’re upset that he refuses to do so and prefers to simply report on these incidents.

“Apparently I’m not confused. I am curious now.”

Using the word “apparently,” denotes that you’re not certain, which is in itself a basis for confusion.

“With all due respect, is it easier to make an attempt to persecute my question than it is answer Sandra’s? Even though they are, for the most part, the same.”

How can a question be “persecuted?”

“What do you think I said that made you feel the need to defend Mr. Flaherty?”

Defend him? Why? Were you attacking him?

I offered an unbiased view of the situation and politely explained my thoughts on the matter. It’s no more than that. But it IS curious that you use the word “defend,” as if it were some Freudian slip revealing your true intentions.

“I seemed to have predicted how the winds would blow my attempt at a civil discourse on the matter.”

What responses have you received that were uncivil? Disagreements and raising questions aren’t, in themselves, evidence of hostility…..just an honest effort to get to the truth of the matter.

Incidentally, why have you just recently closed off access to your prior posts?

blank LifeisSoGood says:

Yes, you are right. Sandra asked a question and I just ‘perceived’ what she meant by “…what are you going to do next to follow up on what you are awakening in people …surely there is something that you have in mind to do.” I should have known better than to try and start a dialog on how to proceed as Sandra did.
I’m appreciative you were here to straighten me out. How kind of you. Such intelligence and incite you bring. It’s amazing you don’t have your own advice site with your name in large lights. I’ll bet you would have given Sandra an extremely elaborate response to her inquiry. Something like “I don’t know and never will.” then posted it on your site for all to see.
(/sarc off)

“I offered an unbiased view of the situation and politely explained my thoughts on the matter.”

I’m sure that’s what you believe you’ve done, but what you did was attempt to attack my reiteration of the question originally asked and vaguely answered.
Sandra did want an extensive, or complete, answer. She stated so when she added ” …surely there is something that you have in mind to do.”
I expected more of a “While I may think about the future, I’m more committed at this time to awakening the populous to these attacks.” Or something similar. It would be a more ‘mature’ response than “I don’t know.” Especially since he was posting the letter and response. While you might not expect maturity from journalists, I do.

Apparently, it’s you that has the perception issue. If you couldn’t comprehend the question being asked, either by Sandra or myself, you should have kept to yourself.
Not only have your presumed what the question of the letter meant, but also the one I proposed. You got both wrong.
I’m glad there are media outlets (TV, written and online) reporting on this and having these constructive discussions. It is interesting that this book, or Flaherty, is not mentioned.

Being as star struck as you seem to be, you couldn’t accept someone question sharing this communication with no real answers. Why do you feel the need to defend? Do you feel the need to be the worlds ‘champion’? If so, you should pick your battles more wisely.

“What makes the difference? Why is that so important?”
You did claim that Flaherty is an unbiased journalist. What would a biased, opinion letter have to do with the reporting of facts in Black on White assaults if not for the question posed and answered in his response? The only response.

“Disagreements and raising questions aren’t, in themselves, evidence of hostility…..”

What “question or disagreement” did you have? So far, all you’ve done is try to convince me I’m the one who misunderstood the question and answer shared. That I even misunderstood my own question, when obviously it’s you that misunderstands.

Incidentally, I haven’t touched the settings on my account since I created it many years ago. Of course the problems couldn’t be on your part, could it. You just don’t make mistakes, do you.

So again, have a safe and Happy New Year.

I assumed a comment like yours was the only response I would get, and I wasn’t disappointed. Time to move on.

blank Donnie Fair says:

Sandra, and readers at-large,

The Knockout Game is played by cowards who prey firstly on the oblivious, and secondly on the defenseless. Therefore, avoid being a victim by always being aware of your surroundings, and give yourself some options by carrying pepper spray – in your hand when necessary.

Congregations of feral humans who are menacing a particular area are to be avoided, especially in public areas like malls, parks, and sidewalks.

Stay safe and never show fear.


blank gah says:

I’ve had liberal friends admit privately that there is a problem, but then follow it up with the statement, “but I’ll be dead before it gets really bad.” Many of them don’t have children, so they feel safe in pushing for extremely liberal programs to placate the savages until they themselves are safely in the ground. Those who do have children quite often just say that they hope for the best for their descendants, and sadly shake their heads.

blank Chris Freedom says:

Just take baby steps, Colin. I’ve tried to discuss your book with a number of my indoctrinated liberal friends, to no avail. I’m amazed at how difficult it is to break people out of their comfort zones. Most of the people I speak to won’t even discuss the issue and ask me to speak in a whispered voice. Is there any wonder why the problem has gotten so far out of control?

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

— Voltaire