Brooklyn black mob violence. Again.
Remember December? Kings Plaza? 400 black people going “berserk?”
Happened again. Yesterday. A preview of a story at WND.
Officials vowed to get tough after the last episode of black mob violence at Kings Plaza mall in Brooklyn a few days after Christmas.
So they banned teenagers from the mall unless they were accompanied by an adult.
That lasted two days. “We ask that they respect the center’s code of conduct while visiting the center,” mall owners pleaded after relenting.
This week, they returned: Hundreds of black people running, fighting, creating mayhem at the Kings Plaza Mall.
The local CBS news dutifully downplayed the violence and the central organizing feature of the perpetrators. They were black.
“It was just a bunch of kids misbehaving, causing havoc in the mall and stuff like that,” Shawn Reece said to the CBS reporter. “They play manhunt you know just having fun but I guess it got a little bit out of hand.”
But local web sites were not quite eager to overlook the obvious. Not this time. Over at, the locals were in an uproar:
“I can’t believe there was not more publicity on this,” said one resident. “Flatbush avenue was a mob scene. Traffic backed up to the entrance of the belt parkway with mobs of teenagers everywhere. I couldn’t believe my eyes. My normal commute home took an additional hour because I couldn’t get past the mall. They need to shut down this crime magnet ASAP!!”
Even in the hipster haven of Brooklyn, where diversity is celebrated daily, more and more people are staring to wonder not why black people were acting out. But why so many others were so eager to ignore it.
“Everyone says young kids, youths, teens. No one is pointing out that the race of these youths is black which is a cause for concern because the neighborhood is mixed. If it were Asians doing this the media would’ve made the observation by now. Why is the news not reporting?”
News outlets have displayed a bit of reluctance reporting racial violence in this area. In October, across the street from Kings Mall, 10 “teenagers” beat up a white couple, shouting racial epithets as they punched and kicked them.
It took the Daily News six days to report the story. And when it did, their reporters decided it was nothing much anyway: ““It’s not just a black and white thing,” a person who lives near the violence told the News. “It’s stupid teenagers thinking they can do whatever they want.”
Despite the presence of racial slurs, no one was charged with a hate crime.
Like the last riot, the people responsible for the mayhem were considerate enough to broadcast their intentions on Twitter and Facebook. This time people listened.
At 2 p.m., Queen Dimplez put out an alert on Google +: “Warning: If you are going to KP also known as Kings Plaza don’t go. On Facebook people are talking about they gonna trash KP and start a rampage.”
Soon after another rampage began: This one on Twitter from people who were at the mall during the latest civil disturbance: “Literally just escaped from 500 kids ready to attack at the fucking kings plaza,” said Erica Barone.
Then Jalen Barone piped in: “Pretty sure it was a riot. Everyone was closing their stores, screaming too, mobs of kids running. Cops everywhere.”
This violence seemed more subdued than the December escapades when the New York Post said “thugs looted and ransacked a number of stores in a melee that was caught on video.” Nor did any video of the mayhem make its way to any of the usual sites that clamor for moving pictures of black mob violence.
One person was arrested. And mall officials congratulated themselves for having a security plan in place to prevent damage to stores and harm to shoppers.
They might have won the battle, but others wonder if they are losing the war. Dozens of malls around the country are empty and crumbling, testimony to one obvious piece of truth: No place of business can survive if it is the site of frequent and predictable episodes of racial violence.
“Officials and store owners realize with more bad press, anyone who would have given Kings Plaza a last chance, would definitely leave for good,” said one Brooklynite at Sheepshead. I’m past that point and if I have to do any shopping in store, it’ll be in Manhattan.”
Brooklyn mall lifts ban on teens after post-Christmas flash mob trouble – NY Daily News
New: Black mob in Brooklyn attacks young couple.
One Arrested As Teens Run Wild Inside Kings Plaza Mall « CBS New York
These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.
Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
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surprised @ CBS news. they are not govt funded, they ask for donations. they have done excellent reporting on black violence. CBS had 2000 comments (most were enraged about it) after one report. this is the 3rd incident w/that mall. here is the problem, its the commerical global developers. this would not happen if private businesses were there. i am going way back to over 30 to 50yrs ago. neighborhoods in brooklyn/manhattan were segregated. most poorer blacks stayed in harlem, lower east side, brownsville, or bed sty. for example, when they built the mega movie complex on east 86st & lexington ave, blks started to come down from harlem. then later as chainstores appeared, that street became a hangout for blk kids. now east 86 st is all chainstores, no traditional family run businesses. “alexanders dept store” opened in 1960 (lexington & 59th st) that was a large discount dept store. people sold their townhouses on east 60th & 59th st. the buildings were turned into studio apts. then all the fast food appeared to accomodate. when the small antique businesses closed, it became a commericial public area. when you walk north a few blocks its a different world. west 34 st near broadway & 7th is another area which changed around 50yrs go. when cheap chains move in, the clients change. its the corporate developers building these malls, chain stores, box stores. it gives those kids another place to go & hang out. whether they live near by or not, these places are magnets. remember blacks work @ fast food places, large supermarkets. their friends come to see them. its the demise of private businesses which destroy neighborhoods.
i just read the sheepshead bay online paper. they said most of the black teens are not from the area. they go there to hang out.