Archives For 911 calls



cover new TheKnockoutGame_HighRes_05The reporter in Arizona has never heard about a race riot at a state fair or carnival. Happens a lot. As any reader of White Girl Bleed a Lot knows. This podcast is what just one sounds like.





Louisville Black Mob Violence 911 Calls: You won’t believe what you hear.

Two things to keep in mind: These calls were made as the violence happened, before Bill O’Reilly declared race had nothing to do with this riot.

Two, a few days later, black people at a community meeting said White Racism was the cause of this violence.
WDRB 41 Louisville News

If you want to get angry now, go ahead.

Or you can do something constructive:  And go to this link at my web page: How You Can Make a Difference.

Or you can do both!

Can’t wait to get these recordings on my first White Girl Bleed a Lot Podcast. Coming Soon!

White Racism Causes Louisville Riot

White Racism Causes Louisville Riot

White Racism Cause of Louisville Riot.

White Racism Cause of Louisville Riot.