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How many victims are there like this: When you start doing the math the number gets very large, very quickly.


Letter from San Francisco:


Dear Colin,


Awhile ago, I posted a comment on one of your videos relating my experience in San Francisco and our “diversified public school system”, and you asked me to share my story with you so it would be my honor to do so.  I will not exaggerate any part of this just to “make it more interesting”, so I am not sure if my experience ranks up to things that are going on now a days with the knock out game and massive mob violence around the country, but regardless—- here is my experience, as well as the experience of friends, that were subject to the diversified school systems of SF.

In Elementary School, I went to an alternative school called Clarendon Elementary that was mostly white and Japanese (it was an international school), but had a small population of minorities.  I had a pleasant experience there, and had lots of friends.  I can probably count the Blacks that were in m my class at that time—- as there were so few.  Ones name was Chris— and I recalled his father was in jail.

I was told his father drove around with his car doors open, but later realized that story was a pharce. Another boy, Taylor,  also had no father in site, as well as my two neighborhood friends James & Andre. I remember my young brain, then, trying to piece together why every Black friend or person I knew had no father in site while all my white friends either had 2 parents living together, or were regularly in the case of both parents—even if they were divorced.

Anyhow— in 6th grade, I went to Hoover Middle School. It wasn’t all that far from my house, which was in the Sunset District in SF. A safe, vibrant neighborhood mostly dominated by whites & Asians who lived together in peace, prosperity, and mutual respect.  At this point, I had not had many negative experiences with Blacks, but my middle school experience would quickly change that.

Despite very few Blacks living in the neighborhood around Hoover, there seemed to be a sizeable population of them in the school. I later realized it was a city effort to diversify our schools, by bussing in children from Hunters Point— the projects in the south east corner of the city—to our schools.  I suppose this was in pursuit of providing them “better education”, but it is doubtful they received much benefit from this.

In my classes, several Black kids would literally throw things around the class, stand up on tables, have emotional outbursts, and disrupt the class daily.  The learning environment was very compromised by this, and the teachers seemed powerless against it.  They had a heavy impact on the lives of the other kids at the school, particularly smaller kids that were Asian or White.  Within the first few days of school, I recall sitting on the benches with some friends, and 3 Black kids would come by every kids and say “Give me your money or I’ll beat your ass”.

The Asian kids handed over there money without question. When a friend of mine did not have money to give, they poured a soda over his head and punched him in the face.   Soon after, I was on the bus ready to go home and sitting with my friend Charlie.  A mob of Blacks entered the bus and tried to rob us of our money— and when my friend refused, all 8 or so of them started punching and kicking him.

They hung from the bars in the bus as they stomped him, and I was 120 lbs and defenseless to help him. The bus driver eventually shoed them off the bus, as they laughed— happily renating the violence they just committed while my friend sat in tears with his nose gushing blood.

My life changed dramatically from Elementary school to middle school. I did not feel safe there.  One time, a black kid in class took a lock, wrapped it in paper, and slammed it into my head because he thought I laughed at him when the teacher scolded him.    Our gay math teacher was frequently harassed by them as well—- I remember them taunting him with crude remarks on a daily basis.

It wasn’t until I went to the honors program that life got better there.  I ended up going to private high school to avoid my district school of Mackateer, which was noted as having  a large population of Blacks bussed in, and was one of the most violent schools in the city.

Those are my memories of 6th and 7th grade.  The violence/bad behavior may not be on the scale of what we are dealing with – with older teens, but you asked for me to share my experience so there it is.  Thank you for taking the opportunity to read this.


About the Author

Colin Flaherty is an award winning reporter and author of the #1 best selling book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

His new book,  Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it, is available all the usual locations, including Amazon and wherever fine books are sold. Or just click here to get it at Amazon.

Both books are about black mob violence, black on white crime and the Knockout Game.

His  work has appeared in more than 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine.  His story about how a black man was unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend resulted in his release from state prison and was featured on Court TV, NPR, The Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune.

Thomas Sowell: ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Sean Hannity: White Girl Bleed a Lot  “has gone viral.”

Allen West: “At least author Colin Flaherty is tackling this issue (of racial violence and black on white crime) in his new book, White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

Los Angeles Times: “a favorite of conservative voices.”

Daily Caller:  “As the brutal “knockout” game sweeps across the U.S., one author isn’t surprised by the attacks or the media reaction. Colin Flaherty, author of the book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How The Media Ignore It,” began chronicling the new wave of violence nearly a year ago — revealing disturbing racial motivations behind the attacks and a pattern of media denial.”

Alex Jones: “Brilliant. Could not put it down.”

Neal Boortz: “Colin Flaherty has become Public Enemy No.1 to the leftist media because of his research on black culture of violence.”

From the Bill Cunningham show. It is official: “Colin Flaherty is a great American.A wonderful book.” “Prescient. Ahead of the News. Garnering attention and sparking important discussions.”

David Horowitz: “A determined reporter, Colin Flaherty, broke ranks to document these rampages in a book titled, White Girl Bleed A Lot”


Order Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry from Amazon here.

Order White Girl Bleed a Lot from Amazon here.

Order Knockout Game a Lie? here:


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And you do not want to miss that video, either!


Order it here.



WCCO Redux: Black mob  violence in Minneapolis? No way says CBS radio.

Listeners say different. Podcast.

Just had a request for this audio after a reader was researching a 2012 story about black mob violence in Minneapolis.

Crazy how much it happens there.

Crazier still how they work so hard to deny, condone, excuse and encourage it.


About the Author

Colin Flaherty is an award winning reporter and author of the #1 best selling book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

His new book,  Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it, is available all the usual locations, including Amazon and wherever fine books are sold. Or just click here to get it at Amazon.

Both books are about black mob violence, black on white crime and the Knockout Game.

His  work has appeared in more than 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine.  His story about how a black man was unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend resulted in his release from state prison and was featured on Court TV, NPR, The Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune.

Thomas Sowell: ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Sean Hannity: White Girl Bleed a Lot  “has gone viral.”

Allen West: “At least author Colin Flaherty is tackling this issue (of racial violence and black on white crime) in his new book, White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

Los Angeles Times: “a favorite of conservative voices.”

Daily Caller:  “As the brutal “knockout” game sweeps across the U.S., one author isn’t surprised by the attacks or the media reaction. Colin Flaherty, author of the book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How The Media Ignore It,” began chronicling the new wave of violence nearly a year ago — revealing disturbing racial motivations behind the attacks and a pattern of media denial.”

Alex Jones: “Brilliant. Could not put it down.”

Neal Boortz: “Colin Flaherty has become Public Enemy No.1 to the leftist media because of his research on black culture of violence.”

From the Bill Cunningham show. It is official: “Colin Flaherty is a great American.A wonderful book.” “Prescient. Ahead of the News. Garnering attention and sparking important discussions.”

David Horowitz: “A determined reporter, Colin Flaherty, broke ranks to document these rampages in a book titled, White Girl Bleed A Lot”


Order White Girl Bleed a Lot from Amazon here.

Order Knockout Game a Lie? here:


Subscribe to the White Girl A Lot podcast.

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Sign up for the White Girl Bleed a Lot newsletter and get a FREE preview copy of his next book, Knockout Game a Lie? Click Here to Subscribe

And you do not want to miss that video, either!


I stumbled on your youtube channel a few days ago. I am of Black/Native American
heritage. I had a career as a law-enforcement officer and I worked as a police
chaplain for four years.

I am now retired I agree wholeheartedly with your position pertaining to a segment of the Black community. I live in a Native American/White community in Oklahoma.

I am sadden at the state of most Black communities, the single mother depended on welfare is one of the main causes of such criminal behavior in the Black community. No father /husband in the home is also a leading cause of the horrible crime conditions.

Although I do not live amongst blacks I’ve dealt with the Black community as a cop. I am truly disgusted!

The proverbial genie out of the bottle applies to what is going own in the Black community due to handouts to young healthy individuals.

Liberal government policies are partly to blame due to establishing a system of dependency. A system that rewards immoral behavior in exchange for small benefits.

I am sadden that many gifted Black children will never amount to anything because of the community they live in. I shuddered at the thought of my kids being “Educated” in a predominately Black school system.

I doubt if my children would have accomplished mighty goals if they were raised
in a Black community. I have one child that is a graduate of a military academyt as well
as a daughter about to enter grad  school.

My wife and I raised them as Native Americans to the point of speaking a Native Language in our household. I have taught them about their Black heritage, but lately there is not much positives to teach them.

I look at the statistic that states that 72% of Black homes consist of a single mother. Sadly I have dealt with the damaging affects of these statistics.

Sadly because of these stats, I hope that my daughters do not date a Black guy! The chances of meeting a nice well-educated man is slim.

Well, I can write all day on this subject, so I better close, keep up the good work my


Might as well take me off your mailing list Colin… if you’re gonna delete ALL my messages…. (KillaCommieFerMommie)


the only messages that get screened automatically are messages with words like fuck, shit, piss, ass, and lots of other bullshit.

yes, that word will get your message screened too.
tell you what:
invite me to your house for dinner.
then invite your mom and dad.
and others.
and let’s see what you do when i start talking about fuck this or nigger that.
you will be crying like a fucking baby.
I have no patience for people who are trying to ruin my pages by leaving largely anonymous comments they would not repeat in public.

Coming March 1.

Letter from Rochester.


I listened to your podcast on no go zones. (No Go Zones in America.)

I live in Rochester,Ny we have a few here. I’m 31 now when I was around 19/20 I found out first hand.

A friend of my friend needed a ride home from work at 3am from a burger king. Looking back in hind sight when I stopped at the gas station and had to do business throught 3 inches of plastic and a rolling door, and that burgerking had a security guard waiting while the crew closed up for the night.

This should have triggered something in me to be on guard more. My friends and I got there a little early so we decided to walk the the 24hr walmart on Huson ave right across the street.

On the way we noticed some black kids hanging out in the parking lot throwing rocks at each other seemed like playing. On the way back to burger king the group had moved down in our way.

Right after we passed by them I was struck in the head with a rock knocking my glasses off. Black guy is then in front of me with his hands rasied like a boxer asking me if I want to fight.

I yell at him NO you just hit me in the head with a fucking rock. Looking to the sides I see my two friends on the ground being beat up. There was like 10 to 13 guys there.

I just took off running twoards the burger king and the gaurd yelling for them to call the cops. Managed to out run them. Couldn’t ID anyone because my glasses were knocked off.

Had to get a few stiches. I stopped going into the city at night after that. Eventually that walmart stopped 24hr service. Now another walmart in the city has stopped 24hr service. Thanks for your time just wanted to share keep up the great work.



GREAT LETTER. I have probably written and talked about Rochester as much as anywhere……DontMaketheBlackKidsAngry-3D

Letter from Detroit

January 23, 2015 — Leave a comment
Coming Soon.

Coming Soon.

Hey Colin,


I am happy to share my experiences with you.  If no one talks about it, nothing gets done.


I was born in St John Hospital in Detroit in 1961.  I was my parents third kid of an eventual 6 in total.  Both parents white.  We lived in Harper Woods, MI for a couple of years and eventually moved to a home in Detroit when my brother was born a year later.  The Harper Woods home was getting too small for a growing family.  My parents eventually had 2 twin girls a few years later.

The neighborhood we moved to was on the East side of Detroit and called Indian Village.  This was three streets of large homes surrounded by much smaller homes.  Two doors down from our house was Nichols Elementary School.  The school was primarily black, but it had a few whites (just about all with the last name Kirby J).  I was and still am amazed at the attitude of some of the kids at the school.  Any one of us Kirbys has been subjected to race related taunts, fights and animosity by black kids at the school.  These are YOUNG KIDS!  I wonder how they could have so much hate at such a young age.  Standing outside waiting for the bell to ring, it was common to have a kid run by and shout out a racial slur.


One story I love is my class went on a field trip to the Detroit Institute of Arts.  Lots of schools came there then for day trips, including suburban schools.  My friend Larry was upset seeing all the white kids getting off busses.  “Look at all these damn WHITE PEOPLE!”.  Then realizing that I was standing right with him, he turned to me and said, “you are OK, though”.  Probably just because he knew me.  Maybe some of the other damn white kids were ok too, but…..


School life was mostly just name calling and not too much violence.  I was gone from there by the age of 9.  I remember a few white kids enrolling when the parents moved into the neighborhood and they would be quickly GONE once the parents realized the racial makeup of the school.


The bigger issue was outside of school.  There, we Kirbys were harassed by black kids all the time.  I was skinny and felt I was a particular target.


We had to take the bus often for my later school (Cass Tech) and to get to my paper route.  The bus service was unreliable at best, so often you had to wait for long stretches of time.  I would try to hide in bushes sometimes until the bus came to not be so visible.  One time, a black kid jumps in front of me and says give me your money.  He had ridden up on a bike with other kids.  They surrounded me and started punching me.  I covered up the best I could.  Someone yelled at them and they scattered.  The police caught one and I had to go to court to nab him.  By the time the court case was called, I had grown about 5 inches, so I had to testify against one kid that was pretty small still.  Don’t know what happened to is four buddies.


My paper route was about 4 miles away in a mixed race neighborhood.  Back then, young kids had routes and collected the bills in cash from customers.  Anytime someone saw your distinctive “route book”, they knew you were collecting cash.  One time, I was waiting to be picked up by my parents.  I had called them from a pay phone at a grocery store near my route.  A guy walks in and sees my route book and starts his work day of robbing me.  As he is beginning his robbery, Ms. Johnson (the mother of another carrier) says “leave that paperboy alone!”.  The guy then turns to her and starts with his “you so fine….” Rap.  Then (and this happened so fast, I did not see it) Mr. Johnson (a bald, thick black man who works as a prison guard) walks in and sees this idiot hitting on his wife.  BAMMMM! Down goes Tyson!  Mr. Johnson laid his butt out!  Just for talking to his wife.  Then my father drove up, I thanked them and ran out.


You learn the signs of trouble.  One day, I was walking home from Downtown where I worked to my apartment in the area I used to have the paper route (this was still a half way decent area for Detroit).  On the street two guys asked if I knew the time (aka: do you have a watch to steal?).  I was wearing a coat that hid my watch, so I said no.  I kept walking and got almost home, when   the larger of the two hit me in the head from behind.  I was dazed, but spun around to see him.  He grabbed my coat and I thought this was bad; he could move me around.  I needed to break his grip on me.  I brought my arm down and then swung at him (missing completely; I am no fighter).  Then I was AMAZED!  He ran away!  Almost a one on one fight (finally, first one ever) and since I put of some resistance he was gone.


Detroit has one of the few outdoor bicycle tracks in the country.  I found out about it and invited my best friend Travis (he’s black) to go out to ride.  I had built an actual track bike and was very excited to ride.  Travis rode for a while and then it was my turn.  I started out slowly and then built up speed to ride the banked turns.  Just when I was starting to really love track riding, some black kids started throwing rocks at me.  One hit me in the elbow.  I was disgusted.  I thought: goddamn it!  I can’t just ride my bike.  I pulled up and told Travis we were leaving.  On the way to the car, I told him what had happened.  In the car, I then saw the kids that did this.  I drove right at them.  Travis jumped out of the car.  He was SO MAD!  I have never seen a more angry person (except many years later, OJ Simpson was about 100 yards from me and I can tell you about this later).  He screamed that the guys, “You wanna get some?! While pounding his fist into his hand.  Apparently they did not want to get some.  They ran away.  Travis said he was so mad because “his people” would do something like this.  I said that those idiots are not your people.  A few years later, Travis, my friend Jeff (who’s white) and I were riding at a mostly white area.  One white dude took a swing at Travis.  He was not “my people”, but I was probably pissed as much as Travis was the other time.


I used to have to ride a bike 3 miles or so in any direction to get to a safe neighborhood.  It was like going through a war zone.  I don’t think I ever rode without getting something yelled at me, usually: “give me that goddamn bike” or the other classic: “Honky Motherfucker”.  On one ride, the thugs raised the stakes.  Three dudes saw me and I tried to spring away from them.  They caught up to me and pushed me off my bike while I was going full speed.  I tumbled and nearly hit my head (no helmets in those days) on a lamp post.  I must have fallen pretty far, since I was in the middle of the street when they pushed me.  I was laying dazed on the ground and saw all three of them hop on the bike (one on the handlebars and the other on the back axle).  One black kid helped me up and walked me to the ladies at a beauty shop across the street.  On the way, he showed me some brass knuckles and said normally he would “fuck me up”, but I guess this was my special day.  The ladies called the cops; they took me home.  Later, the cops brought my bike back!!!!!  They found it abandoned in field.  When they pushed me over, it be bent the derailleur and caused the bike to ride poorly.  Maybe that is why they didn’t try to keep it.


I witnessed a scene once that I will never forget.  Two black men accidentally brushed each other on the street.  A situation where normally one says “excuse me” and the other replies “sorry, my fault” or “no problem”.  Not in Detroit!  It went something like this:


Man 1:  Watch where you goin’, muthafucka!

Man 2:  I’ll kick your ass, bitch!

Man 1: Who you callin’ a bitch?!

Man 2: Fuck you!


With me so far? They weren’t being polite.  They had animosity towards each other.  What to do???  Draw out your guns!!  Both brought out pistols and had a tense moment.  I wanted to rush in and say, “guys, is this the way to solve anything?”.  They both screamed at each other a little more before both backing down.


Back to Travis.  We were driving one night and saw an altercation on Woodward Ave.  One guy was beating another guy up very violently.  Nothing we could do, but just a little down the road, we saw two cops walking a beat.  We said get in!  We can take you to this fight.  The cops got in and we drove back.  By now, only the victim (or maybe I only thought of him as the victim when I saw the other guy grab his head and swing it down on his rising knee).  The cops hopped out and asked, “are you alright?” to which he replied: “Fuck no, I am not alright!”.


During the 1967 riots, us kids were watching TV the night before.  A news bulletin warned to not leave your home.  We got scared and went to talk to my parents.  They said some bad people were doing bad things.  The next morning, we went to stay with friends in the suburbs for a week.  This was not before we saw a tank going down our street.


Devil’s Night is a well-known Detroit tradition.  Fires are started all over the city on the night before Halloween.  The whole city has evidence of this to one degree or another.  The smaller houses around Indian Village have been burned through the years.  We would trick or treat early and then get home!


One day, my grandmother was making us breakfast when a bullet broke through the kitchen window, barely missing her and ending up in the cupboard behind her.  We called the cops.  They came and lined up the shot.  One of the neighbors shot at our house.  I never learned the motivation or the outcome of his plight.


Back to Nichols elementary.  We had a teacher of the school shot once.  I don’t remember too much of the specifics, but during the regular school day, someone shot the white teacher.  It was a big deal then (late 60s, early 70s).  We were sent home.


I was a knock out game victim (probably long before it was a thing) in High School.  Just walking to the bus stop, I got hit from behind by some random dude.  I ran to the principal’s office.  Nothing came of this; no catching the bad guy.  Just went home.


There was a Dairy Queen a few blocks from our house on a bad street named Mack Ave.  My sisters, brother and a few friends went one Summer night.  I was robbed.  I very tall guy grabbed my hands and held them above my head.  The littler guy grabbed my wallet.  They took the money and tossed the wallet in the street.  Lots of people around, but other than one guy retrieving my wallet from the street and giving it back to me, no one did anything.


You said a few hundred words, so I will stop here.  Lots more, of course!  Detroit is a hell hole, but has some good people too.  Glad I am not there anymore.


Letter from Detroit.

January 18, 2015 — Leave a comment
Coming Soon.

Coming Soon.

Letter from Detroit.



My family moved from South Carolina to a small trailer park in Dearborn, Michigan in 1949, part of the Great Migration from the south.  In 1952, we moved to Highland Park, where my first grade class was all black, but me.  That is where I had my first fight, and won.

We moved the next year to Brightmoor, a poor white, working class neighborhood in northwest Detroit, which had no blacks at that time.  The black-white line was Livernois, a street running north-south cutting the west side of the city in half.  I never much thought about blacks and stayed on the west side of Livernois.

In the summer, we saw blacks at Edgewater, an amusement park on 8 Mile Road, Brennan Pools in Rouge Park, the State Fair, and at Kent Lake in Kensington Metropark.  We stayed away from them and stopped going when it got hot and they came out in large numbers.

In the summer of 1967, I was living in Detroit, attending Wayne State University full time during the day, and working full time nights at Burroughs Corporation in Plymouth, Michigan.

I heard nothing about riots breaking out on Sunday, July 23, and I went downtown to campus Monday morning, as usual.  I saw some smoke, but thought nothing of it, another old house burning.  Later that day, someone in class mentioned rioting and snipers and that we should get out of town.

In my car, I could see more smoke (Wayne State was about a mile and a half from the epicenter on 12th St.) and listening to the radio, I heard stories of rioting, looting, burning buildings, and black snipers shooting white people driving in their cars.  By the time I got back home to Brightmoor, the neighbors had moved their cars to block off all but one entrance to our street.  They were armed with hunting rifles and stopping each car for identification.  I figured it was game on for a full out race war.  We slept with our rifles near at hand for days.

Soon, my parents and in-laws dumped their homes at huge losses and moved out of Detroit.  I joined the Navy in January 1968 and left Detroit, but black violence was never forgotten.

Like the Islamic War that they pretend does not exist, politicians and their media pals will not acknowledge we have been fighting an active Black War for half a century.  Your books identify some of the battles and the war is becoming clearer.

Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 9.00.17 PMColin,

I wanted to thank you for what you are doing.

I grew up in Baltimore and I still live there. Unlike most my friends and family I still live in the old neighborhood. I especially enjoyed the greatest letter ever written about the Maryland State Trooper and his experiences in Baltimore.

I am working on putting my own experiences in a letter. My own experiences are just as extreme if not more so. I have watched almost everything on YouTube and hope you continue to post more videos.
White girl bleed a lot has gotten me thinking about many things. Especially the schools. The black on white violence is what destroyed many working class in neighborhoods in Baltimore.

I wonder how this agenda of silence on violence in schools was able to be pushed. I would to here what some principles would have to say.  Please continue to what you do.

Letter from Michigan.

January 16, 2015 — Leave a comment

Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 9.00.17 PM



I used to work with JOHN, a black guy from Michigan who liked to “Fuck off at work” as he put it, “Because of what was done to his people”.

JOHN would rush through his work (metal finishing  sheet metal parts for the high end  Pickup trucks). When the poorly prepped parts came back to be done right, Eddie didn’t have to fix his work, it fell on all of his fellow workers.

Other forms of goofing off were shooting half-full bottles of soda into the garbage cans at far ends of the building, and talking on his cell phone  for extended periods during work hours. I overheard him talking about it one day, and he said “If they fuck with me about it (management) I’ll fight it, and I’ll win”.

JOHN was proficient at playing the race card, and used his black privilege any time he could. When I mentioned this in a paper I wrote a couple years ago in college, my paper was down-graded because I “couldn’t say that”. My young social thinking white female Interpersonal communications Professor told me that even though it was true, I wasn’t allowed to speak that way about someone.

JOHN called me a “Stupid country fuck”, and about every other profanity in the book, I’m guessing that was okay, because he was obviously a very disturbed guy.

My family never owned slaves, or  condoned slavery, so the Reparation theme is wearing thin with me, considering how hard I’ve had to work my whole life. Blacks I’ve worked and have been friends with, are for the most part ambitious, friendly, and helpful…except for the folks like JOHN.

They come in all colors and races, whatever you call it. According to the mounting evidence you present though, blacks in particular think they are “owed something”,

and it’s time to collect. It’s obviously time for the rest of us to organize, analyze, and do something about this increasing problem. I would suggest going beyond books, and making a movie, maybe Dinesh would be interested.

If people like Simone Shabazz can spew hate openly saying “If blacks wanna be free it’s time to kill some Crackers, you’re gonna hafta kill some of their babies, I hate every iota of a cracker” without being prosecuted for hate speech, then anybody should be able to say anything they want..period.

How many whites have been assaulted lately as a result of open racial hoStilities by blacks?


Thank you for bringing it out in the open Colin, keep up the good work,

Letter from New York.

January 15, 2015 — Leave a comment


I came very close to being a victim of black crime a few years ago when I made the foolish decision to walk the few blocks to catch the train at a station in the Chelsea section of Manhattan, well past midnight, all alone.

I normally would travel by cab at that time of the night but I’d burned through a lot of cash the previous day and I thought that I’d save a few dollars by taking the subway home. Mid block on one of the side streets along the way three black “youths” were loitering on a stoop and as I approached they popped up and blocked me from walking straight ahead.

I moved to the left and continued walking but one of them leaped sideways and blocked my way. I tried moving the other way and this same guy leaped (like a kangaroo) and was in front of me again. The other two were milling around off to my side somewhere but I was mostly focused on the leaping guy and by this time I was very frightened.

I knew that I was in trouble .. I was thinking robbery or rape or even murder. Panic was setting in and then cold shock when I felt someone had approached me from behind and grabbed me firmly on the left arm.

I turned to look and a wave of relief overcame me when I saw that it was a white man who had come up behind us unnoticed by me. He held my arm and guided me past the leaping thug and he said to me “Keep walking, don’t look back” which is exactly what I did.

The thugs were saying things but he ignored them and escorted me down the block to the avenue. I knew that we would be okay because their chattering kept fading away as we moved forward and I could tell that they weren’t following us.

My hero got me to a corner and flagged down a cab and put me in it. He tossed a bill to the driver and said “Take her home, safely” and that’s the last that I saw of him ..

it’s also the last time that I roamed the city streets alone after midnight. I learned my lesson. Without the sudden appearance of the hero I don’t think that things would have gone very well for me that night.