Ten people and their families — nine Asian — are robbed after leaving a casino and being followed home by members of a black mob.
Lot of black on Asian violence. The San Francisco Chronicle calls it their “dirty little secret.”
These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.
Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
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If more Asians knew of the many attacks, injuries, and deaths related to targeting by Blacks, they would withdraw all support for the NAACP and any related ilk! Too bad they’ve consumed liberal PC to their drunken stupor, and have lost their awareness…
Many Asians are aware of what the San Francisco Chronicle calls the dirty little secret: Black on asian crime. I wrote a chapter about it in White Girl Bleed a Lot.
I think many of them on the west coast are clueless, in my opinion. Why do I think so, you ask? Having the histories they’ve encountered, you would figure more of them would be libertarian, second amendment proponents. Most are still Democrat anti-gun/self defense pansies. Most people in the U.S. regardless of race or ethnicity, are a bunch of pansies.
The perpetual White flight mindset has infected the Asian community as well. White and Yellow ‘fight’ must be the new modus operandi to preserve this great country.