Archives For Waco

Dear Mr. Flaherty,

I just finished reading “White Girl Bleed A Lot.”  Very powerful and accurate book.

My family was a victim of   aback mob attack in a quickly “changing’ suburb of in a town in the South..

My 6th grade son was attacked by a much bigger 8th grade black girl who tried to slam his head into the ground while screaming anti-white racial epithets.  She would not relent, nor would the black crowd of 12 or so adults surrounding us hollering “beat his white ass”.

I intervened and was subsequently attacked by five black males, and the girl’s mother.  All screaming racial epithets.  Fortunately I am a highly trained martial artist and quelled the riot without injuring anyone.  When the police arrived the racist screaming mob of blacks implicated me and the police refused to listen to me or my four children – the only white people present.

Naturally I went to jail.  I hired an expensive lawyer and the legal/political process continues.

Your book is so far ahead of this problem in the reporting of black mob violence – nobody believes me.

Even AFTER my incident.  In fact when I mention the 2012  riot you documented – mentioned in your book, my friends can not recall it due to the lack of local reporting.  That area of town is trying to be gentrified for upscale development thus the local cognoscenti/investors want to keep the mob violence out of the public eye.

Thank you for writing book.  I have lived it.