Letter from a Teacher

October 30, 2015 — Leave a comment
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Letter from a Teacher



Hey Colin,

Here a just a few of the many situations that I have encountered over my years in public schools. Keep in mind that I was always the only black male teacher in my building. This you think would buy me some cred or buy in with some of my black students and it did at times. Some of the black students got it, some knew of me and my athletic career, I grew up in the town I worked in and was very successful as a quarterback. But there were others, where me trying to be a black positive male role model was seen as me trying to be “white” and curry favor with the with administration. I would get this from the parents of these black students as well when it was time for conferences and meetings about their children’s ridiculous behavior. I was an Uncle Tom, or a corny nigga, student who knew that if I could I’d knock them the hell out would have no qualms saying this around me where I could hear them. The respect was none, there was like no remorse at times, no sense of this is wrong or messed up.


For many years I worked as a Dean of Students in a public high school and much of my job dealt with discipline. School discipline as you know is kind of cut and dry. If you show up late for class this happens. If you cut a detention this happens, you get the drift. In the midst of just doing my job which I did and enforced to all students regardless of color I had my desk flipped multiple times, my room trashed. I used to run and supervise the in-school suspension room and I had that room that had about 25 seats in it and was full many times destroyed, desk again flipped over. My files and paperwork ripped up and throw back in my face. Had students try and sabotage my chair so that I would hurt myself. Had my car vandalized. Got to the point where I would not park it at the school but at the local YMCA while was about a block away so it would be safe.


Cell phone use confiscation was one of the biggest issues back around 2007 when more and more people had them. Rule again was simple and clear cell phones were not permitted to be out. There were times when I would take them and students both male and female would physically try to take them out of my hand once I would confiscate them. I had to literally put phones in my pocket so I could then physically hold students at bay until another staff member would come to assist me.


The most egregious thing was that at one point some of these lovelies found out that my grandmother lived on the way to school. This one particular school I worked in had no transportation for those who live within a three mile radius, you had to get a ride or walk. Once they found out where she lived they would throw their trash in her yard. One day I left work early to so that I could sit in her living room and look out to see who was doing this. Luckily I was able to catch someone in the act, go out grabbed them by the shirt and give them the “we ain’t in school now m… effer” speech. It stopped after that.


I hope some of these examples can help to illustrate some of the behavior that is just a part of many of our lives who work in public school. I had to leave secondary and go to elementary because I know myself and I know I would have kicked someone’s ass by now. I am just so at the point of rage and exasperation over this and the things you cover I don’t know what to do. I think the entire Michael Brown thing is what made me snap, the fact so many people wanted to gloss over his final act of brutality against that store clerk and not examine that and why so many black males are acting in this manner just broke my threshold. One because, it keeps happening and nobody does anything really about it except deny it happens as much it does and try to divert attention to other things.


You can have problems in other areas of society, does racism exist yeah since biblical times. Racism and other problems is no excuse to not address the behavior of too many of our black youth. You can’t cry about the quality of education in these schools and say racism is the cause without looking at the conditions in the schools. Nobody learns around this violence, doesn’t happen. So why not address the problems that are obvious. I would not teach in school like the ones in the Philadelphia school district if you offered me a free car and total student loan forgiveness. I actually had an offer where my graduate school loan would be forgiven if I worked in a city public school, over $30,000, I said no thank you. As you have been mentioning on your Youtube channel it is just no longer the big cities, it is in small towns across the country. My opinion is that much of this violence is not entirely racially motivated, because these actors have no respect for anyone. I’ve seen them go after other black teachers and students.


The reasons for the behavior is many, I am personally now in the stages of writing several articles about what I think is at play here. I can’t keep my mouth shut any longer, no matter what the price. The Uncle Tom, stuff I don’t and never cared about that, call me whatever, self hating. As somebody on the front lines I know of what I am speaking and see the damage it is causing. But what you do in exposing it is priceless, putting it out there makes it harder to deny. If you ever decide, which I hope you do, to make some type of documentary about this, I’d be willing to volunteer my time to help in some way. Putting this out there in view with all its clothes off for all to see will create I feel dialogue about the issue and that is a start. The Don Lemon’s and other talking heads like him will be forced to say what is going on in these schools, why are some many black kids acting out in this manner. Thanks Colin and I will give you a call in a day or so.



About the Author

Colin Flaherty is an award winning reporter and author of the #1 best selling book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

His new book is Knockout Game a Lie? Aww, Hell No.

Both books are about black mob violence, black on white crime and the Knockout Game.

His work has appeared in more than 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine. His story about how a black man was unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend resulted in his release from state prison and was featured on Court TV, NPR, The Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune.

Thomas Sowell: ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Sean Hannity: White Girl Bleed a Lot “has gone viral.”

Allen West: “At least author Colin Flaherty is tackling this issue (of racial violence and black on white crime) in his new book, White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

Los Angeles Times: “a favorite of conservative voices.”

Daily Caller: “As the brutal “knockout” game sweeps across the U.S., one author isn’t surprised by the attacks or the media reaction. Colin Flaherty, author of the book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How The Media Ignore It,” began chronicling the new wave of violence nearly a year ago — revealing disturbing racial motivations behind the attacks and a pattern of media denial.”

Alex Jones: “Brilliant. Could not put it down.”

Neal Boortz: “Colin Flaherty has become Public Enemy No.1 to the leftist media because of his research on black culture of violence.”

From the Bill Cunningham show. It is official: “Colin Flaherty is a great American.A wonderful book.”

Breitbart.com: “Prescient. Ahead of the News. Garnering attention and sparking important discussions.”

David Horowitz: “A determined reporter, Colin Flaherty, broke ranks to document these rampages in a book titled, White Girl Bleed A Lot”


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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.