Archives For Top This.

Let’s play a game about racial violence.

Let’s call it Top This. It’s easy.

Every day I read, hear and watch accounts about relentless white racism. Relentless white injustice towards blacks. Relentless white privilege.

But that’s it. We rarely hear about the victims of black violence — which of course is exponentially of out of proportion.

So let play Top This:

The first person mentions an example of white racism. White privilege. Defined as broadly as you like.

The second person has to top it.

Example:  duPont heir escapes Delaware prison after being convicted of raping his 3-year old daughter.

A kid I grew up, we called him Duck, just sent me this email:

“Delaware: Home of 1% Baby Rapers!  All Rich People Rape Babies, Walk Free! ‘Go Ahead” sez Judge, ‘Baby Rape is OK in Blue Hen State!’ “
That’s the theme of my new book: 
“Delaware: Where Every Rich White Man is a Rapist!”   
Can I get a blurb?

Duck likes to send me snarky emails, denying that black mob violence or black on white crime is a problem. Or that everyone does it. So why single any group.

Which is weird because he knows what the problem is. Having been a victim of it many times. And he knows many victims of it as well.


Now, I’ll top that: This week, a black man was arrested for stabbing and killing a white man after the white man let him know he was driving around at night with his lights off. His name was Michael Leger.

Ever hear of him? Didn’t think so.


Duck loses.



Duck. He’s the snarky one in the middle.













White Girl Bleed a Lot -- Knockout Game edition

White Girl Bleed a Lot — Knockout Game edition