New: Is the legacy of Slavery driving black people crazy? Yes, says councilwoman

December 16, 2013 — 15 Comments

hat artIs the legacy of Slavery driving black people crazy? Yes, says councilwoman.

A preview of a story at, with links.


Wilmington, Delaware has a big problem: Large groups of black people are going crazy.

And this collective “mental illness” is causing record levels of crime and gun violence in this largely Chocolate town of 70,000.

That is the diagnosis of the city council which, by unanimous agreement earlier this month, asked the Centers for Disease Control to investigate this wave of psychological mayhem that has turned this historic and once-charming city into an unrecognizable husk of its former self.

Chief diagnostician of this crisis in public health is city councilmember Hanifa G.N. Shabazz:

“There is a well known fact that the African American community here in the United States of America is still suffering from the traumatic syndrome of slavery,” Shabazz said. “That is compounded with the many effects that are happening in today’s society with our young people and the things they are seeing, and there is definitely a shift of mental capacity of their ability to make good decisions. That results in gun violence.”

Wilmington, Delaware City Council. December 5, 2012. Agenda # 3888.



Shabazz went on to talk about the “mental illness that our young people are suffering in order for our young people to be able to take life so aimlessly.”

She pointed to the recent movie 12 Years of Slavery to illustrate her diagnosis. In one scene, a slave is hung from a tree with a rope around his neck and must stand on his tip-toes for a long period of time to survive. Many people saw the slave in distress but did not help him.

Shabazz says that is the situation with black people today.

“That mentality is still going on,” she told her council colleagues.  And it is “not a natural phenomena. It is not in the nature of the African American to act in self-destruction.”

The Wilmington News Journal reported on the council action, but neglected to mention in its news stories the connection between the violence and the legacy of slavery.

Shabazz did not explain who is playing the role of slave master. Or what they are doing to endanger so many black people in Wilmington. Or if the black men and women who serve as mayor, city council president and city councilmembers are also afflicted by this disease.

The councilwoman’s comments came after a series of news stories and violent incidents in Wilmington that left the council grappling for new solutions to what are now old problems: Shootings. Stabbings. Violence. Drugs. Mayhem.

The city has seen  a record 150 shootings this year, with 22 fatalities. Most of the shooters are black, as are the victims.

Other council members lined up to support the Shabazz diagnosis and co-sponsor her resolution. Some offered their own visions in council chambers — or on Facebook.

City Councilwoman Maria Cabrera posted an article on her Facebook page with a complementary point of view that is also very popular in Wilmington political circles: Sometimes known as the “Freeway Did It” analysis: The article points to the destruction of several hundred homes in Wilmington 50 years ago to make way for Interstate 95 as the tipping point that led to the epic levels of crime and violence in the city.

City councilman Trippi Congo, one of two funeral directors on the council, blamed police. Congo says they are not friendly enough. Congo also blasted the local newspaper and the WDEL radio station for not reporting enough good stories about the city — that several national news organizations have reported as one of the most dangerous in the country.

Congo said the stories about violence somehow encourage and create more violence and said other council members agree with him that local media should report fewer crime stories.

“I wish the newspaper headlines would read: A majority of the kids in this town are good people not trying to break the law,” said councilmember Loretta Walsh, the same councilmember who says people who do not support Barack Obama are racist.

Earlier in December, a suburban diner was robbed and attacked while visiting one of the city’s older Italian restaurants, Mrs. Robino’s. Several commenters to the story at the News Journal web site were upset the paper wrote a story about it:

“I do not find an article about the incident in the News Journal is warranted,” said Jackie Chrimbes. “She gets to back to lovely home in Hockessin, when, the people who live in Wilmington put up with this everyday.”

Others were unhappy that the local newspaper appears to be complicit in covering up this vast wave of mentally-ill induced racial criminality.  Said John Engleman: “The News Journal thinks it is contributing to racial harmony by not reporting the truth that the vast majority of violent crimes committed in our violent city are committed by young black men. It is not fooling anyone. I woke up from Martin Luther King’s dream when two black teenagers robbed me at gunpoint. Since then I would like to wake up from the nightmare of black crime. Unfortunately, it is not a dream. It is a reality.”

When Mrs. Robino opened the doors to her restaurant in 1940, the demographics of the city were different: The city’s population had just peaked at 112,000: 89 percent white. 11 percent black.

Today, the city has 40 percent fewer residents: 27 percent of them are white, 60 percent black. So the urgency to cure this mental illness has never been greater.

In November, a state police officer was shot on the streets of Wilmington in the middle of the afternoon. Some said it was an ambush. Others said the trooper wandered into the middle of an otherwise routine gun fight.

The police responded with dozens of cars, more than 50 officers from several agencies, and at least one helicopter.

Several council members echoed comments in a video at the News Journal site from people who live near the shooting. One person said he did not like the fact that more police responded to the shooting of the officer than when a regular citizen is shot.

“I ain’t happy because I lost a couple of friends and we did not get this much attention for nothing,’ said James Warner. “He (is) human just like us. So we should all be treated equal. They are not better than us,” he said.

Councilwoman Cabrera said the response was “excessive.” And other council members echoed her comments. The shooters are still at large.

Marlin Newburn said he does not have to ask the CDC who is responsible for the lawlessness that dominates Wilmington life: He says the people who ignore it, condone and excuse and deny it are the ones at fault — as much or more than — the criminals themselves.

Newburn is talking about the members of the Wilmington City Council — where one party rule has dominated city hall since at least the time of Mrs. Robino’s opening.

During his 30-year career as a a prison and court appointed psychologist, Newburn has seen racial violence and denial — on personal and collective levels. As is the case with the Wilmington City Council.

“This is the zenith of denial, a complete rejection of personal responsibility. Center for Disease Control? Are you kidding?! Just how ignorant are these “leaders?”

The character of the citizen creates a community atmosphere. If a kid knows someone in power will make excuses for their predation, they will be empowered.”

“Just keep this hard and fast rule in mind when addressing government “caring.”

Whatever behavior is defended, financed, excused, and where personal responsibility is displaced, you will get more of the behavior.

Though it would not be fair to blame just the city council. The message of racist oppression is also heard from the pulpits of the city’s black churches.

The pastor of one of the largest black congregations in the state said: “This violence in our community – you don’t think it has something to do with the last 400 years?” Rev. Lawrence M. Livingston told the News Journal, “We didn’t create this stuff – all this mess.”

The comments came just a few days after a crowd of black people beat a white clergyman near Livingston’s church in Wilmington.

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Colin Flaherty

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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
blank mike marra says:

shabazz sounds like the biggest racist I ever heard of…….her reverse racist remarks are accepted…if I said I hate black people because they’re violent I’d be locked up
yes things have changed….for the worse!

blank mike marra says:

savages …..we are too tolerant of THESE termite parasites……slavery caused all
the violence??????? where is the outrage over all the violence……animals

blank oldman67 says:

This city council needs to goggle history. Democrats and Republican’s Party views about slavery in their own words.

blank Drturi DrTuri says:

Chief diagnostician of this crisis in public health is city council member Hanifa G.N. Shabazz and all city council need to read God, Religion, Black America Phil Robertson and Bigotery

blank Drturi DrTuri says:

God, Religion, Black America Phil Robertson and Bigotery

blank wolfman4u says:

Obama like moist blacks are paying back America for not addressing slavery in our constitution and other social injustices so now we all have to pay. Lincoln is now rolling over in his grave for not completing his agenda.

blank Gerald says:

Under Ms Hanifa G.N. Shabazz’s rational that memories of slavery are causing this problem then why are millions of Europeans who were enslaved by the Muslims not reacting in the same manner as black people. Furthermore Muslims are responsible for the genocide of 120 million black African people, 60 million Christians of the middle east, 80 million Hindus and 10 million Buddhist. This does not take into account the millions taken as slaves. At one stage the slave markets in Baghdad in the seventh century prices collapsed due to the sheer number of slaves from India. Incidentally the meaning of the Hindu Kush mountains means ‘killer of Hindus’.

Surely the relatives of these people must be enraged and must be committing crimes against the Muslims. Sadly this is not the case.

blank Bubbamelon says:

I am totally speechless, I left New Castle in 94′ at age 23, had worked several years downtown, went to high school on the north side, claymont. I don’t even recognize Wilmington now, it was not like this as a teenager in the 80’s. I have been out west since and don’t think I can really understand how whites all over the NE are still living there.

blank WhiskeyJunkie says:

Word up.

blank cal3301 says:

This has to be the most rediculous response I have ever heard. Shabazz needs their head examined. The real reason has nothing to do with that. The real reason is you have a bunch of kids that have nothing better to do. Where are their parents? Do they have parents in their lives or just left to fend for themselves?
There are several decades between these and slavery. Their parents parents weren’t like that and neither were their parents. The majority of these kids probably have single parents, no structure in their lives, welfare you owe me attitude, and because of Obama, they can do as they please as he does in office. Because of political correctness, they feel unstopable.

blank Old Hickory says:

If memories of slavery are the problem, then clearly the council needs to demand censorship so black people won’t be reminded constantly about slavery. Of course she has a point in a perverse sort of way. It is the constant PROPAGANDA portraying white people as evil and criminals that makes black people feel entitled to commit the most horrific crimes against complete strangers.

When you hear black political leaders call for “justice” remember that what they really mean is “revenge.” And it is revenge for all of the imagined grievances caused by media mis-reporting and ancient grievances from 8-10 generations back and kept alive by a constant drumbeat of propaganda.

blank laura r says:

dont think hood thugs “get” that slavery was like 300yrs ago, stopped 160yrs back. w/all the films, race baiters, radio shows, professors, & endless references, they may get the feeling that slavery was almost right before they were born. maybe a very long time ago like late 80s, or maybe before martin luther king. (dont underestimate ignornance, listen to kayne west). they may imagine blks were lyched in the mall. they are fed this 24/7. then obama opens his mouth, validates this. now they are his sons. since they are violent & off the walls anyway, this is also a rationalization. they also dont care about jail. there you go, thats my take. its PTSS, post traumatic slavery syndrome. see it hear it taste it sing it, its real for them.

blank Jesse says:

How can this story even begin to make sense? These same black leaders deny the existence of disproportionate black violence on one hand, and point their fingers to its cause with their other hand.

The fact that this same spiel can be repeated endlessly, and so few disagree with it, shows a mastery of social engineering techniques being used by our elites.

blank Terence Sommer says:

Maybe some people need a different country to live in.