The Latino dude who started it all at the Motorcycle attack.

October 2, 2013 — 26 Comments

He’s Latino — the guy who did a brake check, i.e. backed his bike into a Range Rover and started a major conflagration.

One of these days lots of people are going to figure out Latino is not a race.

Then they won’t be writing me telling me Cruz is not black because he is Latino.

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And here is the dude who was pounding on the window at the end of the video. Allen Edwards, by name.








Class dismissed.

Link to story:New: Black motorcycle gang assaults Asian family. On video. – Epidemic of black mob violence: White Girl Bleed a Lot.




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Colin Flaherty

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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
blank M M says:

They give motorcyclists a bad name. They are the type who get on their bikes and think they own the rode. Don’t get me wrong there are some that ride bikes that are polite and safe. These people are not.

blank ShilohKB says:

I am just very anxious to get my human family ,with a multi ethnic heritage, out of this degenerating madhouse known as the USA!!

blank libertarian1234 says:

If you leave first, that will be a good start.

blank ShilohKB says:

? I am not sure how to take that…so I will leave it :-/

blank Kurt55 says:

Yes, Cruz is a Puerto Rican One look at him and you can tell he’s got black blood.

blank LesBaer1911 says:

The US Census Bureau classifies Hispanic as a race along

with Blacks, Whites, Asians. There is also multiracial but

what is this if Hispanics are already multiracial and other

blank Timewarped says:

Seems to me that with all of the racial cross breeding taking place that the offspring have little to no identity with any race and therefore find it difficult to culturally assimilate. The great hope that they would show themselves to be more enlightened or better than the so called raciest people who don’t cross breed doesn’t seem to be happening … instead they seem to be far worse and more threatening to society because of their detached state of mind and behaviors and unpredictable natures. They seem to unite in destructive behaviors rather than finding or working at constructive place of value in life.

blank Reisling says:

Very interesting comment, but for the most part I think the destructive behaviors come from a decadent mindset rather than just from lacking an identity. Their identity is entitled and corrupt, and that stems directly from the mindset that our government has and these groups have.

blank Timewarped says:

I agree, I just think they have an additional element of consideration that has been discounted when it very likely plays more of a role than people tend to assume.

blank jbear says:

Colin, maybe sometime you should explain to ignorant Americans the difference between ETHNICITY and RACE. Thanks for your candor and God Bless.

blank KittyAmerica says:

Cruz has kinky hair and thick lips characteristic of the Negro race.

blank jbear says:

That probably means he is ethnically a Latino but racially black. One cannot ever change one’s race.

blank laura says:

sorry for the long response. #1) he has alot of black blood, some indian. spent yrs in central america, mex, peru, etc, i know what im looking at. #2) some history: spanish brought african slaves over as the indian slaves were dying from all the work. (for example: mexico). blacks/indians mixed, also spanish/indians mixed. there were also french/ german who came later. some mixing, some never. the darker the person the lowest they are on the social scale (generally), in this part of the world. it is rare in mex to see someone who appears to be 100% black (usually 75%). a tiny group, the criminal is not one of these. #3) here’s an example of so called racism in corporations in the US. no affirmative action here: staff @ carylye hotel NYC, owned by “rosewood” corp. most staff is from mexico. maitre’d is 100% white young european (college educated in management) from mex city, french german spanish decent. (he would NOT consider himself “latino”- but an elite mexican. thats the point of this essay). he is the one who takes the reservations, the one you see when you enter the dining room, speaks continental english. the waiters are mixed grille, light brown color. the busboys/maids are indian black. some this is education level, but i think its visual. the executive office in the sierra nevada “orient express” hotel in mex, is elite european, from manager to publicist. same set up w/waiters/maids #4) agree races do behave differently, general observation. IMO its biological/cultural/ & indivual families.

blank laura says:

latino is part indian, part black, part white mix. any of the 3, or 2. i think the correct name may be “hispanic”. one criminal pictured here is black, & the other one looks like a mix of indian/black mostly, maybe a bit of white (spanish) but not much. in any event, yes “latinos” do much crime, especially the newer immigrants. (traditionally they fight each other).

laura, all due respect, …. uhh, let me just say …. uh … how to put this …uhhh, let’s just say that definition is nowhere to be found in the biological literature of what constitutes a race.

now, if you have discovered another race, that is fantastic!!! We’ll get the Nobel for that.

Let me know.

blank laura says:

latino/hispanic: mixed race. does that work for you?

neither is a race. sorry about that.

blank laura says:

ok, so whats your take? what is a person who is “mixed”???

blank ssilv48 says:

halfrican, like the illegal muslim in our w/h

blank KittyAmerica says:

Ha! Good one. In this valley of tears we’re experiencing, it’s nice to have great humor that at least makes it bearable.

blank jbear says:

ssliv48, good one!!! There should be a race of people who are called simply “confused.” We could just call them “idiots.”

blank jassi says:

How about mestizo? Black isn’t normally considered to be accepted biological taxonomy either.

The science of race is quite ambiguous. Not sure why you’re so adamant on this.

i’m so adamant because if you and i are going to win the Nobel for discovering another race, we have to have our facts straight. They are funny about that. Let me know when i can start spending the prize money.

blank laura says:

colin, mixed is mixed. you are correct, it is not another race, but somehow we need a way to identify people- especially for news reports. if we dont say “hispanic” or “latino” or “mixed”- the person will audomatically be called “white” (like zimmerman). thats why it may be important for you as a journalist to figure out the language you choose to use. after all, the world of media is just waiting to jump on you. the progressives would call “mixed a “person of color”- that seems to be the PC code for NOT white. ok, you have your choices. i am curious to see what you have come up with.

blank jbear says:

You are wrong on both of you definitions, Latino and Hispanic.