Archives For terry gross



NPR Celebrates Racial Hostility in Pittsburgh, and fairy tales from National Public Radio.

I love NPR. That is where we see reporters in their natural habitat. With a total lack of self-awareness.

That is where we catch them telling the truth.




If you are going to talk about white guilt, where is a better place to go than NPR?

Some really interesting interviews.

‘Americanah’ Author Explains ‘Learning’ To Be Black In The U.S. : NPR

Flash rob in D.C. On video with an unusual accompaniment from NPR. #WhiteGirl #SeanHannity – White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white crime.

Jesse Lee Peterson and Colin Flaherty in Phoenix: The new Emancipation Proclamation – White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white crime.

Asians bleed a lot in Rochester. Media apologizes for noticing. – White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white crime.