New: More video from St. Louis. Two new tapes.

March 12, 2014 — 21 Comments

Ok, one from 2012 that totally got past me.




And one from March 2014 that did not.



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Colin Flaherty

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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
blank Blah Halb says:

Why do the people of this website downplay how much the success of Europe is interconnected with their relationship with non-white groups? Europeans were slaughtering each other for many years, while using petty swords and heavy chain armor. The indigenous tribes of SE Asia or North/South America even had sharper weapons and even more elaborate traps than they did at the time. Poland, Hungary, Russia and Ukraine were invaded by Ogedei Khan and the Mongols. They almost took over completely and they had most European kingdoms thinking that the apocalypse was near. If Ogedei Khan didn’t die from over drinking in celebration, Europe would have been a completely Eastern dominated culture. Mongols had a policy of abandoning the campaign if the leader of it dies. Western white supremacy would never even have existed. Europe learned about gun powder and explosives from the Mongols because they were taking very heavy losses and were no match for these long distance high damage weapons. This made the European kingdoms insecure about their place in the larger world. They stopped killing each other and came together as “White Christians”. After learning about gunpowder from the Mongols, they used guns and smallpox to colonize the world while convinced it was because of racial superiority. They invented racial science and hierarchies to justify genocide. In reality it was just conditions and circumstance, but some of their egos refused to acknowledge this leading to the cycle and giant mess that we have today.

The fact is that most white nationalists/supremacists only think the way they do because history has been hidden and written by whites many times over. They usually refuse to listen to non-white historians or philosophers. If the “white race” were actually “superior” don’t you think you would have convinced everybody by now? It’s never going to happen. Trying to forcibly hold on to your hegemony just leads to more violence and tension.

Do any of you know about history enough to discuss this issue?

blank Tamar says:

No they are just big monkeys.
Kill,rape steal.
Please feel free to go back to the mother land.

blank Blah Halb says:

This also doesn’t really help the narrative that you guys “are not” racists.

blank donaldwestington says:

This comment doesn’t really help the narrative that you “are not” racist. This comment also doesn’t really help your narrative that we are racist. All it does is prove that you are anti-white. What is your problem with the truth of black violence and the fact that blacks are more prone towards every type of human depravity there is (look at the crime stats all over the world, not just here in the US)? Also, in response to your copy and paste comment, you’re going to use instances of white violence that happened hundreds of years ago? Are you that desperate? lol! Get outta here kid. You’ve just been made to look stupid, as if you didn’t do a good job yourself. I just accentuated it a little bit.

blank Thomas Smith says:

We are all chimps my friend. 98% to be exact all originating from the motherland (one word smarty pants). Black Americans are Americans so they are already home. Being pro white doesn’t mean you have to be anti black.

blank Blah Halb says:

You are the only one that makes sense on this whole website.

blank Thomas Smith says:

Thanks. The crowd here is old white conservative poorly educated and indoctrinated in an era when racial hatred was a social norm. They are trying to hold to the world they knew because they can’t process the speed at which the social dynamics have changed. Those who point to the modern day crime rate of blacks and call them savages conveniently forget or don’t know how many blacks and indigenous people died by white hands when Europe discovered the new world. There is no denying there is a crime problem within the black community but it has nothing to do with race. Just don’t tell the racists that.

blank Blah Halb says:

Yeah, I’m actually going to stop wasting my time here now. It’s impossible for these folks to see things in different perspective. Every individual has different perspective. They just get mad at the idea that life might possibly be very different for other people. It’s mostly just sad.

blank Jack Laurie says:

Another cut and paste, same one, several times now…you are not smart enough to type your own thoughts, if you have any…look around the world, all peoples of the world can survive except Africans, they need a host to leech off of…name one black run country that has a descent lifestyle (Africa, Haiti, Madagascar, New Guinea) …there are none, only chaos, warlords, oligarchy, crime, blame whitey

blank Blah Halb says:

It doesn’t really help the narrative that you guys “are not” racists.

blank donaldwestington says:

You’re the one who comes on this website for the sole purpose of copying and pasting a racially charged anti-white provocative comment, yet you’re going to desperately accuse whites as being racist by leaving a racist comment looking for angry replies. Seems to me that YOU’RE the racist one fishing for racism by coming here soley to leave a racist anti-white remark. You’re so stupid you don’t realize that your plan backfired. Thanks for helping our narrative of proving that whites are not the overly-racist ones here in America, but that indeed it is the BLACKS who are overly-racist, moron.

blank Blah Halb says:

So are we ALL racist? Or is it only people that are different races than you? Is speaking against white racism and white supremacy considered racist? If someone criticized a Klansman for being racist, does that make them racist? Do you understand what I mean at all? Of course not.

blank trayvonmartin sux says:

We are all racist, like it or not, dumb ass.

blank Blah Halb says:

“We are all racist, like it or not, dumb ass.”
At least you’re being honest. You better get used to people like me.

blank Blah Halb says:

I’m not black. I don’t speak for blacks.

blank trayvonmartin sux says:

Well then get off the black man’s dick and stop being their lap dog like the media taught you to.

blank Blah Halb says:

Whatever you say “trayvonmartin sux”

Looks like you feel the need to pick sides about things you didn’t witness, just like the media taught you as well. Get off that FOX news dick before you type that garbage.

blank trayvonmartin sux says:

“I’m not black” BTW, so many ppl make stupid lies like that just to try to prove the other person wrong. I don’t believe that you’re not black.

blank Blah Halb says:

SURE. You can imagine me as black if that makes you hate me more.

blank donaldwestington says:

BTW, not only whites are realizing what savagery is common amongst blacks, but all races are realizing this inconvenient truth as well.

blank Blah Halb says:

That’s my material. I cut and paste it so that I don’t have to retype it….