Trayvon? I can’t predict the future but …

July 9, 2013 — 3 Comments

Lot of folks asking me what is going to happen in Zimmer is acquitted.

This is not a hypothetical question.

I’m not a mind reader or fortune teller. But you do not have to be to know this trial — whether it ends in conviction or acquittal — presents a real threat of black mob violence.

We know that because black people all over the country say it. So do their apologists on MSNBC and editorial pages around the country.

No justice, no peace.

The level of black anger and resentment is high. If you doubt it, read up on Critical Race Theory: Racism is everywhere. And it is permanent. This “theory” is now an industry being taught in hundreds of school districts around the country.

I wrote about it here:Trayvon, Jeantel and Critical Race Theory: Not just for whack jobs anymore.

What else besides anger and resentment could cause the epidemic levels of black mob violence around the country that I documented in the book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore it?

All over the country, cities have cancelled fireworks celebrations for the Fourth of July because of the history of black mob violence at their events.

Just over the lasts few weeks, we have seen significant black mob violence in Greensboro, Seattle, South Bend, Upper Darby, Dayton, Dover, Detroit, Utica, Rochester, Milwaukee, Cambridge, Chattanooga, Columbus, Virginia Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Baltimore, West Bloomfield, Baton Rouge, Des Moines, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, Ocean City, Sheffield, St. Louis, Boston. And more.

The Fourth of July was even worse.

But no one is connecting the dots.

Liberals have stopped denying it exists. Now they just explain why it exists.

In White Girl Bleed a Lot I document more than a dozen cases of black mob violence where the people say they were getting revenge for Trayvon. These cases range from lotting convenience stories to almost killing people.

Alan Caruba has a good column on it:What If George Zimmerman is Found Not Guilty?

Not exactly a Letter from Birmingham Jail.



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Colin Flaherty

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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
blank Lorraine A Land says:

Dear Mr. Flaherty:

I have written before on your blog under the topic of Critical Race Theory and White Privilege.

I view what is happening in American society at present as ‘crazy making’. More white people are becoming the victims of so called random violent crimes, yet at the same time, whites in helping professions such as teaching, counseling, nursing, and even law and business are being taught that they are in a position of privilege due to being white.

There is a phenomenon in psychology referred to as ‘gaslighting’. It is a term taken from a movie made decades ago where a woman is psychologically abused by her husband. She sees the gaslight in their home as changing, waxing and waning. He replies by constantly stating that the gaslight has NOT CHANGED and that it has not waxed or waned. The wife begins to question her own reality.

This is the mechanism that is being enacted on white people in our society, that mechanism being gas lighting. We are being told that we are privileged YET it seems whites, and white women in particular, are being targeted for violence perpetrated by angry black youth. Furthermore, these violent acts are buried by the media and whites or “Hispanic whites” such as Zimmerman cannot defend themselves from attack without facing blame or worse yet, repercussions. This is putting white people in a double bind and one has to wonder if this is purposeful, and if so, what is the purpose?

I can speak from experience when living in WDC and having feral black teens almost attack me and my kids at a park that when I called the police and they came to the scene, I was told ‘that usually things like this don’t happen here’. Ironically, there were young black women at the park that laughed at what the police said as they seemed to know better.

In short, what the reality is, and in particular what a working or middle class person’s reality is the USA contrasts sharply with the tenets being preached in Critical Race Theory. Many of us are far from being privileged and may in fact be moving targets for so called random violence.

Thank you for letting me respond.

Lorraine A Land, PhD, LPC

blank Ryan Everett says:

It’s sad that there isn’t a black leader that will stand up and Condemn this behavior, oh wait if they do they are labeled Uncle Tom or not keeping it real by the hate mongers such as al sharpton and his ilk. We have lost a simple truth as a society WRONG IS WRONG RIGHT IS RIGHT.

blank Lorraine A Land says:

They are not standing up to address this behavior because they condone it.
