Letter from a gay black dude from Texas.

April 22, 2015 — 7 Comments
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I’m sorry to bother you but I just wanted to share my testimony.

I’m a 39 yr old black guy from the U.S. south.

I grew up in a middle class/upper middle class neighborhood which was white only.  It was safe and I had 2 very loving parents.  In small towns everybody sends their kids to the same public school; rich whites, poor blacks, hispanics, middle-class etc there’s not many private schools and it’s okay because the community was 70% white anyway nobody feared anybody.

In school I was teased and sometimes threatened because I was an “oreo” or “wasn’t down”.  I know you hear a lot about blacks like that but I lived it and it had a negative effect on my development into adulthood.

The reality is that blacks have a communal way of thinking; you can’t step outside the box, all you aspirations, likes, achievements have to be for the good of the group.

If you don’t hang around other blacks prepare for the consequences and boy did I pay.  The school was overwhelmingly white but groups of blacks would hang out against the wall being loud and scoping everybody who would walk by.

Whenever I would walk by they would get even louder talking about “There he go” calling me “fag” and “oreo” simply for not being one of them and having their mind set.

I don’t even know these people.  Honestly I was scared of the impulsiveness and loudness and over-masculinity and group think.

Plus I was having extra problems independently I was still in closet and ashamed of myself, (I still kind of am but that’s another story).

Starting in jr. high kids start to cluster with their race.  I never understood that but the jeering wasn’t as bad as high school.  I don’t know what I did to deserve that I wonder where some of these people are now.

Minorities feel they have the right to patronize you if you share their color and don’t have the tact to see it makes me uncomfortable.

You can image how worse it would have been if I grew up in the inner city I don’t think I would have survived.

I’ve never done anything to anybody.  In college the jeering wasn’t as bad but it was still there I’ve been openly laughed at for my black heavy metal t-shirts or  the non-masculine way I walk or simply for not saying hi, (you’re expected to converse with those of your skin color).

Again the communal way of thinking which is why Progressives love to use black people in their ideology.  This ridicule is not only on the local black level but higher up in the media and public bureaucracy thanks to white liberal progressives.

You’re ridiculed or looked at as a pariah if you’re a minority that does not toe the ideological line.

The reality is that political correctness did not make this country great, european-based bureaucracy did.  Yes slavery was a TERRIBLE time and I’d probably hate white people if I was alive back than but I’m not.  I have a whole new set of problems.

I think it’s a privilege to have been born and raised in a great country like the U.S. but a lot of people do not see it that way.  People on the far left keep insisting that immigrants made this country great.

That is true to a point.  What would honestly happen if immigrants are continually brought in to counter-weight the native born?  Would they assimilate or would their biological structure turn America into the country they’re fleeing?  This is a valid question we’re not allowed to ask because of political correctness.

I have the balls to ask these kinds of questions because I truly see all humans as spiritually equal but that does not mean we are all physically equal.

If I was asked if I wanted a group of men or a group of women to cut down my forest I would say men.  Does that make me a misogynist?  NO it makes me a realist and in a similar fashion America has to prepare for the possibility that blacks and Hispanics cannot contribute toward the European-based bureaucracy as readily as their white counterparts; just like whites may not survive in the savannah without aid.

This is just reality and I’ve been through too much to sugar coat it and be politically correct.

One of the most unforgivable things is for the far left to double-down on their ideology at the expense of everyone else.  I notice that people who espouse unyielding communistic progressive ideology are either

1. opportunists which can be race baiters and the “disadvantaged” groups that blindly follow because it immediately benefits them in the short run, (look up Luke Visconti he is a globalist devil from hell).

2. The smug, who “feel good” about making others “feel good” and a pseudo sense of self-righteousness/intellectualism.

3. Those who are scared to stick out so they just go with the flow.

I’m both gay and black and I have respect for traditionalism because it built this country.  I don’t tell others my views because I know I will be derided by a hardcore progressive, black or white I can’t stand their ideology.

I’m not part of the gay scene in fact I’ve never been with a guy because I’ve always been ashamed of myself but that’s another story I guess I shouldn’t feel that way.

There nothing wrong in being gay in itself but there’s a hedonistic, in-your-face and predatory aspect I don’t like about it, I don’t want to be associated with that.

Sexuality is a private thing but the socialists who control public perception will have you think otherwise.  Homosexuality did not build America, straight white Christians did and if this is so terrible why does the world try to move here?

Will it still be the same if America is browned up for the sake of political correctness?  People all over the world are moving to white countries.  I understand the that they want a better life but you have to counter-act that with the good of the country itself and the natives should have a say in it or at least be heard.

Also I’m told that I’m a victim because I’m black I’m sick of hearing it.  Somebody in Oklahoma says the “N” word and I’m supposed to be up in arms.

In a similar sense if somebody says the wrong thing about gays the world is supposed to be up in arms.  The Progressives do more to divide the country than help through instigating isolated incidents.  All of these “injustices” are HUMAN issues not gay or women or minority issues.

Nobody deserves to be mistreated but no group is above criticism either.

One of the things I hate the most about white progressives is that they would deny my trauma just to hang on to their ideology.  You should see the rage a black conservative gets from a blind progressive liberal when they begin to share their point of view; it’s like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

I’m sorry I didn’t mean to rant or write such a long spiel.  I know you could care less what a lone black person in the deep south thinks but I think it’s important to share others’ points of view/experiences; a REAL concensus, not something that’s manufactured in mainstream media.

I think the whites in this country need to grow some balls and take this country back.  You do this by getting rid of political correctness, good will to those who are less fortunate even in poor communities of color, (I know that sounds paradoxal but it’s actually true), spirituality and a sense of community.

Many blessings to you,



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Colin Flaherty

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Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.