Archives For Clarence LeBlanc

Every day, some liberal gets my hopes up.

They promise there are hundreds and thousands of videos of white mob violence out there. They say I am cherry picking the videos of black mob violence for my own nefarious purposes.

If that were true: That there is a ton of unreported white racial violence out there on video and no one knows about it, I would write that book right away.

And make a gajillion dollars.

And go on Oprah.

And party with Jay Z.

They would glorify my name on MSNBC.

So far, no dice.

It happened again today: Someone promised to send me some links showing that I was cherry picking. Then did not.

Here is the exchange from Facebook:

Clarence LeBlanc:  i’ve watched many of your videos…I thought to myself…could you not make videos of under reported mexican crime…or white cime? I’m sure there must be tons of horrible video from every segmant of society no?

Me: I keep hearing that… I keep not getting the links. Why?

Clarence LeBlanc:  because you focus solely on blacks and it’s very devisive. Some of your followers use your videos as fuel for very sad and scrary narrative. Who knows what they do in real life. A group the other day wanted to get together and place bait…and wait for an ambush using lethal force. Just upsetting.

Colin Flaherty:  All you have to do to shut me down is produce videos of white/Asian people acting the same way in the same proportion. Can’t do it. Can you?

Clarence LeBlanc:  I can find 100’S of videos in 5 minutes on youtube of white idiots being vile and violent. Who wants to see such a thing? You…you have an audience…anything bad and black is awesome…specially now with the HNIC . You must be sad to see him go. He must be great for business.

Colin Flaherty: Who is HNIC?  And when you are going to stop blaming the weatherman every time it rains?

And why are liberals withholding all these videos from me and YouTube and everywhere else?











