Letter from a teacher.

August 12, 2015 — Leave a comment

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Letter from a teacher.





As I tweeted you a few days ago, I am currently reading your book “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry.” I hit your chapter on violence against teachers, and I had to write. I too am a teacher. My entire career, 11 years so far, I have taught in Title I schools, meaning that 75% or more of my students are on free or reduced lunch. The schools I have taught in the longest have historically been roughly half black and half white, owing to forced bussing as a result of a lawsuit that lingered for years. We also experienced forced transfers amongst staff based on race and gender.


While working at my first school, a magnet program high school for the arts, I experienced daily harassment from students. They made fun of how I dressed, how I talked, called me racist and gave me a hard time when I enforced the rules. One day after work, I was walking out to my truck when a group of five black students from the football team began making fun of me again. I put my stuff in my truck and went to talk to them about their lack of respect. Rather than having a productive conversation, they immediately puffed out their chests and converged on me. To put this in perspective, I want you to know that I am a US Army combat vet. I am not afraid of any man. But when you are suddenly surrounded by five hostile teenagers, you get nervous. I’ll give you one clue what race they were, but I’m guessing you don’t need it.


When I (thankfully) left that school, I was hired at a new alternative education school. All of the students were convicted felons for things like sex on campus, too many fights, bomb threats, drugs, etc, in the regular education setting. Some were just dumb kids who made a mistake, some were very bad actors with violent rap sheets. They were all on probation. In the morning they were bused in to school, had a one hour group counseling session followed by school, then were there for another couple of hours after we left before going home. From the beginning it was a nightmare beyond description. The only thing that kept me from quitting every day was a wife and two kids, including a brand new baby at home, and I was the only one making money. Every single day the teachers would gather at lunch and encourage each other to make it one more day.


During our interviews, we found out that this was a private contractor who would be running this school. The local school board would not sign off on the charter unless they agreed to hire local teachers employed by them. We were also told that there would be “at least one guard” in every classroom at all times so that we would not be responsible for handling ANY discipline issues at all, as we were teachers and had not been trained to handle kids like this. Day one proved that to be a lie when we were given radios and told to call if we needed help.


The harassment and disrespect began immediately, and all four of the teachers on campus caught it. (We only taught core subject areas there.) We had our first fist fight between students happen on day 2, and from there on out, we had one almost every single day, and sometimes as many as five. Keep in mind that battery is a crime, and these kids were on probation. I could write pages upon pages about what went on there, so let me just give you the worst of the worst.


We began vocally complaining about various issues on campus and how we had no classroom control or support from the “guards” who were in fact something called a “behavior tech.” We began to feel that we were not safe. I was concerned enough that I set up my desk so that it was against a wall and blocked on one side, with the back door behind me. I did this out of situational awareness, something the Army taught me. I had a route to retreat in case I was ever attacked. The most vocal teacher, a friend of mine, got us organized. We began to write up referral forms for infractions, as it became apparent that the parent company was not going to support us. After a couple of months of this, we found the stack of referrals torn up in the trash of the principal – not a single one had been processed or looked at, and not one was the entire year. Eventually we gave up on getting support from the school system or the company and started calling the police to campus for the worst offenses I will describe below.


The louder my friend complained, the worse it got. They tried to shut him down by reprimanding him over various infractions, mostly related to his complaining angrily about how we were being treated. He got the union in to assist, and by the end of the year, all three reprimands that had been wrongly placed in his file without due cause were removed. It was intimidation tactics form the administration and the company. The program was overseen my senior management from the company, in particular a young, liberal black woman. From the beginning she was antagonistic to us, and we heard many times how we “just didn’t know how to talk to these kids” – the implication being that because we were white we were clueless.


She complained constantly about how much we were on the radios calling for help for fights and disruptions – this was after we were told we were not to handle discipline. There was no pleasing her. She questioned my integrity one day when I pulled into my usual disabled parking slot in front of the school. I’m a disabled vet as a result of my time in the Middle East, and I have a placard that hangs from my mirror.


The facility we were in was very old, dilapidated and unsafe. They eventually got the cameras working in the classroom. We immediately expressed our concerns about being monitored like this. We were repeatedly assured that they would only be using them for evidence, and to hassle us. That immediately was proven a lie when they started to radio into our rooms to make this kid pay attention or to wake up that other kid, or whatever. After we complained to the union they forced them to shut the cameras off. However, during that time they caught quite a few fights on video, but not one student ever was arrested, charged or had their probation violated.


The bottom line was that they wanted to graduate kids without violating their probation so that they could claim success, and thus earn more business. The manager eventually started complaining to the head of the alternative education program for the local school board that we were out of control, and this person eventually started applying pressure to us as well.


On to the fun stuff.

One day a new student, a very large black male, punched a black female in the face. For once, someone other than one of the four of us called the cops. When they drove into the parking lot, Student A saw them during class change and panicked. He scaled an 8 foot fence topped with barbed wire, and landed on the other side inside the perimeter of the men’s prison next door. The prison immediately went into lockdown. Soon, we had local sheriff’s deputies, prison guards and a dog out chasing this fool around. Eventually they caught him and hauled him off. Imagine my surprise when he came to school the next day, covered in bandages from the wire and the dog. The students gave him a standing ovation. His parole was not violated.


On another occasion, a black student pulled out an unmarked bottle of pills from her pocket. Before I could get across the classroom, she had dumped the entire bottle of pills into her mouth and was choking them down. I radioed for help, called 911, and they came and took her away to the ER to pump her stomach. She had ingested over 20 cold and flu pills to get high. She returned a week later, when I found a note on my desk calling me a “fucking liar.” Keep in mind that these kids were being searched as they entered the facility, but in true convict style, they had a system whereby they would hand things off to other students while someone else distracted the guards. They were not supposed to have ANYTHING on them other than their clothes. Her parole was not violated, and never once was any contraband confiscated from a student despite our many reports of such.


One day I came in to my classroom and I found a Gatorade bottle of mine in the bathroom, opened. A quick sniff test revealed someone had urinated in it. I suppose that they were going to try to put it back in my stash, where I would drink it. They found video of the student who did it – he was in there to clean my room after hours, unsupervised. He stole it, took it to the bathroom, and as he was walking out a staff member walked in. He left it in the bathroom where I found it. He was not arrested, charged or violated. Guess what race he was?


We got at transfer in one day, a young black girl who looked like a boy. It turned out she was gay, which you will see is important later. After a month or so at our school, this young girl was arrested, along with her parents and grandmother, for dealing crack from their house and on the street corner. This girl ran, and the police K-9 chewed her up pretty good. Her probation was also not violated, despite having been arrested and charged. She also returned to school covered in bandages and got a standing ovation from the students.


I promise you, we are getting there. Two more stories.

A new “guard” came to work for the facility around the holidays. On a whim, he decided to search the school bus, which had assigned seating. Stuffed into the seats of the bus he found almost a dozen knives, and a fair amount of pot and tobacco. Myself and my friend saw the haul with our own eyes as it was carried off of the bus. The students were pissed. Given that there was assigned seating, they knew who had what, but not a single student was charged or violated. That guard was quietly let go shortly after that. He was white.


Finally, in late winter/early spring, a group of the most violent black males banded together. They began to write complaints on us in an attempt to get us fired. The complaints didn’t apply to us – the forms they were filling out were for grievances against company staff, not county teachers. Still, they made up enough outrageous accusations that we were all talked to and investigated. When that didn’t work, the ringleader had enough. He found out where I lived, and gave that information to the others. Then one day in class he started making comments like “I’m going to go have a beer with your wife” and “It’s going to be World War Five up in this bitch on Tuesday.” Those comments combined with others he and his little gang made in other classes scared us enough that we called the cops, as we genuinely were worried that he would bring a gun on campus to shoot us (since we know they weren’t searched properly) or that he would attempt to harm my family.


When the company manager arrived on property, she told us point blank that we were rocking the boat, making the program look bad, and we needed to stop calling the cops. We explained what happened, but she wasn’t interested in hearing it. The cops talked to the four or five boys involved, but they could not charge them with anything.


The next day I bought a high capacity .45 handgun and applied for my concealed carry permit. I couldn’t have it at the school, but other than that I was (and I still am) armed 24/7. Thankfully my wife grew up on a ranch and shoots well, so I also bought her a 12 gauge shotgun and pistol of her own, and had her get a concealed carry permit as well. Other than my pistol, I carry extra magazines and a back-up gun, just like cops typically do.


At the end of the school year, the company decided it wasn’t worth the hassle of working with local teachers who couldn’t manage their classrooms (after they told us not to) and they shut down the school. The remaining students were transferred back into other county run schools. The teachers that hadn’t quit (we had some bad turnover in two of the four positions) all got transfers to new schools, myself included. I still teach in a Title I school that is about half black, but I don’t have the problems I had in alternative education, because our bosses actually support us now. I would say 98% or more of my students respect me because I am fair but firm.


It has been over seven years since that school shut down. I am constantly looking over my shoulder, wondering if one day one of those students is going to show up. I have drilled my family on what to do in the event of a drive by or home invasion, and I make sure my wife carries constantly and is familiar with the laws of self defense here in Florida. I have started teaching my sons (13 and 7) how to shoot as well. If it helps, I live in a relatively small down, not a large city. So the mob mentality is not confined to the inner city in my experience.


Since I left that school, we have had some high profile incidents. The female crack dealer went on to do a drive by shooting on another black girls house after she left her for a man. A black male student of ours, 14 or 15 years old, absconded from the system and went on to attempt not one, but two murders. Both times he placed a gun to the head of someone and pulled the trigger, both times the gun malfunctioned. He was on the run for almost a year. A hispanic student of ours made national news when, at 20 years of old and still in high school, he got caught up in a murder plot. You can check that out – he has been convicted and is doing life. His name is Justin Soto and the young man he helped to kill was named Michael Bargo. It was a horrific murder straight out of the movies. Finally, a white female student of ours made national news. After being convicted of being a getaway drive in an armed home invasion, she was out on either bond or parole again, I forget which. Anyway, she became famous for leaving her baby boy (who she was pregnant with during the home invasion) in a cart at Wal-Mart after being caught shoplifting. She and her sister just ran off when security tried to stop them, and they proceeded to go party for a day or two until the cops caught up with her and arrested her. Her name is Allison Niemeyer.


The sad thing is that Justin, Allison and the others could have all been given help and turned around had they actually been disciplined. It just wasn’t a priority, money was. So when I hear about how the “white man” is running a “school to prison pipeline” to monetize black lives, I have to laugh, as the management at that facility was black.


I want to emphasize that although we had trouble out of white and hispanic students, we never had the “mob” mentality from any of them. When we left at the end of the year, I was on good terms with all of them, and even some of the black students. It was only the small groups of black males that had banded together to make us miserable that I ever felt threatened by.


Teaching that year was harder and more stressful on me than my entire six month+ deployment to Iraq during Desert Shield/Desert Storm on the front lines against the Republican Guard. That is no joke.


About the Author

Colin Flaherty is an award winning reporter and author of the #1 best selling book Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

From Colonel Allen West: “Read Colin Flaherty’s book, Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry. And be certain to share it.”

TownHall: “Heroic.”

FrontPageMag: “A national treasure.”

Steve Malzberg, NewMaxTV: “Amazing.”

Bill Cunningham: “Amazing.”

Anthony Cumia: “Amazing.”

His work has appeared in more than 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine. His story about how a black man was unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend resulted in his release from state prison and was featured on Court TV, NPR, The Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune.

He is also the author of White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

Both books are about black mob violence, black on white crime and the Knockout Game — and how public officials, reporters and activists deny, excuse, condone and encourage them.

Thomas Sowell: ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.

Sean Hannity: White Girl Bleed a Lot “has gone viral.”

Allen West: “At least author Colin Flaherty is tackling this issue (of racial violence and black on white crime) in his new book, White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

Los Angeles Times: “a favorite of conservative voices.”x

Daily Caller: “As the brutal “knockout” game sweeps across the U.S., one author isn’t surprised by the attacks or the media reaction. Colin Flaherty, author of the book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How The Media Ignore It,” began chronicling the new wave of violence nearly a year ago — revealing disturbing racial motivations behind the attacks and a pattern of media denial.”

Alex Jones: “Brilliant. Could not put it down.”

Neal Boortz: “Colin Flaherty has become Public Enemy No.1 to the leftist media because of his research on black culture of violence.”

From the Bill Cunningham show. It is official: “Colin Flaherty is a great American.A wonderful book.”

Breitbart.com: “Prescient. Ahead of the News. Garnering attention and sparking important discussions.”

David Horowitz: “A determined reporter, Colin Flaherty, broke ranks to document these rampages in a book titled, White Girl Bleed A Lot”


Order Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry from Amazon here.

Order White Girl Bleed a Lot from Amazon here.

Order Knockout Game a Lie? here:


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Colin Flaherty

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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.