These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.
Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
Not all racial predators are as considerate as Lashawn Marten.
Before he bashed 62-year old Jeffrey Babbitt in the face this week in a New York park, leaving him with permanent brain damage, Marten proclaimed: “I hate white people.”
Neither are most as kind as Nkosi Thandiwe. Last year in Atlanta, he saved everyone the trouble of wondering whether the murder he committed was “racially motivated.” He testified he learned to hate white people in college and that is why he killed one white person and hurt a few others.
And if anyone had any doubts about why a carful of five black people drove through the French Quarter just a few days ago assaulting white and gay people, they made that clear by announcing their intentions with racial and sexual slurs.
But most racial violence does not come gift wrapped with racial expletives or press releases or Tweets that say “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM.” As was the case in the recent Oklahoma killing of Chris Lane.
That’s why a crowd of 50 black people in Norfolk could beat up two reporters last year. And why their editor refused to even report the crime for two weeks. He said he had no evidence it was “racially motivated.”
Let’s give the trolls and the deniers their due. A single episode of black mob violence in New York, or Atlanta, or New Orleans or Norfolk or Burlington, North Carolina is hardly enough to merit national attention to an epidemic of racial violence.
But when these episodes of black mob violence continue over and over again; and when the race of the predators in the mobs continues to be exponentially out of proportion; and when many are on videos featuring the bad actors bragging about their exploits; even the brightest star in the MSNBC line-up is hard pressed to answer two simple questions:
What is going on with this epidemic of black mob violence all over the country? And how long will the press ignore it?
The racial violence is not just happening in the Baltimores, Bostons, Chicagos, Detroits, Phillies, and New Yorks. But also the Peorias, Springfields, Dovers and even Burlingtons of the world.
More and more people in these tiny corners of the world want some answers too.
Burlington and Greensboro, for example, used to be Andy of Mayberry country. Today it is a center of racial violence — and official denial. As was documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.
In the upcoming new edition, readers can use their smart phones to scan QR codes so they can see the riots on video as they read about them in the book.
Over the last two years, Greensboro has been the site of more than a dozen episodes of large-scale black mob violence. It got so bad prior to the Fourth of July this year that the Greensboro city council met in an emergency session to put a curfew in the downtown area.
In addition to violence earlier this summer, they were afraid of a repeat of last year’s Fourth of July mayhem: 1000 black people rampaged through the streets of Greensboro, beating people up, destroying property, attacking police. Tear gas and tasers took care of that. Some of it, anyway.
This was not the first episode of black mob violence, as the local TV news breathlessly reported in July 2012:
“We’ve uncovered a series — a series! — of mob attacks in the heart downtown Greensboro,” said the anchor for the WFMY news. “All of them planned through the social media. And I know it sounds unlikely but it has happened in Chicago and Philadelphia and Milwaukee and now right here in the Triad. Every single weekend this month.
Some might think it strange that hundreds of black people were storming through the busiest part of their city, creating epic levels of violence and mayhem, and it took the local news more than a month to notice.
Even then, never once reporting the race of the culprits: There were no printed signs. No epithets. No racist tweets. So it never happened.
Despite the objections of at least one city council member that the curfew would disproportionately affect black people, the city council imposed it anyway.
Even so, the black mob violence in Greensboro continued with at least two major episodes after the curfew was imposed. Including one episode just a few blocks outside of the Maginot Line-like curfew zone.
In July, a mob of at least eight black people beat and robbed a man on a Saturday afternoon. Police soon arrested one person and are looking for the others.
The injuries may not have been “life threatening” as local police say, but to the victims, violent crime is life changing.
“If you look at the news accounts of this case of black on white violence, the police and press tell us this was not a major crime,” said Taleeb Starkes, author of The Uncivil War. “There was not much money involved. The victim lived. But one of the reasons these crimes happen so much is that we take them so lightly. This kind of violent crime is life changing and traumatic to the victim. But we rarely treat the predators that way. If they lose a little money and no one gets hurt, its no harm, no foul. That has to change.”
Just two days before this robbery and beat down, a group of at least five black people broke into a Burlington home and assaulted several people.
“The victims described the intruders as five black males wearing black clothing; each had his face covered and was armed with a handgun.
According to police, several victims were physically assaulted with blunt force, and one was transported by Alamance County EMS to Alamance Regional Medical Center with injuries that weren’t considered life threatening.”
“Just another day,” said Starkes. “If you believe the city officials and the press.”
“Once again the culture of violence continues,” added Chuck Spring.
But for every commentator like Chuck Spring looking for answers, someone like Becky Thompson is willing to provide them: Conservatives are to blame for the racial injustice that has created the tsunami of black mob violence around the country.
“Chuck Spring and once again, you could help by paying living wages and start voting for jobs instead of voting against the people that need jobs by voting tea party. Obama has had a jobs bill since I believe it was 2011 but the republicans and the tea party are not interested.”
This home invasion was not too different from a robbery and break in last July. A gang of black men robbed and assaulted a 79-year Burlington woman. Several of the men were eventually arrested and the victim said she would pray for them. She said she was thankful the men did not kill her.
Her Burlington neighbors were not quite as forgiving: “It took 7 of them to rob a 79 year old woman,” said one reader to the local Fox affiliate. “Shame, they’ll probably get a slap on the wrist…’My boy a good boy. He ain’t do nothin’.”
And where media outlets permit comments on racially charged crimes like this — some do, some do not — self-defense is a popular them. “Break-in on me?” asked a reader. “As soon as the pistol is in my hands you had better be out of my range.”
But no matter how bad the crime, no matter how often leniency and clemency are tried and found wanting, some insist we have to continue. Danielle Smith posted her reply to the “get tough” crowd at the Fox News outlet:
You seem to have little faith not only in our justice system but in humanity as a whole. Perhaps these criminals aren’t the only ones to blame (though they ARE very much in the wrong and SHOULD be punished), but who is there to help them stop? Who will take the time to help rehabilitate?
Some version of this question has been asked over and over for 50 years. With still no answer.
More and more people are turning for answers to Leshawn and Nkosi, whom we may condemn for racist violence, but applaud for their unflinching illuminating honesty.
Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.