New: More black mob violence in Texas. This time Austin.

February 2, 2014 — 43 Comments

More black mob violence in Texas. This time Austin.

Someone care to tell me what is going on?






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Colin Flaherty

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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
blank Marlowe De Munbrun says:

I was raised in inner city San Antonio which was a blue-collar Hispanic and White neighborhood. My surname is De Munbrun, with Lopez,Hernandez and Delgado my Hispanic blood. The blacks were on east side and rarely ventured our way. My knowledge of them came when I went to federal prison on white collar and weapons charges. I speak fluent Spanish which I learned from my two Grandmas. In prison I became a high ranking member of a very violent Hispanic gang. Alone the blacks outnumbered us as did most of the gangs but we overpowered the blacks and mex cartel gangs with our extreme violence, no hesitation,loyalty to each other, unprovoked attacks and unpredictable nature. Blacks don’t handle psychological warfare well. They have no conscious nor love for each other. They join together only if their intended victims seem at all strong. Their biggest fear is losing a fight to a non black. I beat one of their soldiers one on one even though he was younger and stronger. I rubbed crushed habaneros and ghost peppers on my hands. His black brothers immediately beat him then robbed and forced him to go into p.c. All this will have to be done in the free world now. Whites fucked up by only having one or two children and by thinking that once you gave negros everything to live, without working for it, that they would become your buddies like an old Coca-Cola commercial,holding hands and singing. You will have to become a savage again if you are to survive. Luckily there’s a whole lot of Hispanics with white blood as I. We will join together as long as you fight

Very stark.

blank Marlowe De Munbrun says:

Sorry, I hope I’m wrong. Since release from prison I gained full custody of my boys 7&11 yrs. And have become a good citizen and father. My boys are dirty blond with blue and green eyes. I have green eyes from my French blood but look Hispanic. My boys will be targets. I stand ready to kill or be killed for them!

blank Mathematical certainty says:

Just another display of loud-mouthed cowardly black punks ganging up on whitey. Well whitey, until you learn how to take on three or more black Neanderthal thugs, expect to get your az beat or killed, because black punks will never face you one-on-one. Black thugs know only two tactics: attack, one whitey, in packs like wild dogs, or sneak-up and clobber an unsuspecting whitey from behind. I know, I grew up in that type of neighborhood. This is one whitey who learned, at an early age, on how to defend himself against the onslaught of one-digit IQ, knuckle-dragging black Troglodytes. For the A-holes who think that I am a racist…you get an “A+”. I prefer to consider myself as someone who has no desire to associate or accept a culture of unaccountability, irresponsibility, stupidity, violence, and the entitlement mentality.

blank 2close2detroit says:

i will bet these 2 long hair dudes are now ex liberals.

blank neal says:

Better keep your powder dry is all I can say haha.

blank taylor says:

It’s a shame. Texas has liberal CCW laws and these white guys just got an education as to why they should carry at all times. The savages should have been put down, but because these white guys didn’t exercise their right to carry, they were educated. Bet they go right out this weekend and take the class and qualify.

blank stombut says:

Let’s annihilate every last one of them!!!

blank Mark E. Hartley says:

I hate niggers that do this shit !!!! I would hunt them down and have a well deserved revenge !!

blank jim3888 says:

i can’t believe they got away with that at 6th st and IH35. that is the heart of Austin, and if it gets dangerous, there will be a lot of angry bar owners.

blank rickradio11 says:

The race war is coming. . .

blank disqus_4Jy24XjH8I says:

TNB, that’s what’s going on.

blank Jesse says:

Sadly, none of us will do anything. Animals acting like animals isn’t the problem. The african dictator being an african dictator isn’t the problem. Our complacency is the problem.

blank Jack Laurie says:

The animals are really brave when they have the numbers…like a pack of baboons

blank Thomas Smith says:

Poor old man Laurie never misses a chance for the good old racial innuendo. Must be nice to be an old do nothing conservative with all the spare time in the world to troll conservative websites and fan the fire of racial tension in America. Have you ever considered how hundreds of years of racial and systematic discrimination has lead to the very problem that now confronts us. You reap what you sow.

blank OdinsChild says:

Oh yeah and your argument isn’t the same old BS of “It’s not their fault” and “What about slavery” etc… Come on man how many murders, assaults, robberies, etc. will it take before people have to be held accountable for their own actions???

blank Marlin B. Newburn says:

Ignore little Tommy. He’s looking for a job one day at Disney World so he’s practicing up on his fantasy skills. His momma will soon call him in for supper so he’ll be offline.

blank libertarian1234 says:

He’s “offline” when he’s “online,” Marlin.

He thinks we shouldn’t criticize the rabid anti–white haters.
Instead we should concentrate on correcting the “social structure blacks engage in.”

After we get that job done, I wonder if he expects us to travel throughout the world doing the same for other countries they have emigrated to, because wherever they go they bring nothing, but crime, violence and chaos, not just here.

While were at it, I guess we should also wave our magic wand and maker them smarter too, since many of their problems stem from being intellectually challenged.

blank oldman67 says:

I don’t care what your race is but how much black history do you know? I guess is not too much.

blank Jack Laurie says:

Oh my, you poor crybaby…I didn’t realize you were 285 years old, bitter over your failed life….you should have been left in Mozambique and had a great life…I can tell you never wanted to work, just beg, cry, and steal

blank Terence Sommer says:

If conservative means pointing out obvious problems, I am on Jack Laurie’s side. Black dysfunction is massive Mr. Smith. You are a willful culprit making excuses for worthless scum. White people (and many other groups) do not behave this way. Why do blacks, where ever they may be found, do act like this. It’s the same in France, Britain, Africa, etc…. No more PC, no more tolerant sentiments. Besides, there’s a shift going on in this country. Tolerance is leaving us.

blank Thomas Smith says:

There is no doubt a troubling social problem exists within the black community. It is disappointing and heartbreaking and needs to be fixed. I think where we differ is on cause. You likely feel blacks are inherently more violent. I feel the problem is a matter of misguided culture. The social structure blacks engage in needs to be corrected. In other words, the need to embrace conservatism. Far too many black women have too many babies of absent fathers. Correct this problem and many of the social ills will resolve in a generation.

blank Terence Sommer says:

I agree. Fathers in the home will help. How do you encourage this kind of change?

blank Reverend Bacon says:

I think “resolve” is too strong a word; black dysfunction is global, and existed long before LBJ chose to accelerate it through our tax dollars. But even if you go back to the 1800’s, blacks have had over double the crime rates of whites.

That said, it sure makes sense to change of what you speak: “Far too many black women have too many babies of absent fathers.” Maybe if we’d stop paying them to do it?

blank Marlin B. Newburn says:

Oh, I see. It’s history’s fault. That clears that up. You’re in good company because 8th grade kids across the country “think” like you do.

Then again, the reaping what you’ve sown construct will one day come back to really bite you and yours – very hard.

And you’re upset because someone called the thugs for what they are? See your doctor, the local veterinarian, and tell him your meds aren’t working.

blank libertarian1234 says:

“Have you ever considered how hundreds of years of racial and systematic discrimination has lead to the very problem that now confronts us. ”


The entire world has the same problems with blacks, not just this country.

What you’re doing when you declare the same tired old excuses is loudly proclaiming that integration has been a total failure. If you had a brain you would understand that blacks fight with everybody, not just whites. They couldn’t integrate in any society.

LA County Sheriff Lee Baca said in an L.A. Times story that Southern Calif. is presently embroiled in a black/Hispanic race war…..and it involves everybody not just the gangs. Schools, jails and prisons are placed on lockdown periodically because of race riots.

There are fights around the country any place blacks and Hispanics live in close proximity to one another.

In Philadelphia and California it is blacks against Asians. Ying ma is an outspoken reporter of the black/Asian situation.

“Poor old man Laurie never misses a chance for the good old racial innuendo.”

Well, well, well, the morally superior genius shows how hateful he is when addressing people who he thinks might be an “old man.” Do you, like Oprah Winfrey, believe that all “old white people need to die?”

And incidentally, you’re too dimwitted to know that Jack Laurie made nothing close to what could be considered an “innuendo.”

He came out and flatly stated they were acting like baboons.

You must not have anything better to do than to interject your erroneous observations, based on delusions and a desire to feel morally superior.

blank Mark E. Hartley says:

Time to play Cowboys and niggers !!! Yeehaa !

blank Mark E. Hartley says:

You must be a nigger or an obama lover !

blank Thomas Smith says:

I think you are a nigger lover. Your wife fucks niggers. Your daughters fucked niggers. Maybe even you fucked niggers. Welcome to nigger America.

blank MBlanc46 says:

Is “hundreds of years of racial and systematic discrimination” the cause of all the crime and violence in Africa?

blank 2close2detroit says:

you are a bowel movement with legs.

blank Karen says:

Mr. Smith: Sorry but you are dead wrong. My black friends don’t behave like these animals and they don’t walk around with a chip on their shoulder looking for any excuse to rob, steal, rape and attack others. Who do you think sold African blacks into slavery in the first place? Other black tribes like the Ashanti but don’t let the facts get in the way of your hatred. Are you aware that whites were once slaves too? Race relations in this country have been set back 50 years largely due to hateful attitudes and comments like yours. If the races were reversed and the victim black most white people would be outraged and rightly so but when the victim is white the silence from the black community is deafening. If every other race blamed their bad behaviour on the crimes of their victims’ ancestors there wouldn’t be any people left on the planet. 50+ years of entitlements, reverse discrimination, race based scholarships and a black president and still not good enough for people like you. Sorry but the rest of us of have all learned how to get along and it’s time that you and these thugs that you defend learned how to stop playing the victim and start acting like civilized human beings.

blank impeachhim says:

Disgusting! Every community needs to rise up against these savages. My opinion…always carry.

blank Carolyn Ferrante says:

What’s going on? A bunch of Black thugs beating on a chubby White. What’s new at the zoo? This type of criminal behavior has been going on for many years. I know, because I’ve always taught in Black populated areas. The issue will never be addressed until the White population in our country organizes and loudly protests. It’s gone too far now.

blank libertarian1234 says:

“This type of criminal behavior has been going on for many years.”
It has indeed.

Thank God for Colin Flaherty, and WND for giving him an opportunity to report his findings.

More people need to be informed, however.

When the people are ready a leader will appear.

blank neilshog says:

Trouble wherever they are.

blank allen goldberg says:

As long as the AG and the President condone this behavior and embolden the black youth, this will continue. Holder refuses to even acknowledge this epidemic, and Obama actually energizes it. You tell me…When will the media actually stop behaving like democratic mouthpieces and report these horrific acts all across the country???

blank Goodforall says:

They always need the numbers-it’s never one on one.

blank laura r says:

wrong. there have been terrible crimes one to one.

blank libertarian1234 says:

The media is the greatest obstacle to spreading the truth, but, worse than that even, it is their denial, obfuscations and outright lies which actually encourage black violence.

blank WhiskeyJunkie says:

It’s ok. These are libtard hipsters that will deny this was racially motivated.
“They were just punks looking to make trouble…blah, blah, blah…race wasn’t the issue.”

There are plenty more around the nation that need a far more stern wake up call to awaken from their pop media induced hypnosis – if possible. These so called “men” should’ve watched some more Walker:Texas Ranger, and learned a thing or two about fisticuffs! Oh well…sheep will be sheep.

Meanwhile, the commissioners, owners, and stockholders (and of course the politicians) of the local sports teams are laughing themselves to the bank with the support of viewers like them! Great job Texas! The RINO’s are REALLY taking care of their constituency!

Are the Katrina victims still in Texas? LMAO!

blank Goodforall says:

So many stayed here-even out in Richmond where I live. Crime has increased substantially. Go figure.

blank Terence Sommer says:

This is just Saturday night fun for some.