For Sherry in Greensboro. Try again.

July 27, 2013 — Leave a comment

We get letters.

Lots of letters have tips or advice or words of encouragement about the important work we are doing exposing the epidemic of racial violence. They are a big help. Thanks.

Then comes Sherry Tow of Greensboro, North Carolina.

She says I did her town dirty. In this recent WND article: Greensboro black mob violence: Business as usual.

Sherry, an observation: All the big liberal mags and rags and web sites have take a poke at White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.

coverMy best selling book, thank you very much. Soon to come out on WND Books with a new edition!

Salon magazine’s best shot consisted of saying I did not describe a beer wagon on bicycle wheels correctly.

They were wrong. But really, that was it? That was it.

One of their readers said he did not like that not good SOB either — they were talking about me, Sherry — but black mob violence happened in his little home town of Champaign, Illinois. They called it Polar Bear Hunting. First I heard of it.

George Soros also pays some clown — maybe a few clowns — to read everything I write. Sherry you need to bring your “C” game if you are going to beat Salon.

At least Salon had the sense to make something up and hope no one noticed, rather than not say anything at all.

Salon and Soros et al are still waiting for the day when they can say:

“Colin, those rioters were Amish.”


“Colin, here are the 6000 (literally) examples of recent unreported white mob violence that proves you are wrong when you say black mob violence exists exponentially out of proportion to white mob violence.”

I’m waiting. Maybe you can help me out with a few links, Sherry. When you get them, Sherry, make sure you read the local comments about people who were there. People who saw it. People who are sick of it.

People who are sick of others who ignore it, condone it, even lie about it.

I’m not saying whites never act up. Hell, the other day I saw a bunch of drunken white boys fighting at a Kenny Chesney concert. They fought about as well as they dance. Not very.

My book documents more than 500 examples of black mob violence. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Thomas Sowell said: ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.”

David Mamet says Sowell is the smartest guy on the planet. Sowell’s review of my book was published in hundreds of newspapers, magazine and web sites. How you like me now, Sherry?

I remember last year when I first heard about black mob violence in Greensboro. It was the evening of the Fourth of July. 1000 black people rampaging through the downtown, fighting, destroying property, defying police.

Once black person stood up on a picnic bench and exhorted his fellow rioters to join him in attacking the police. They pepper sprayed him and took him to jail.

Sorry about that Sherry.

But here is what I was surprised to learn about Greensboro: As I was reading the police reports and following the local media coverage, I saw one station report something that jumped out at me: ‘Oh yeah, this happened every weekend in June.’

Then I watched a city council meeting and they said it happened all over the place then.

Hell, just a few weeks ago a city council member said it happened all over the place now. But on private property — shopping centers and malls and the like, so she did not much care about that one way or the other.

Here Sherry: You watch it.


Last year, they beat up the former mayor. Destroyed a bunch of property. Including his flower pots. His FLOWER POTS, SHERRY!


I get lots of email from Greensboro, saying “Colin, a lot more happens here than you know.”

I know that.

But Sherry thinks I am somehow making all this up. Ten years ago, we would be at a stalemate:

Colin says this.

Sherry says that.

Thank God for YouTube: Full of raw video and news reports about an epidemic of black mob violence in Greensboro. I’ll post all my Greensboro links below.

But that’s not good enough for Sherry: After all, who are you going to believe: Sherry? Or those lying video tapes on YouTube?

Sherry almost got her way: Heck, I did not even want to write the article in the first place. I wanted to head down to the Brandywine river and try out my new fishing rod.


But on the way out the door I read one piece of email from one WND reader that started off as so many do: Colin, did you see this?

No. I had not seen the story about 200 black people fighting, shooting, destroying property — so much so that police had to use pepper spray and a taser.

I knew the fish would be there another day. So I read and called and wrote a short article not just about what happened recently, but what happened earlier this month. Last month. Last year. Year before that.

Sherry did not like that. Not the fact that it happened, but the fact that I noticed.

So let’s go through Sherry’s letter. And see what she’s got:

Dear WND,

An acquaintance from CA sent my husband Colin Flaherty’s article on “racial violence” in Greensboro, “More racial violence erupts in Greensboro” and he sent it to me with the comment, “you can’t believe everything you read!” Your website’s article is filled with falsehoods.


Here’s a little literary custom Sherry might have missed while she slept through English class: If you say something is wrong, you have to back it up.

Especially when there are lots of links and video tapes that seem to contradict you. So, let’s see how Sherry backs it up.

and, unfortunately, blown a “small” truth out of proportion.  It appears that you insist on publishing “sensational” and “irresponsible” journalism.


As a Greensboro resident who frequently patronizes downtown, I am appalled at what was written.  I believe in the truth and your online news is doing exactly the opposite


You incite negative feelings and stereotypes harmful to the welfare of our community and our state.


This is why the American people and our government (national and state) continue to be polarized and paralyzed on the issues of politics including the subject of race relations.


Colin Flaherty has taken a great deal of liberty in “fanning the flames” of racial profiling.   These incidents you inaccurately describe are few.



While our community may not be perfect, neither are any other cities in the U. S.  Our City Council does a great job in trying to accommodate the many needs of our residents.



A word of advice: Tell you pals on the city council that free outdoor movie thing might not have been the best idea. You didn’t know that’s what everyone was doing downtown for the big videotaped riot the beginning of July?

You didn’t see that riot? Lots of people in Greensboro did not. So here it is. Let me know if you recognize anyone.


 I doubt that you will have the courage to publish my email or the truth about what really happened in Greensboro!


Sherry Tow


 You know where to find me.

This just in from a WND reader in Greensboro: Plenty to write about in Greensboro. . It’s a racist mess, and lots worse than your story has implied.  Thanks,and God bless.

Sherry’s Homework:

Greensboro black mob violence: Business as usual.

Search for “greensboro” – Epidemic of black mob violence: White Girl Bleed a Lot.

Just in: 400 black people riot in downtown Greensboro. – Epidemic of black mob violence: White Girl Bleed a Lot.

Black Mob Violence in Greensboro. Hype? No.

Fourth of July – Epidemic of black mob violence: White Girl Bleed a Lot.
Follow @ColinFlaherty

These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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Colin Flaherty

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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.