Archives For chicago

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Chicago Flash Rob: Why so sorry for the Predators?

Why do people get it confused so often: Who are the predators. Who are the victims?




From a Chicago cop:

October 1, 2014 — 1 Comment

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These piles of SHIT finally get caught
Serial Rapists no longer.
In 1-story, he raped a woman and then stole her Christmas Gifts before fleeing her apartment.  UnF’ing Real.





Read it now. Order here.

Read it now. Order here.

Columbus, Little Rock, Chicago: Recent racial violence.

It does not stop: racial violence in Ohio, Chicago, Arkansas.



It just does not stop, this racial violence.

This video features footage of hundreds of black people rioting at a Detroit school. A black person beating a white girl. And more black mob violence in Detroit.

But here is the punch line: The President and his cronies are stepping up their efforts to explain it: It’s all because of White Racism.

Let me know what you think.

White Girl Bleed a Lot Podcast. Subscribe Now.

White Girl Bleed a Lot Podcast. Subscribe Now.

Why haven’t you heard about this” asks a Chicago cop.

You tell me.




My biggest Facebook post ever: Say hello to my little friend: Raason.


A tip from one of my Chicago cops.

After Junior uses public housing to film a rap video with guns and drugs and who the hell knows what else, the mom gets kicked out.

Sorry about that.

WhiteGirl_300x250_01Black Mob Violence in Chicago: Ridiculous to Dangerous.


The latest case of black mob violence in Chicago is far from the worst. We’ll get to that one in a minute.

But when a mob of black people rushed into three Chicago area Sports Authority stores this week and rushed out dragging entire racks of winter clothing, the local CBS affiliate dubbed that “unbelievable.

CNN said the videos were “shocking.”

Not really: “That crime was only unbelievable or shocking to the reporters who spend all their time ignoring and denying black mob violence,” said one Chicago cop, who would rather keep his job than be identified as a source of stories on racial violence. “More organized, yes. Unbelievable? Hardly. Not to anyone who knows anything about the epic level of black mob violence and black on white crime in this city.”

First the heist. The CBS affiliate reports:

Unbelievable surveillance video captured flash mobs dashing into store after store and running out with armloads and sometimes entire racks of sporting goods.

It has happened at three different Sports Authority stores in the Chicago area.

The video shows the mob dragging the racks out together in what can only be called a choreographed fashion: Linking them together and rolling them like a freight train through the nearby exit and out to a parking lot.

The thieves targeted clothes and knocked over one employee who tried to interfere. Other than that, no one was hurt.

This heist was comic relief compared to an episode of black mob violence and rape on three teenage girls in October. This week police arrested the ninth black person in connection with the rape, kidnapping, drugging and assault .The Chicago Tribune picks up the story:

The girls were walking in the 700 block of North Parkside Avenue in the Austin neighborhood about 9:45 p.m. Oct. 19 when a 1999 Chevrolet van approached, according to police and prosecutors.

As the van parked outside of a liquor store, two suspects exited and started to talk to the girls. Later, the victims agreed to get into the van and left with them. The attackers had the girls sit on their laps and then gave the two 16-year-old victims alcohol and marijuana, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors said at least two of the people took turns driving while the girls were assaulted. Meanwhile, the girl who did not drink the alcohol or smoke the marijuana “fought to protect” the other girls, screaming and pounding the walls of the van, according to court records and prosecutors.

Prosecutors provided more detail about the state of the two girls who were given the alcohol and marijuana in the van. They said one of the girls was “extremely intoxicated” and could not hold her head up. One of the girls had a blood alcohol content of .237, according to prosecutors. Police found that girl unconscious and partially dressed in a suspect’s basement, lying in a pool of her own vomit, prosecutors said.

Several of the assaults were captured on cell phone videos from the suspects.

As graphic as the Tribune’s coverage of the violence was, it was tame compared to the details in other Chicago area blogs: Crime in Chicago did not shy away from presenting a fuller picture of the violence:

Angered at her screams, Robinson held the 15-year-old down while another suspect punched her in the face until she became quiet. Still restrained, she was sexually assaulted and then kicked out of the van because she continued yelling. As she fell out, she managed to pull her 16-year-old sister out with her, even though the attackers tried yanking them back inside.

The second 16-year-old remained in the van as the sisters ran, knocked on doors and screamed for help.

The suspects drove to Durham’s home. The girl was unconscious so Johnson and Price picked her up and carried her into Durham’s home where Price then sexually assaulted her.

Three witnesses who happened to be driving in the area called police after seeing the commotion and the sisters as they escaped from the van.

The Tribune does not usually identify suspects by race. Even if the crime is  part of a pattern. Even if the race of the suspects will help identify them. Even if the paper reports every day on other race-related stories about black caucuses, black churches, black colleges, black TV, black radio, and on and on.

Everything except black mob violence.

Tribune editors and columnists spend more time explaining why they do not report on racial violence in Chicago then actually reporting it. And for readers who wonder why the Trib is so heavily invested in ignoring and denying the epidemic of black mob violence in Chicago, the Trib’s Steve Chapman has an answer: You are a racist for even asking.

“There are good reasons not to identify the attackers by race. It’s the newspaper’s sound general policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else, unless it has some clear relevance to the topic.

“My question to readers accusing us of political correctness is: Why do you care so much about the attackers’ race? If you fear or dislike blacks, I suppose it would confirm your prejudice. But otherwise, it tells you nothing useful.”

When readers try to comment on racial violence, black mob violence or black on white crime, the Tribune — like many other papers around the country — either removes the comments or does not run them at all.

“In certain circumstances, we will take down entire comment boards,” says the paper.

The Tribune disabled comments for the several stories on the West Side rapists.


9th man charged in West Side kidnapping, sexual assault – Chicago Tribune

The Chicago Tribune had an answer ready: If you noticed, you are a racist.








Comments Crime in Chicago 2013: 7 charged in kidnapping, assault of 3 teen girls on West Side







Look closely!

ch cop 4


Racism Everywhere. Yes, you too.




The white liberals at Salon and MSNBC may still be virulent denial about the black mob violence. But many black people are way past that: They don’t deny it, they excuse it. And the biggest and most popular excuse today is racism.

In Chicago earlier this month, a group of black people in a gun fight shot 13 black people on a basketball court. Black violence in Chicago takes other forms as well: Some of it black on white. Some black on Asian. Or black on gay. Or black on young. Or black on old. Black on rich. Black on poor. Black on illegal immigrant. Black on tourist. Black on doctor. Black on lawyer. Black on Indian Chief? I don’t know about that one.

But Black on woman is also popular. So is black on storekeeper. Some violence is individual. Some in a mob.

The reasons for this tsunami of violence are legion — and oft repeated: Family. Poverty. Housing. Education. Do I need to go on?

Ebony Magazine says No.

Its easy to forget how influential Ebony is. “Ebony and Jet have been permanent fixtures on coffee tables in African-American homes for many years,” said Magic Johnson.

Now Joshua Adams, writing in Ebony, wants to flip the script: Even if black people are being convicted of crimes like assault and murder and burglary and selling drugs anywhere from 10 to 20 to 30 to even 40 times more than the rest of the population, Ebony doesn’t want to hear any more talk about black pathology.

It’s much easier to point to Black crime than to interrogate a whole litany of violence against the Black community.

What’s missing in their analysis is any mention of the history of institutionalized attacks on Black people …

There’s no call for accountability towards a prison industrial complex sending Black and Brown folks to jail with longer sentences for equal or lesser crimes than any other race.

No statistics are presented to show the overreporting of Chicago crime or to combat the many misconceptions about Black on Black crime in general in America.

And what’s sadder is if their analysis is that shallow, how could they even begin to discuss, let alone understand, the residuals effects from the sadistic, prolonged assault on our people that was chattel slavery?

Prisons cause crime. So does slavery. To quote the t-shirt: Its a black thing. You wouldn’t understand.

And since most people don’t, Adams has a prescription: “If you aren’t interested in doing anything but pointing in our direction to underscore some sort of racist, classist, blame-skewing point, then keep our city out your mouth.”

I understand now.

The Attorney General likes to flip the script as well. Just a few weeks ago, he gave a speech where he talked about racism. And how black people and white people who commit the same crimes are given different sentences.

The AG forgot to mention about how the biggest racial disparities in court rooms rebound to the benefit of black people. At least the ones who are accused of a crime.

In Baltimore, the Abell Foundation found that black juries were reluctant to convict black people of crimes, compared to other counties in Maryland.

The study found “the probability of convicting an offender of the most serious offense in Baltimore City is .02, in the comparison jurisdictions it is .63.”

In layman’s language, that is 2 percent conviction rate versus 63 percent conviction rate. And it is not just Baltimore. In New York, the racial jury nullification is so common it even has a name: Bronx jury.

At MSNBC, the contributors love to talk about how black people and white people smoke the same amount of marijuana, but black people are arrested four times more often. That is based on a bogus study that does not test people for drugs, it asks if they use drugs or not.

And yes, there are studies on that too. At least two of them. It’s called self-reporting. When you ask about drug usage and then you test to see who is telling the truth, Black people are far more likely to lie about it.

According to the medical journal Addictive Behaviors,

“underreporting of cocaine was documented with urine testing validation as well where African Americans in comparison to Caucasians who were urine positive were about 6 times less likely to report cocaine use when other factors are controlled for.”

Down at Johns Hopkins, they tested self-reporting of marijuana use among African Americans:

“A study of 290 African American men in Baltimore, Maryland undergoing treatment for hypertension showed that self-reporting of illicit drug use is unreliable. Only 48 of the participants reported drug use but urine drug tests revealed that 131 had used drugs. “

We are unable to confirm or deny the Attorney General was one of the subjects in these drug studies. But his recent speeches are just about the closest proof of a positive drug result you can get without testing.

The racist drum beat continues: The University Rochester University recently completed a study that showed more white racists live in the South. Their definition of racist: Someone who believes jobs, contracts, school enrollments and other opportunities should based on merit. Not racial quotas.

The University of Michigan recently did a similar study: Whites are racist. But smarter whites are better at disguising it. “But they are no more likely than lower-ability whites to support open housing laws and are less likely to support school busing and affirmative action programs.”

Even hip hop star Chris Brown is getting in on the act. Brown is best known outside the world of hip hop for his frequent forays into the headlines for beating up his girl friend, hit and run driving, faking his community service, assault on other rappers, and … well, its a long list.

But Chris would like to explain it all to us: Its not his fault. Its all about racism.

The District Attorney? He’s a “racist ass.”

“I got to the point where it’s only so much you can take from the master, you feel me? I’ve taken my fair share of lashings,” he told Jet Magazine. “This generation is so used to racism that it’s normal; we don’t care. We aren’t on drugs or catching AIDS, but they still look at us as n****s.”

Brown compares himself to Trayvon: Both victims of “blatant racism.”

In the meantime, I have one question for the put-upon Mr. Brown: Have you thought about moving to Baltimore?

Majority of America’s racists live in areas where slavery was most common says new study | Mail Online

Chris Brown faces ‘blatant racism’ – Entertainment News | TVNZ

University of Michigan News Service | Smart enough to know better: Intelligence is not a remedy for racism

Does Racism Really Cause More Black Drug Arrests? | FrontPage Magazine

Magic Johnson walks away from Ebony, Jet | Chicago Breaking Business


[ENOUGH] Keep Chicago Out Your Mouth – Page 2 – News & Views – EBONY

When You’re Going Through Hell, Keep On Going | Baltimore magazine


