New: Troll Alert — The Super-Genius William Kohler does not like …

February 12, 2014 — 11 Comments

cover2Troll Alert — William Kohler does not like …

I get my share of emails and comments from trolls. Far out numbered by the people who are happy that finally someone is talking about racial violence without racism. Without rancor.

Without apologies.

But every once in a while I think it is important to let you know the trolls are still out there.

Still pushing for ignorance.

Still pushing for silence.

Still pushing to explain black mob violence even as they deny it exists.

And besides, I could not in good conscience allow this brilliance to be hidden from the world. So …

Here’s a good example from William Kohler:

You must be so gratified at reading all of the lovely comments your article has inspired. And your failure to interpose any response to these comments is even more encouraging.
You are truly a force for good.


Kohler William J. <>


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Colin Flaherty

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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.
blank Reverend Bacon says:

Hi Colin–

Mr. Kohler is an attorney. I wonder if they taught him at his law school (“Emily Dickinson Law School” FYI) that he should follow each digression of each witness? That’s what he is doing, and he’s advocating that you should address the comments that in his mind seem racist, which are also digressions, and would be a digression for you to address them.

Perhaps he took his cues from the John Guy team (Team Trayvon), who couldn’t mount a real prosecution to save their lives, so they, too, attempted to divert attention from the main points of the trial.

It’s sad that synaptically bankrupt people such as this are so common. Your message is simple, and he doesn’t have to like it. He doesn’t even have to understand it, and I suspect he doesn’t. But he seizes on things he does understand, which include political correctness and ad hominem arguments. “Colin Flaherty is politically incorrect,” rants the shyster. “Therefore, anything he has to say has no credibility. I don’t need to actually comprehend it, or even to pay one of my better-educated or more intelligent colleagues to understand it. The fact that Flaherty, a politically incorrect writer, has said it, is ample warrant that it’s bad.” And to further “prove” the squaring of the circle, he points out that certain of your readers are beyond politically incorrect, to the point of being what he calls (without defining it) “racist.”

Once, a Catholic friend of mine lamented that the Pope was dead set against birth control, and she asked me why. “Duh,” I responded. “He wants more Catholics.”

And just as the Pope has a dog in this fight, so does Mr. Kohler. He has made his fortunes from what Paul Kersey calls “Black-Run America–” from the dysfunctional society that causes insurance premia to rise, that causes criminals to flourish, and causes tortious behavior everywhere. If there were no blacks, crime would be close to zero, employment would be high, taxes would be low, insurance premia would be lower, and there would be fewer people suing each other. BRA made him rich. Of course he wants it to continue.

Of course, that statement may be true, and it’s probably at least demonstrable if not provable. That wouldn’t stop the Mr. Kohlers of the world from labeling it “racist” so that they wouldn’t have to evaluate it on its merits.

In short, ignore those whose comments include racial slurs, and ignore the trolls like Mr. Kohler. Stick to reporting on the black menace to society.


blank libertarian1234 says:

All good points.

I just might add that people like Kohler are like George Orwell’s characters in 1984 who have been repetitiously indoctrinated with propaganda until it is part and parcel of themselves. They don’t think objectively about anything that is in contradiction to what they have been programmed to believe.

In my view it is something like a lab rat who has been conditioned to respond on cue. When Kohler’s PC bell is rung, he responds with PC dogma as he has been conditioned to do.

blank Reverend Bacon says:

Yes, he’s either purposely in cahoots with Big Brotha or he’s being manipulated by him. I tend to suspect the former, and you suspect the latter. But the results are the same, and he manifests as a classic Useful Idiot.

blank gah says:

In other words, shut up white boy, and take the beating you deserve just for being white.

blank Terence Sommer says:

Kohler, what’s your background. Do you enjoy this? What if it were reversed? Would you still be so indignant?

blank WhiskeyJunkie says:

Yes Kohler,

Colin truly is a force for good.

Stick to the toilet business Kohler, you’re great at running craptastic comments.

Not sure why Kohler does not want to post his musings here: But her is another:

I could not be any more proud than to be a troll to your musings.
But you still haven’t explained your failure to respond to all the racist posts your “articles” engender.


blank libertarian1234 says:


Yes, it is an odd thing to wonder about to you, me and millions of other people, but not to a narrow-minded bigot who has a one track mind programmed with relentless propaganda.

He’s like one of the Heaven’s Gate people who were convinced the space ship would arrive to take them to Jupiter in order to colonize it, and when it failed to show they committed mass suicide.

In fact he probably would be a sect;/cult member right now, but the PC propagandists go to him first.

blank Reverend Bacon says:

“you haven’t explained your failure to respond…”

No more than we expect him to respond to the “Eff White People” posts engendered by him and his ilk. Or the “this is for Trayvon” violent crimes caused largely by their false portrayal of TM as a saint. Or the terrorist attacks on groups simply because the SPLC denounced that group. But, unlike his lot, you simply report on facts: facts of crimes being committed, and facts of censorship being practiced by mainstream media outlets.

If one were to ascribe a modicum of intelligence to this synaptic pauper, one might translate his rantings as saying, “the facts you are reporting engender emotional responses in people with whom I disagree,” and presumably, “I think it’s best to censor those facts because the facts, and the emotional responses they engender, make me uncomfortable.”

Of course, this may be true, and may be what he would have said had he been more erudite. However, erudition does not imply relevance. Thomas Jefferson said, “There is no truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to the whole world.” Mr. Kohler may wish to be an ostrich, but it is the apex of arrogance to claim that he and his ilk know best about which truths should see the light of day.

Mr. Kohler’s allergic revulsion to the truth is truly un-American.

blank DavidSNESGAMER says:

He wants whites to keep being murdered, assaulted, and just generally frightened and emasculated by blacks.

When he sees Ray Widstrand’s skull crushed in….he smiles.

blank blight14 says:

Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt…………