Archives For Trayvon

Cops are heroes.

And I am not just saying that because they love White Girl Bleed a Lot.

They are. You know it. What you and I do not know is the day to day, minute to minute abuse cops receive on the beat.

Here’s a homework assignment: Find a cop. Ask him what happens whenever he stops a black person for any reason.

“You are just doing this because I am black.”

This is about as close to 100 percent as it gets.

I’m seeing more and more videos and reading more and more stories about black mobs attacking cops.

I talk to my cops. They keep an eye out for me. Recently, I started asking them to let me know what happens in their “cultural diversity” training classes. I want to know what they are being taught about Critical Race Theory.

You know: Racism is everywhere. And it is permanent. And now being taught in hundreds of school districts around the country.

So here is what one of my cops sent me:


Hey Colin,


Sorry for the delay, man it has been crazy busy with ,moving and getting settled.


The class really hit on Islam and not much on black community as in years past.  It focused more on being tolerant of their way of life in OUR country.


There were no handouts or discs either which I found weird.  I did bring up the growing trend of black on white crime and even threw out the name of your book and the great work you do.  I was told to be quiet, by my buddy. for fear of offending the black people in our class.


Needless to say the class took a turn for the worst with bringing up, YES you guessed it, say it with me, SLAVERY!  I mentioned how the democrats started the KKK and the purpose of planned parenthood in its original form, LOL, it was very interesting from there, now I think I am labeled a racist by the black officers attending, hell I may even be a “White Hispanic”, haha.


I am watching this Zimmerman trial with extreme concern for the safety of anyone not black.  I feel, even in the hood where I patrol, they are on edge anxious to begin rioting, and this is in XXXXXXXX.


I can’t imagine what it must be like in Florida.  You can do an entire book after the verdict, as I can’t dream of a conviction, but you never know with a jury.  If they convict based on the testimony given, something is seriously wrong. even more than I imagined.


Anyway, hope you are doing well and talk at ya soon.


 Every cop I talk to would say this is true. Times Ten. There you have it.



Lot of folks asking me what is going to happen in Zimmer is acquitted.

This is not a hypothetical question.

I’m not a mind reader or fortune teller. But you do not have to be to know this trial — whether it ends in conviction or acquittal — presents a real threat of black mob violence.

We know that because black people all over the country say it. So do their apologists on MSNBC and editorial pages around the country.

No justice, no peace.

The level of black anger and resentment is high. If you doubt it, read up on Critical Race Theory: Racism is everywhere. And it is permanent. This “theory” is now an industry being taught in hundreds of school districts around the country.

I wrote about it here:Trayvon, Jeantel and Critical Race Theory: Not just for whack jobs anymore.

What else besides anger and resentment could cause the epidemic levels of black mob violence around the country that I documented in the book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore it?

All over the country, cities have cancelled fireworks celebrations for the Fourth of July because of the history of black mob violence at their events.

Just over the lasts few weeks, we have seen significant black mob violence in Greensboro, Seattle, South Bend, Upper Darby, Dayton, Dover, Detroit, Utica, Rochester, Milwaukee, Cambridge, Chattanooga, Columbus, Virginia Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Baltimore, West Bloomfield, Baton Rouge, Des Moines, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, Ocean City, Sheffield, St. Louis, Boston. And more.

The Fourth of July was even worse.

But no one is connecting the dots.

Liberals have stopped denying it exists. Now they just explain why it exists.

In White Girl Bleed a Lot I document more than a dozen cases of black mob violence where the people say they were getting revenge for Trayvon. These cases range from lotting convenience stories to almost killing people.

Alan Caruba has a good column on it:What If George Zimmerman is Found Not Guilty?

Not exactly a Letter from Birmingham Jail.

