Shhh: Don’t tell anyone: Rochester? Long term black mob violence.

May 24, 2013 — 16 Comments

Rochester? Racial Violence?

Absolutely. After another large scale episode of racial violence, A Rochester city councilman said:

“I think what you saw at the beach is what we’ve been seeing in many of our neighborhoods for two decades,” said (black) Councilman Adam Mcfadden. “It’s just that you had a lot of people there who are not used to that culture and got to witness it personally.

I have no idea what that means. Can anyone help?

Most recently at the Lilac Festival where 20 people got arrested, several people stabbed, two cops hurt, and lots of other black mob violence surrounding the festival.


And, oh yeah, its been happening for a long time.
16 arrested, 2 cops injured during fights near Lilac Festival | Democrat and Chronicle |

Police Reacting To Violence At Rochester Lilac Festival

Four men stabbed after leaving Lilac Festival |

Reporters say this is just one episode from a ten day spree of violence in that town.

Reports from two locals:

Joe Baxton ·

and about a half hour ago, I was on my way home from lunch. I was stopped at a light in front of the County Jail where the prisoner release door is. And there erupted a huge fight between 50 black boys. They ran across the street, stopped traffic dead and continued to fight on the side walk across from the jail. I betting this is a continuation of the nonsense which occurred at the Lilac Festival. The ones arrested must have been released and this group of black boys was waiting for them to continue the fight. What on earth is going on in my city? I have enever seen anything like this in my entire life.


Ann Marie Cummings ·let’s face it, this is a racial problem. whether it is the Puerto Rician fest, last year at the rib fest, or problems at sea breeze with gangs. It’s obvious these street thugs pick arenas…large amount of people attending, and it is easier to disperse once the cops show up.


Memorial Day Rochester 2011

An excerpt from White Girl Bleed a Lot:

In 2011, city officials in Rochester, New York, had a great idea: let’s have a rib festival on Memorial Day. More than two hundred black people showed up, ate, rioted, and then left. Thirteen people were arrested, all black. One for assaulting a police officer.

As usual the newspapers tell one story, and the video tells another. The paper bent over backward to avoid telling the race of the perpetrators, but the video clearly shows they are all black. And apparently, that wasn’t the first time a local venue has shut down because of fights on Memorial Day. Says the local paper:

Seabreeze made it a policy to close on Memorial Day starting last year after rumors of violence. The city has an ongoing issue with crowds of youth at the Liberty Pole downtown.”

“I think what you saw at the beach is what we’ve been seeing in many of our neighborhoods for two decades,” said (black) Councilman Adam Mcfadden. “It’s just that you had a lot of people there who are not used to that culture and got to witness it personally.


These are just some of the hundreds of examples of racial violence and lawlessness in more than 80 cities around the country as documented in my book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America.

Thomas Sowell said : ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

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Colin Flaherty

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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
blank BADBOB says:


blank terence sommer says:

Collin, did you miss the story of a beating in Winsdsor Mill in Baltimore County? WJZ had a video of it that took place at the Windsor Mill Resteraunt and Bar. More crowds laughing of course. Awful.

blank Skully says:

If your going to have a RIB FEST what do you expect.

blank BADBOB says:


blank E.G. says:

Uh, thanks, Skully. I’m now informed that the library I post from uses software that identifies inappropriate speech – they don’t acknowledge a bl*cklist, but you’re in Tiger Woods crybaby territory with the ribs comment. I can’t read your post there.
Oh well, I’m in the next county today. I guess you gotta laugh at the thought.
Yes, BADBOB, that’s exactly what ARs are for. But law has changed: blacks cannot be prosecuted for threatening white voters. Hate crimes laws should not be used to protect whites. Whatever discriminatory use of the police and courts it takes to appease criminal blacks is the new law, as enforced and upheld.

would you keep me posted as if you see the site has any other problems at the library..

blank Marine68 says:

I was born and raised on West 109th St. and Central park West, in N.Y. City 2 Blocks away was what we called the beginning Black Harlem. We used to think that the violence among themselves and all that were caught by them near the neighborhood was just in that area of the City; but when we went to Coney Island or anywhere in Brooklyn the violence never ended. They used broken bottles Zip Guns, Lye and Bats against each other and anyone else. The point is that violence was almost a recreation for them, and for us a defense. I am 64 years Old and have observed that the level of Violence in Blacks has progressively elevated to wanton murder for little and no provocation. Before I left New york and moved to Florida, I was attacked by gang of Black Crackheads that stabbed me 7 times and almost killed my brother in law by swinging him head first into the sidewalk between six of them. they smashed the windows of his car and dragged us of it after we got i n with the Milk and cigarettes we bought at the convenience store behind which they swarmed out of. Now i carry a gun unlike in Communist N.Y. where you can only die to please the Politicians fully understanding that some of our citizenry make the wildest of Animals look like puppies.

I wonder how many are muslims. Muslims are IMHO afflicted by demons of malice, murder and mayhem, LITERAL demons. They fight among themselves if they cannot fight against the “infidels.”

blank Colin Flahety says:

That is whole different kettle of fish. Lots of folks want me to go to Europe and write that book!

blank Pat` says:

When the mainstream news does cover it, they refer to it as a “teenage prank that got out of hand” and they don’t mention the race of those involved so unless you see the videos or witnessed it, you get a message that it was a bunch of mostly white kids goofing off and it got out of control. If they don’t mention race, you presume they are white…. When they do show videos of blacks beating up on whites, there are always other blacks standing around filming it and cheering for the black person or stepping in to kick or hit the downed white person. Disgusting…like something out of the jungle.

blank Colin Flahety says:

you know i wrote an entire book about that, right?

blank Denise says:

I just got your book in the mail. I’ll plow through it, but I know it won’t be an easy read. I’m bracing myself for an emotional roller coaster. I won’t be at all surprised by what I read – I’m a white girl who grew up in a mixed, but predominately black neighborhood. I’m one of the lucky ones; no blood, a few skirmishes, learned how to watch my back, and where the no-go zones were. There was always a buzz of fear over white kids heads back then. Apparently it’s gone from bad to worse. My heart aches for poor whites kids stuck in violent black neighborhoods with no one to defend or speak for them. Thank you for writing this book.

Hi Denise,

There are so many stories out there just like yours. And no one talks about it. Colin

blank Scotchaholic says:

Good! More liberals need more exposure to the ones they protect, defend, and venerate.

blank Colin Flahety says:

This weekend is the Roc City Rib Fest: Another collection of mob violence.

blank T says:

Amen to that