Letter from the knockout game.
Hi Colin,
I am a victim of the knockout game. I was hit from behind by 3 black people only the 3 didn’t hit me, one did it’s a “game” and to prove it is I was hit from behind.
I had about 350 bucks in my pocket and at that time the iPhone 6 Plus that just came out in my hand and they didn’t rob me so there was no motive it was a GAME to them cause I was hearing them laughing like if it was fun. So can one of those people that say it’s not a game prove me wrong!!
It was last year, I had got off the train which in Philly is in a terminal. I was walking normally had my headphones on and more or less.
On the third block, I was hit very hard on my temple to the back to the head. I didn’t see the punch coming so I fell. I got hurt from hitting the cement as well.
At that point they were laughing.
Keep in mind, I had a new iPhone and around 300/350 and they ain’t take anything from me and I was powerless.
They could’ve taken my money my phone but they were having a ball laughing.
They robbed me with no problem. It was a sick game to them.
There are many other victims.
We know and the media knows it’s a black sport.
About the Author
Colin Flaherty is an award winning reporter and author of the #1 best selling book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.
His new book is Knockout Game a Lie? Aww, Hell No.
Both books are about black mob violence, black on white crime and the Knockout Game.
His work has appeared in more than 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine. His story about how a black man was unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend resulted in his release from state prison and was featured on Court TV, NPR, The Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune.
Thomas Sowell: ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
Sean Hannity: White Girl Bleed a Lot “has gone viral.”
Allen West: “At least author Colin Flaherty is tackling this issue (of racial violence and black on white crime) in his new book, White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.“
Los Angeles Times: “a favorite of conservative voices.”
Daily Caller: “As the brutal “knockout” game sweeps across the U.S., one author isn’t surprised by the attacks or the media reaction. Colin Flaherty, author of the book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How The Media Ignore It,” began chronicling the new wave of violence nearly a year ago — revealing disturbing racial motivations behind the attacks and a pattern of media denial.”
Alex Jones: “Brilliant. Could not put it down.”
Neal Boortz: “Colin Flaherty has become Public Enemy No.1 to the leftist media because of his research on black culture of violence.”
From the Bill Cunningham show. It is official: “Colin Flaherty is a great American.A wonderful book.”
Breitbart.com: “Prescient. Ahead of the News. Garnering attention and sparking important discussions.”
David Horowitz: “A determined reporter, Colin Flaherty, broke ranks to document these rampages in a book titled, White Girl Bleed A Lot”
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