Archives For Jusse Smollett

Cities go through the five stages of Grief when dealing with black violence wildly out of proportion.

Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance.

And we will see examples of that in St. Louis, Milwaukee, Chicago and Philadelphia.

At this podcast, we go through one more stage: Determination.


Two life lessons from liberals and Bob Dylan.

Why the fellas don’t need to obey traffic laws anymore.

And why they don’t need keys.

All wrapped up in a nice soft comforter of anti-white denial, deceit and delusion.

A new podcast from Colin Flaherty .

I’ve never been a Biden basher. My family has known him for way too long for that. Even so, when Joe gives a speech about rape and violence against women being part of “white culture,” it’s time for some tough love. And some concrete reminders in this country about who is violent against women. And who is not.

I’ve never been a Biden basher. My family has known him for way too long for that.

Even so, when Joe gives a speech about rape and violence against women being part of “white culture,” it’s time for some tough love.

And some concrete reminders in this country about who is violent against women.

And who is not.



For the first time ever, anywhere, a person was fined $10,000 for being the VICTIM of a hate crime.

Yes, thet is what Jussie wants us to believe. As does the DA in Chicago.

Let’s take a look at Jusse’s story, but put it in the context of other examples of black privilege in criminal justice, especially when black people vote to acquit guilty black defendants, i.e. Bronx juries.

Advance copy of Wedesday’s podcast available now.

Mystery of the week: Why does Was-Mart put black hair care products behind locked plastic cages?

The fellas say they want to know, but they already have a good idea: White racism.

So let’s look at that story, and a few others and see if we can fin a better explanation than the one the fellas use when they want to play pin the tail on the honkey.

Sure Jusse Smollett did something wrong. Well, maybe he did. Either way, we need some mercy and kindness and compassion now. And what about the racism that forced him into that criminal behavior?

That is what we are hearing now on National Media. And still they talk about the real problem is white racism and White Violence. And still they don’t give examples other than it is subconscious.

We don’t play that game. in a new tab)